Defending homosexuality as NOT a choice -

by AK - Jeff 99 Replies latest members adult

  • laverite

    Hello. I'm gay.

    I prayed every day and night for years and years from about 12 years of age to adulthood that Jehovah would change my sexual orientation. I cried myself to sleep too many times to ever count. I begged, pleaded, prayed to Jehovah on my hands and knees. Cried and cried. After many years of doing that daily, following all the rules, never acting on it, still nothing changed. Still as gay as ever. No change whatsoever.

    I wanted it to change more than anything else. And, after praying constantly for that change that never came, I begged Jehovah to just take my life while I was sleeping so that I could wake up in the New System (tm), changed in a way that would be acceptable to Him. That became the prayer day in and day out, night in and night out. Years of pure torture. More hellish than I could ever describe here. So...nothing changed...ever.

    My sexual orientation was not a choice. Period. Anyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

  • pirata

    I've had success reasoning with other JWs that sexual orientation can be genetic.

    First I cite scientific studies that indicate that sexual orientation is influenced by genetics.

    I just say that we're all imperfect, our genetics have changed after we became imperfect. That's why we have some genetic diseases.

    Similarly, orientation can be determined, or at least heavily influenced by genetic changes.

    The purpose is NOT to say that homosexuality is a disease. But they do get the point with that reasoning.

  • shamus100

    Convincing Jehovahs Wingnuts that the truth about 'da truth' is it's a big lie is more important than convincing them of the fact that homosexuality is no more someone's choice than someone's choice to have grey eyes.

  • tec

    Theists and atheists alike are prejudiced against homosexuality. Just thought I'd point that out. Now I would hazard a guess that there are more 'christians' who are prejudiced against/despise, judge and condemn homosexuality and/or homosexuals alike - because of some of what is written, and the failure to understand the rest of what is written. But those people also exist on the other side of the faith fence - so is it just that we need to find and focus on something bad about other people to feel better about ourselves?

    I don't know what you could say to the woman you're speaking with, AKJeff. You could remind her that Christ never speaks out about homosexuality - but he does speak out about looking at the speck in your brother's eye, rather than your own. You could remind her that love and mercy trump all. That it was hypocrisy and/or lack of faith that Christ was the most vocal about.

    I think as soon as someone says that it is not something you are born with, then that someone is judging something he/she has no knowledge about. I would personally be wary about that. Love alone would give the other person the benefit of the doubt, imo - because is that not what we want them to do for us?

    Also, if ever there was a test about this, I think it would be more along the lines of how others (heterosexuals) treated a homosexual person. Can we overcome with love as Christ taught... or will we continue to look to the letters of the law, in the stead of the most important commandment of love?


  • shamus100

    Fortunately, Tammy, I don't throw ever religion into one basket, scream, holler, and whine like a little girl about how religion stinks. :) Some do, and it's part of the grieving process of leaving a cult. It's sad, but eventually people grow up.

  • pirata

    Convincing Jehovahs Wingnuts that the truth about 'da truth' is it's a big lie is more important than convincing them of the fact that homosexuality is no more someone's choice than someone's choice to have grey eyes

    You gotta start somewhere!

  • shamus100

    You've gotta start somewhere else, I think. ;) They think gay people rape little boys, LOL.

  • factfinder

    No one has a choice over what desires they are born with. Homosexuals are born with desires/attraction to certain people of the same sex. I know from experience. If someone chooses to live a certain "lifestyle" that is up top them. But I was born with the feelings and desires I have as has everyone else. It is not something you choose. If being attracted to a person of the same sex is a sin then it is God's fault since he made me this way. There is nothing wrong with being homosexual anymore than there is in someone being born heterosexual.

  • wasblind


    I think it's a great thing to acknowledge who you are,

    and to continue to be truthful to yourself, what I find

    appalling is men who are on the down low causing

    pain by the lies they tell. Living in a state of denial

  • pirata
    You've gotta start somewhere else, I think. ;)

    If anything they will, hopefully, have a more compassionate view on Gays in "the truth".

    Instead of thinking "That pervert brother spent too much time looking at gay porn" they may think "he was born like that and has to fight the fine fight to control his desires"

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