Defending homosexuality as NOT a choice -

by AK - Jeff 99 Replies latest members adult

  • sabastious

    The Bible's stance on Homosexuality is clear evidence of it's scientific ignorance.


  • Scully

    Given the hatred that heterosexual people have had for homosexuals over the centuries, I can't fathom anyone "choosing" homosexuality, especially when there is a death penalty attached to it.

    If anything, such a system would seem to compel a homosexual to choose heterosexuality for the sake of their own survival. In doing so, they are required to become liars: to their partner/spouse, children, friends, family and acquaintances - but mostly to themselves. That seems like a horrible choice to make.

    I had a similar conversation with a work colleague who said she wouldn't be happy about it if her child "chose to be gay". I said that I don't ever recall, in my own experience, ever sitting down and doing a pro/con type analysis between being gay and being straight, and then asked her if she did. Of course she hadn't, so I said "I really don't think anyone does that ... they just know what they are on some instinctual level."

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I think a lot of the scripture on "men lying with men" needs to be examined in their context. Why were these acts called sin?

    God gave the Israelites a command. They had to produce the Messiah. Any "spilling of seed" was considered a sin because of the potential loss of the Messiah.

    In reality God was going to place the Messiah where He wanted regardless of who was wasting their seed.

    Once the Messiah was born, the law against spilling the seed was no longer really needed. But for some reason it did carry on and I suspect it carried on simply because the law was there and no one saw the need to change it. But that is pure speculation on my part. It's hard to say somethingis a sin one day and then change it the next

    Hmmmm the WTS does that all the time. Maybe it wouldn't have been that hard to change it. Bu tthey didn't

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was going to post what Scully just said but she saved me the typing

    Thanks Scully

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    There is a video going Viral of a little boy who likes to dress as a princess, its called the princess boy. I am of the opinion that some are just born a certain way. This kid may be just expressing his ah future inclination. Reminds me of gay dudes who say they always knew they were different because when young they liked dolls and dresses as little boys rather than GI joe and tonka trucks.

    I have seen little boys who well y'no. Now I do believe that their are things that can pervert or change ones sexuality (I use the word pervert in the same sense that one can pervert another's words not the derogatory sense) thru abuse and other forces.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty


    God gave the Israelites a command. They had to produce the Messiah. Any "spilling of seed" was considered a sin because of the potential loss of the Messiah.

    Thanks! I think a lot of the old testament is lost on people today, because they do not recognize or understand this fact. The laws and commands given to the israelites were for them to promote this 'goal' and living together peaceably amongst themselves.

  • chickpea

    more and more is being researched and published on
    the fluid nature of sexuality and gender...

    lots of activity being played out beyond the gender binary....
    hetero-normative isnt all there is to human expression of
    sexual attraction or gender identity/expression....

    cant we all just learn to get along???

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    For Homosexuality not to be a choice is to invalidate the Bible since it is indeed very clear on the matter.

    Indeed. Agreed. One of many proofs of it's invalid nature. Jeff

  • PSacramento
    Unfortunately, as stated more than once here, those who have boxed themselves into believing the Bible to be the inerrant word of God are unlikely to leave it's safe-haven for an open view of the world and it's reality

    To some there is a safety to having an explict set of rules that, even if we feel they are wrong, we must keep them.

    Their whole belief system falls apart when they realize that THEY are responsible for their actions, their beliefs and their understanding of the word of God ( in whatever form they choose to accept it).

    To some, accepting that the bible is NOT inerrant means that THEY have to decide what parts to believe ( as being the wrod of God) and what parts to not believe ( as being the word of God and simply written by man) and for them that is a responsibility they do not want.

    Sometimes it is easier to ignore what can compell us to question and other times it is easier to throw the whole thing out, both requite far less effort than putting the burden of decisions on ones own shoulders.

  • truthseeker


    Let the woman have her beliefs. You may/may not convince her.

    The bible is clear about this issue.

    I believe LGBT persons should be left alone and should not be bullied.

    Are they born that way? Possibly. I have known gay people with very feminine qualities. Are they attracted to the same sex? I don't doubt it, but what happens after that is a choice.

    Christians believe these acts to be sinful because it is considered improper and unnatural in God's eyes for men and women to use their bodies in any way that is out of harmony with the functions for which God intended them.

    If you don't believe the bible or in God then that's a personal choice just as it is my personal choice to believe.

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