Bohm said I think its a fairly settled question human activity is causing the globe to warm, and this will lead to some sea-level rise and other bad stuff. how bad? i dont know. i dont think we will do anything to stop it so i just hope it wont be to bad.
Bohm, I don't think that it is settled by a long shot. There have been many ice ages and warming periods in the history of our planet. Before man, before machines, before electricity. A huge part of North America was once covered by glaciers. They have receeded over centuries because of warming. this isn't sudden and didn't just start in the past half century. SUVs didn't cause it. Power plants did not cause it. You should read Lindzen's work. He doesn't deny that the earth is going through a warming cycle. The earth goes through cycles of many kinds...natural cycles. What he doesn't go along with is the hype and hysteria and the doomsday message. There are a lot of people who stand to make a lot of money because of this issue, and politicians are using it for their own advantage... not ours. Characters like Al Gore do everyone a disservice... even those on his side of the aisle.
Think about this... do meteorologists always get their forcasts right? They have messed up pretty badly in my area lately. It is far from an exact science. So if scientists can't always get it right in the very short term...what makes you think they have it right in the long term..and that it is settled?
You might find this interesting. This link is to a document by the CIA compiled in 1974 that is entitled "A Study of Climatological Research as it Pertains to Intelligence Problems" You might find it interesting because it talks about climate change...specifically it relates to National security. If you read it you will see that the numerous scientists they consulted were in agreement that a drastic cooling cycle had already started. It is evidence that scientists did indeed talk extensively about global cooling, contrary to what you have been taught.
The quality isn't too good... it was copied from micro-fiche...
You also said this...not true. my university has a scientist the global-warming deniers like to quote for hire.
You prove my point here.... you can't reference a scientist who disagrees with the status quo without disparaging him. It's a mindset.. and not an open mindset. You are discrediting what he says because he has a different opinion. Do you not think that scientists are paid for their work or for their seminars? Do you say that scientists who agree with the status quo are quoted for hire? Many are quoted, you know. Do you think that only scientists who agree with the status quo should get paid? Your bias is showing here.
When it comes to climate change, (or nuclear holocaust, for that matter) it is not the survival of the earth, as you suggest, that is in question. It is the habitability of the earth by humans that is the question - how many, where, and what quality of life will they experience.
Do you think we can control the daily weather or the overall climate? How do you propose we do that? If man has so much negative effect on the climate of the earth...then that means we must have the ability to control that effect, right? In other words, man has changed the climate... so we have the ability to change it back. What if we wanted the earth's temperature to go up... could we all just drive more and turn on all of the lights in our houses and leave them on all the time... do you think that would work? Really? How long do you think it would take to make the earths temperature rise 1 degree?
When I said that the earth has survived these things... it is obvious that people have as well. We have learned to adapt to heat and cold. The earth undergoes many cycles. In other words, the earth warms and then it cools and then it warms and then it cools.... cycles...the earth always correcting itself equilibruim, if you will. Do you really expect the earth to have a constant temperature? There have always been fluctuations in temperature... in fact there have been periods when the earths temperature has been higher than it is now... and there have been times when the CO2 levels have been higher than they are now.... We have to adapt to the earth...not the other way around....unless you have a better solution? We can't keep volcanos from erupting. We can't stop earthquakes from happening... We can't stop the rain or the snow... (believe me I wish I could stop the snow right about now!) Life on earth can be harsh it has always been so... but compared to our ancestors, we have it pretty good. Getting stressed and worried about it doesn't change a thing. Getting mad at eachother doesn't change anything either.
I'm not just concerned about our planet, by the way. I have 5 grandchildren who I want to grow up and have children and grandchildren of their own. I'm concerned about their futures... but there are things I am more concerned about than global warming in their future.