Stupid not just once but twice, and it is praised

by therevealer 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • dgp

    Well, let us look at this:

    Ethiopia Scales up Civil Servant Salary



    In a bid to minimize the negative impact of high inflation, the Ethiopian government this week increased civil servants’ salary from 35 – 39 percent raising the minimum civil servant salary to 444 birr (around 26 US dollars at the prevailing exchange rates) from 320 birr.

    According to Juneydin Sado, Minister of Civil Service who briefed media this week in his office, the salary scale of civil servants who used to earn below 600 birr (around 36 US dollars at the prevailing exchange rates) monthly will benefit more by the salary adjustment.

    In addition to the 39 percent increment, their salary scale will be levered one step. Hence, the minimum salary of a civil servant in Ethiopia will be 444 birr, according to Juneydin.

    Civil servants salary at the higher position, which used to start from 3,152 birr (around 187 US dollars at the prevailing exchange rates) will now increase by 38 percent and reach 4,343 birr (around 257 US dollars at the prevailing exchange rates). This will be increasable up to 6,460 birr (around 382 US dollars at the prevailing exchange rates), according to the minister.

    Ethiopia, which has been spending 15 billion 700 million birr (around 929 million US dollars at the prevailing exchange rates) per annum for a total of 1,017,351 civil servants in the country, will spend additional 4 billion 76 million birr (around 282 million US dollars at the prevailing exchange rates) as a result of the salary increment.

  • therevealer

    strymeckirules - Sorry but that makes no sense at all. If what you say made sense then by extension they could say anything they wished. Like for example they could say that a generation is not just a group of people living contemporaneously but actually overlapping groups of such. They could say that since the the bible says when slaughtering animals the blood should be poured out it means that blood transfusions are not allowed for christians, Hell they could say any stupid thing they wanted too,

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    LOL @ therevealer

  • Pubsinger

    What gets me about this is the totally crazy perspective they have which makes them think that this is an experience to be highlighted.

    The rest of 'the world' would think it was either crazy or despicable.

    Recently I heard an almost identical account from the totally opposite perspective. A young African woman was on a platform, in front of a large gathering of church people. The interview with her was included in an item on some church missionary work in Africa. The girl was one of their success stories. She had become attached to the mission project (a water project I think) attended the school that they had set up for the locals, shown great promise in her education, been flown out to the UK where she had gone through university and now was going back to her country where she was going to continue the work that she had benefitted from.

    THAT seemed to be something worth praising.

    It also seemed to have a point.

  • joeblow

    I've been to Ethiopia a few times. Spent some time in Addis Abiba. It's a stunningly beautiful country (and really worth visiting if anyone has a chance... go to Lalibela and visit the churches carved into the rock) - and there no way at all... that an uneducated local (Ethiopian) would be ever offered a job paying 3000 Eur per month. None. Zero. There are people in Ethiopia earning that kind of money - almost all foreigners (with PhDs) working for NGOs.

  • lovelylil

    The Witnesses need to wake up and start checking the "facts" in these magazines, which of course most die-hard JW's will not do. Its unfortunate though, would save them years of slavery. The magazines are nothing but propaganda used to brainwash the masses. Peace, Lilly

  • sir82

    My best guess is that the WT writer was just lazy, or sloppy, or both.

    I would guess that the "job offer" was for the girl to leave Ethiopia and accept a job in the European Union. A wage of 3000 Euros per month is either pretty good or at least average, depending on which particular country the job was in.

    I further guess the "sacrifice" was that the girl could have left Ethiopia and taken the job, and sent a few hundred Euros back to her parents each month, lifting them out of poverty as well.

    As written, the story is needlessly confusing. As 4 pages of posts on this thread testify to.

    Assuming the story is true at all.

    And as others have noted: We'll see how "proud" her parents are in 20 years, as they sink farther into poverty and squalor and their dear daughter who is earning 40 cents a day scrubbing toilets is unable to do anthing about it.

  • Mary

    And as others have noted: We'll see how "proud" her parents are in 20 years, as they sink farther into poverty and squalor

    That's if they're even still alive, since the average life expectancy in Ethiopia is around 55 years. If they're already old enough to have a daughter who's out of high school, they'll be lucky if they've got 10 years left in this wicked System of Things:

  • lovelylil

    Apparently this article was written by one of the uneducated WT slaves who doesn't have enough education to even understand the currency exchange rates in other countries. My kids who are in High School knew that they don't use eruos in Ethiopia. They commented on this when I read this thread to my hubby.

    Someone made a good point which is how would the Witnesses in developing countries react to this hogwash? They have to know immediately it is bunk. Lilly

  • Desilusionnee

    Let me laugh!!!!

    Hubby is engineer and head of quality management and that's his monthly net wage!!! I think we live in the wrong country! Let's all move to Ethiopia!

    Although he still believes it's the truth he told me this morning they are making a fool of themselves when they write such a crap!!!! I think this thread will help him open his eyes a little bit wider


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