Defending homosexuality as NOT a choice -

by AK - Jeff 99 Replies latest members adult

  • Farkel

    Wasn't Lot lauded in Hebrews 11 along with other Old Testament luminaries as being a wonderful guy and great example for us all?

    You know Lot. He was the guy who got drunked up, screwed his daughters, got them pregnant and didn't even get a slap on the wrist from "Jehovah", the "author" of the Bible, who HATES homosexuals!

    Then we have this:

    "Go slaughter that entire culture and that entire culture and that entire, including babies and take over their land, but don't have 15 minutes of THAT kind of sex (which harms no one and is merely enjoyable) or I will slaughter you AND your family."

    That's certainly not a book I want as MY authority and guide-book in life.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    Are they attracted to the same sex? I don't doubt it, but what happens after that is a choice.

    True. Same could be said of the desire to eat, sleep, or fart I suppose. Most human beings desire to have sex with another human being at some point in life. To condemn them because they act on that desire seems odd to me - especially if it it demonstrable that the desire is inborn, or at least a result of factors outside of personal choice.


  • truthseeker


    I don't pretend to know why these peculiarities were in the Bible - they don't make sense, that's why I always preferred the New Testament!

  • truthseeker

    Humans judge conduct, especially in a court of law, God judges hearts, something which we cannot do.

  • whereami
    In the eyes of the law, whether or not homosexuality is a choice should make no difference.
    If it is innate, discriminating against it is like discriminating against someone based on the color of their eyes or skin.
    If it is a choice, discriminating against it is like discriminating against someone based on whether they like jazz instead of classical (or whatever).

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    You know Lot. He was the guy who got drunked up, screwed his daughters, got them pregnant and didn't even get a slap on the wrist from "Jehovah", the "author" of the Bible, who HATES homosexuals!

    Ah, Lot. Among my favorite characters. I am particularly fond of the fellow for his willingness to hand his two virginal daughters over to a mad crowd of rapists to protect two angels [shouldn't angels be able to protect themselves?].

    Here is that tasty morsel of 'food from God's Table the Bible':

    Genesis 19:8;"Look, I have two daughters who have never slept with a man. Let me bring them out to you, and you can do what you like with them. But don’t do anything to these men, for they have come under the protection of my roof.”

    No wonder Jw's think they will protected by this wonderful God in times of persecution. They will just run to a house, 'two by two' as instructed by the mouthpiece of God, and demand that the householder throw his two virgins out to the pack that has come to attack them. That'll work!


  • truthseeker


    If only it were that simple, but the truth is it much more complex than deciding whether it is innate or a choice.

  • truthseeker

    AK - Jeff,

    I never understood this account either, but the Bible's theme is not centered on this one man and his exploits.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Of course, this same section of 'scripture' is used to fire the believing community into a frenzy of hatred of homosexuality isn't it? After all, gay people must be rapists like the sodomites. In fact, the blue laws against 'sodomy' are derived from this definition aren't they?

    No wonder the world is screwed up. Much of it has been modeled after this sick 'history' and 'record' of God's will.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff,
    I never understood this account either

    I don't believe I expressed any lack of 'understanding' of this account. I understand it completely. It defines homophobia, and the character of God and his 'friend' Lot.


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