And that is the doggone truth.
by therevealer 90 Replies latest jw friends
And that is the doggone truth.
One more thing about writing department putting total BS in the magz. Their shit is supposedly reviewed by the almighty GB, so... they are either total morons who don't question what is written by their slaves or they give it thumbs up knowing these stories are fables.
It is trully amazing the size of the balls the WT has after the 1960's no need for education the end is near fiasco.
Now they create these little stories to say the same thing and let the reader read between the lines.
No shame!
diamondiiz - Yes and we must remember that review by the gb is under the direction of jah's mighty holy spirit. Maybe it would be better if that holy spirit were a third "person" after all.
FROM WIKIPEDIA: some government institutions and public enterprises set their own minimum wages: public sector employees, the largest group of wage earners, earned a monthly minimum wage of 320 birr; employees in the banking and insurance sector had a minimum monthly wage of 336 birr | &0000000000000902000000 | &00000000000000950000 |
My two cents.
I just wondered how the magazines would be received in the developing world. PEOPLE THERE KNOW FOR A FACT THAT NO PERSON WITH "BASIC" EDUCATION WOULD RECEIVE SUCH AN OFFER. What does "basic" mean here? Primary school? High-school? Many a Ph.D. won't earn that much anyways!
Scholarships are common in the developed world, but they are not that common in the developing world. For obvious reasons, they tend to stay in the same hands all the time. Free studies and a free move to a better country.
The magazine is of course translated into many languages, among them French and Portuguese. Go tell Mozambiqueans that a girl with "basic" education was offered a job that paid her "more than four thousand dollars". Yep. The Portuguese version has dollars, not euros.
"Pouco depois, ela recebeu uma proposta de trabalho que lhe renderia o equivalente a mais de 4 mil dólares por mês - muito dinheiro em comparaçâo com o salário médio no seu pais."
I am truly, truly hoping that someone in the Writing Department is reading this, and I am hoping that the magazines are already on their way to the developing world, where more than one witness, I hope, will know that the story is patently false. Perhaps this will be an eye opener.
Total Bollox!!!!!!!!!!!
What do you expect from an uneducated GB/FBS.They should get an education so they know how the world functions.
I ~HATE~ stories like that from the platform! There was a sister interviewed at our Special ASS Day last year who turned down a full ride at Harvard to pioneer. FACEPALM.
Me again. I am shocked to think that most likely many a promising smart young person in the developing world will give up the sole way to lift himself or herself out of the most abject poverty over the lies of some damned bastards in Brooklyn.
And then I think what this young person will feel years from now, when his or her youth will be wasted.
Some things about the Watchtower do get you. This is one.