Why would large masses of people choice to be the butt of jokes, to not have marriage right, to be discriminated against in any venue, to be beaten, hunted down the vice squad and even murdered. Would somone choose to walk into Hitler's gas chambers? It infuriates me. I also believe there is decent science now showing it is not choice. I recall when I was young that mothers caused it. So blame the mother. Fathers were blameless. The same with schizophrenia.
The Bible is not clear in my view. I am Christian. Therefore, Christ's statements and actions have more validity for me than some OT minor statements. Knowing what they knew thousands of years ago, it makes some sense that these unfortunate remarks are found in the OT. Jesus preached to the outcasts of his day. If he sought out tax collectors, prostitute, ritually unclean women, he probably sought out gays too. How would Christ's love ever be contingent on something genetic over which one has no control.
I lived near the Christoper Street area of Greenwich Village in NY, the East Coast center of gay culture. Knowing countless gays, I know from my depths that they are just human. Well, actually, the stereotypes concerning art and design seem to be true in most cases. When I attend church, gay members embrace each other openly. In fact, I'd rather live near a gay community which can be colorful than a dreary heterosexual one. Jesus trumps other scripture. Why do many Bibles print his words in red?
I believe that someone who could scapegoat an entire segment of humanity probably can't be converted with facts. II do believe, however, that if she had to interact with gays, she would eventually change her mind. Knowledge of real people makes it harder to stereotype.
The Bible is complex. It does not say what might seem apparent by Bible versing. I simply can't fathom how one can read of Jesus in the Gospels and believe gays are evil. When I was young, the vast majority of white people viewed themselves as superior to African-Americans on racial purity grounds. I actually believed they descened from organgatums or chimps or gorillas. Eyeballs popped if a black was not in a menial job. Very poor whites could feel superior. Now we have a black president. Laws forbid discrimination and the media was pro civil rights. I see gay rights as being on that trajectory.