Stupid not just once but twice, and it is praised

by therevealer 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    I thought The Watchtower's writer check first before publishing a "fact" in their magazines?

    I mean, if they have to double check the statement that a giant spider web will stop a jumbo jet before publishing it, wouldn't The Watchtower s;dp double check first if the girl really did recieve an offer of 3,000 euros a month before putting into print?

    But how would they check that? They couldn't!

    They went ahead and published the story!

    The Watchtower magazine is like The Weekly World News tabloid that used to displayed in the supermarket checkout lanes.

    Both magazines contain lots of stories and claims that could never be checked and verified.

  • Mary
    I checked their Amharic wt edition and it has 67000 in brackets

    And when you compare that to the conversion rate I quoted, I think this is further proof that this was no unintentional error on the part of the Writing Committee.

  • punkofnice

    More junk from the washtowel's fiction department.

    This young lady only exists in cult dreamaland. Her parents are only alive in happy happy JW imagination land.

    More cult propoganda from the anti-Christ pyramid business!

  • miseryloveselders

    They count on the rank and file's ignorance.

    People aren't offered scholarships. You have to apply for them and you might or might not be awarded one. You MIGHT be offered an application for a scholarship, as in, "here, you ought to fill out this application for a scholarship." Nobody is offered a full ride to Harvard or anywhere else UNLESS they are both brilliant AND they applied for it. So anyone who claims they were offered a full scholarship should be asked: "why did you apply for a college scholarship instead of putting your faith in Jehovah?"

    I didn't know this, I never knew this. I didn't even take my SAT's when in high school as being a born-in JW, I already knew college was viewed more negatively than pornography. But I never gave it any thought before that for a scholarship, one has to actually apply for it. I never knew that. Wow.

    They really are some lying, unscruplous snakes up in the Writing Department aren't they? Wow.

  • chase

    yeah, i know her. i saw her on tv. something about sending money to starving africans. she was the one with a fly nesting on her eye.

  • rocketman

    Let's just say, absurd as it seems, that this story is true. What does it do? It does nothing but set up another generation of jw youths for failure. Where are all the jws who, in the past, did the same thing - turned down a good opportunity in order to pioneer? How many of them are at or near retirement with nothing saved? How many are having health issues and can actually afford health insurance? How many can do anything to help someone else financially? - They can't even take care of themselves and have already lived the majority of their lives dependent on others for help.

    I know this because I've seen it in my own family. Relatives who are aging and have no real way to retire and will work until they die or are too old to enjoy life. Relatives who lost a spouse and can barely fend for themselves, often needing help. It's sad. They gave their best to the WTS in the 1960s and 70s and the decades beyond, and now have virtually nothing.

  • LongHairGal


    Like you, I also despise the JWs contrived, unbelievable stories.

    I especially hated the stories about people who supposedly swam across crocodile infested rivers, hacked their way through a jungle or climbed over a mountain to attend their meetings. Not only don't I believe these stories, but the religion fails to mention that these people don't hold 9 to 5 jobs and don't have to pay insurance, mortgages, etc. They grow a few crops and barter in the marketplace somewhere and their lives are not the same as people in the western world. The religion hides these facts to deceive naive people in the western world into wasting their precious time doing free work for the religion.

    But, the stories about people who supposedly turn down education and well-paying jobs in order to knock on doors are the most damaging of all - especially to people in the western world who cannot live a simple life.

  • pontoon

    Reminds me of a a presiding overseer, full time pioneer window washer brother that used to be in my cong. He would often say if it wasn't for the truth he would be making high six figure salary. Mind you, he went from HS to pioneering to Wat Farm, married, was not accepted back to the farm. Know idea what inflated his ego. Six figures---only in his dreams. He finally moved away, story was he and wife had to care for family member. Real story was he and wife were suppose to inherit that family member's home and property. Heard it all never worked out. Moral of the story---you can say anything you want, talk is cheap, and being a JW you don't have to prove it or back up cheap talk because the ministry comes first. It is irresponsibility to personal growth.

  • DesirousOfChange

    Most reading this in the pages of the WT will not even catch the obvious error because they are not reading with the critical eye. I wonder if someone still in were to mention this fact to anyone in high places, could it become known that the most likely source for them to discover this blatant error was from this website.

    "Oh really, Bro Skeptic? And just who or what brought this error to your attention? We know you don't read the WT from the fact that it is never highlighted during the WT study. So how is it that you discovered this anomoly?"

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I suppose if you're going to write a fictionous story, you should base it in some war-torn, impoverished area of the world where it would be damn near impossible for anyone to verify any details. That's Watchtower Writing Department 101, folks.

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