Mad Dawg, well, no. It depends on what they know.
Loftus: Are We Angry Atheists?
by leavingwt 237 Replies latest jw friends
I do not consider myself an angry atheist,I just see religion as blinding the minds of clear headed thinking people.Religion is in many ways a diease that affects of many people.I think atheist are the most logical minded people.
I do not consider myself an angry atheist,I just see religion as blinding the minds of clear headed thinking people.Religion is in many ways a diease that affects of many people.I think atheist are the most logical minded people.
Allow me to show you the dangers of seeing things only from our POV:
I do not consider myself an angry FUNDMENTALIST I just see ATHEISIM as blinding the minds of clear headed thinking people.ATHEISIM is in many ways a diease that affects of many people.I think RELIGIOUS PEOPLE are the most logical minded people.
Extreme minded arguments work from BOTH sides of the equation.
There is one difference in your scenario PSacramento. Christians are not content to believe, they must evangelize, and attempt to legislate according to thier beliefs. I doubt you've ever seen an Atheist at your door, or pushing a pamphlet on you in the grocery store.
Has anyone noticed that this thread has gone WAY off topic?
As much as I hate to repeat myself -
There is one difference in your scenario PSacramento. Christians are not content to believe, they must evangelize, and attempt to legislate according to thier beliefs. I doubt you've ever seen an Atheist at your door, or pushing a pamphlet on you in the grocery store.
I have never seen a Catholic, buddhist, hindu, muslim, etc, do that either.
Fact be it told, I have had atheisim "pushed down my throat" more in the last year ( for example) than I have had Mormonisim.
Fact be it told, I have had atheisim "pushed down my throat" more in the last year ( for example) than I have had Mormonisim.
PS, you mean radical extremist atheists with a radical extremist atheistic message like this?:
Mad Dawg
Remember folks, the picture above is not an attempt to evangelize or persuade anyone to believe anything but what they already do.
In fact, here is another calm, dispassionate statement that the Bible condones abusing women by Jeff Schweitzer on the homepage for Richard Dawkins. Remember, this is NOT an attempt to convert, deconvert, or evangelize in any manner. The author is not trying to convince you of anything.
Perhaps most striking is that slavery, incest, rape, polygamy and misogyny are fully condoned and encouraged by god. Literally. In Genesis 4:19, we are told that Jacob had two wives; Solomon was busier with 700; and this was before Viagra. In Genesis 16:2, Sarah gave permission to Abraham, her husband, to have sex with her maid, Hagar. Of course since Hagar was a maid... yada, yada, blah, blah, blah.
Why does Jeff fail to distinguish between reporting events and condoning events? I defy any of you to show me where God condones the above events. In fact, we find that there were grave consequences for the actions reported in the above paragraph. I can only think of two reasons for such a skewed view: 1) Ignorance 2) Malevolence. And you want me to take this stuff seriously?
"Remember folks, the picture above is not an attempt to evangelize or persuade anyone to believe anything but what they already do."
stupid dawkins.. using his free speech to promote discussion on religion..
If only free speech did not apply to people who were wrong! or want to use it!