Defending homosexuality as NOT a choice -

by AK - Jeff 99 Replies latest members adult

  • amicus

    Honestly...why is this even a topic?

    I'm reminded of Don Quixote tilting at windmills...are you all so disconnected from real life that you waste time debating something no one can resolve?

  • shamus100

    ** tilts hat at amicus **

    Thank you for putting it perfectly, and point taken. ** floats away from JWN, one less nitwit to inhabit this cyber hole **

  • amicus
    amicus put it another way...who fucking cares!

    Your "elected leaders are robbing you blind, poisioning you and worse hurting kids"...and you argue about sexual orientation?

    Wake up.

  • freydo

    You see, just as the article pointed out - there is an attempt to stifle discussion - either by lambasting its relevance by saying that no one should waste their time even being here( so if its of such trivial importance, why are they here?) or monkey-brained people with monkey-brained antics - on the other hand - Freydo is sharp enough to realize that people he quotes say things better than he can and is not looking for vainglory as are those who promote their own, in monkey-like fashion. Kiss the monkey - they eat their own excrement.

    The rest of the article has something that some people mind find interesting.

    Seven Things I Wish
    Pro-Gay People Would Admit

    (Honestly this forum is a lot like going to the reptile zoo - it has a bad odor so I don't stay long )

  • whereami

    Why does this forum allow homophobic posters on here?

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Amicus - in case you forgot to actually read the introduction to this thread, I f***ing care. I care because I am involved in an intellectual debate with a fellow traveler on this planet, and discussions about homophobia, while they may not rank as high as your favorite subjects, do matter to us. And apparently, the subject is interesting and important to others on this forum. This is a discussion forum, afterall. You don't get to decide what is discussed. Sorry.

    Your "elected leaders are robbing you blind, poisioning you and worse hurting kids"...and you argue about sexual orientation?

    Well, let's see you fix THAT with some discussion on JWN. All matters of discussion are relevant to some degree, in some one's mind. Most of them will not be solved, ever. Including your short list. Sorry we are not addressing your favorites at the moment. Go start a f***ing thread about them if you like!

    Guess what? When the discussion about "elected leaders are robbing you blind, poisioning you and worse hurting kids" is complete, come and tell us what progress you are making in fixing the planet, will you? Ten-thousand years after you are dead, the same problems you mention, and likely that I mention here, will still be going on. For God's sake, this is a discussion forum, not the UN.


    BTW - poisoning contains only two i's, for future reference.

  • amicus

    I hate these topics because they reveal just how blind so many nonimal Christians are.

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    Glad I'm not a Kennedy... oops, I mean a Christian.

  • amicus


    Thanks for the spell check.

    I rarely visit any forums.

    Earlier as I split wood for my stove I considered revisiting this forum.

    Honestly, I commented on a thread that you did not start. My bad, and I know I've done it before and

    may do it again. (ugh!)

  • amicus


    My take on this is that REAL Christians will be so concerned with "trying to be like Christ" that at worst they will welcome any who are so inclined.

    MY view of nominal Christians is pretty poor though to be honest...I don't judge, but one can't help but observe.

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