Thank you Poppers! You are helping me shed my ignorance.!
Stupid not just once but twice, and it is praised
by therevealer 90 Replies latest jw friends
cult classic
So a good JW must turn down an education (free or otherwise) and when they are "blessed" with a lucrative job offer, they must refuse that as well.
What a shame. And a scam.
The president of ethiopia doen'st make that much! I don't think that countries entire GNP is that much! lol
How about this, the girls TAKES that job and then pays for 100 of her fellow witnoids to pioneer! WTF right? Average pay is 30 so if she's making 3000 she can pay for 100 people to freeload and pioneer...
This story is RETARDED, there are NO jobs over there that pay the equivalent of 40k a year NONE
there are NO jobs over there that pay the equivalent of 40k a year NONE
well of course there are.
I just thought it was stupid. Now I see it is probably bullshit as well.
I hate with a passion, JW literature and their anecdotal evidence.
"Steve (names are changed), from the US..."
Who is "Steve"? Can I call him and verify this story? Is this example like an exercise device infomercial - "results not typical"? Have some very important details been left out? Have some particulars been exaggerated into 'tall tale' proportions? Is the whole story actually just some allegorical fable?
At least back in the day JW literature was written by people who signed their writings. Examples were about real people with real names; even pictures. The only people pictured anymore are concentration camp survivors who are now dead (or anonymous Bethelites). In recent decades, the WTS expects all to have such faith in what they say, their writings transcend verification and accountability. Either that, or they've become such utter BS that every precaution must be taken so that the sources can't be questioned, assuming any actual source even exists.
wha happened?
Currency in Ethiopia
Ethiopia Currency Exchange Rate
What is the unit of money in Ethiopia?
Currency in Ethiopia: birr (ETB)
Exchange rate of birr to other major currencies
This was on a website I looked up to convert the wages in Etheopia. One thing I noticed was that Euro's are not the unit of money in Ethiopia. I also found that the lowest paid unskilled govt worker makes the equivilent of about 80 cents a day. Which just tells me this story is just fiction.
Once faith is put in wts as God's channel of communication these assholes can tell jws anything they want. Jws are taught from the start not to question wts and always to trust and defend each other. Since most of wts writing is fiction anyways, what's the harm in adding a fictitious story about a girl being offered a "million dollar" job? I wonder if the Ethiopian edition also has the same story printed. I guess the Koolaid edition wouldn't be questioned but the public edition might sound too far fetched.
After all, if "Jehovah and Jesus trust GB" who are we to question this article?
A friend's daughter spent a few weeks in Ethiopia a couple of years ago doing charity work. She said the poverty was overwhelming and nobody she met had enough money to even feed themselves properly, let alone get a decent education.
For an Ethiopian girl to have been given such a brilliant education, then be offered such a well salaried job on leaving school is frankly ludicrous.
Just a follow up. I came to the average wage by doing a GDP search on Ethiopia and converting International Dollars( all African county's were set in ID for ease) to Euros.