Stupid not just once but twice, and it is praised

by therevealer 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • cyberjesus

    It was a typo, they meant "Utopia"

  • therevealer

    LOL - yup Utopia makes more sense. where else ya gonna make the equivalent of 4,000 a month us right out of school.

  • ambersun
    I especially hated the stories about people who supposedly swam across crocodile infested rivers, hacked their way through a jungle or climbed over a mountain to attend their meetings.

    That brings back some memories lol. Don't forget the one about the man braving bandits to get to the meetings knowing he would be murdered if caught. They did catch him in fact, but the bandits were so impressed with his faith that they let him go. Yeah, right . Then there was the crippled elderly sister who crawled for miles to the meeting on her hands and knees rather than miss it when there was nobody available to take her. Who on earth was this martyr to the faith? Possibly this Ethiopian girl's grandmother?

  • pontoon

    Ambersun, those type of experiences used to make me nuts. Then I figured in the 3rd & 4th world countries where those experiences always seemed to be, the KH was the only place that had a real toilet, and when you have to go, you have to go.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    I'd assume the real facts on this "experience" were that the girl received a $50 coupon for University of Phoenix as the circumstances where "she was offered a scholarship for further education". And a few days later she was offered $5 for sex. After doing the math of how much she might make as a prostitute, they calculated, "a job offer that would pay her 3,000 euros a month-a high amount in comparison with the average wages in her country." Considering a possible circumstance like this, "She did not need to consult her parents to turn down the job. How did her parents
    feel on learning what their daughter had done? Why, they rejoiced with her and told her how proud they were of her!"

    That's my take on reading between the lies of the lines. Many experiences are made "interesting and encouraging" by eliminating important details. No details about the scholarship or school. No details about the job, the actual duration or security of employment. These details would be #1 if we were offered something like this. But these are avoided in this example. It's Propaganda 101.

    Does the article actually say that she was, or had started pioneering since then? That detail is often avoided when they say "pioneering is their goal", when that really isn't something that they have worked toward, or may only do for a token year (not making their time and dropping off the list).

  • dgp

    Maybe the job was selling drugs? That pays very well.

  • ambersun

    lol at pontoon

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    All other nonsense aside, the last sentence should read:

    "Why!?!?!?!?, they stoned her to death and told her how disappointed they were of her!"

  • strymeckirules

    i'm not defending the watchtower so don't flame me. watchtower=devil.

    Consider the example of a teenage girl in the
    country of Ethiopia.

    examples are not experiances. examples CAN be fictious.

    they don't give names. they don't say it's a true story. they don't deny they made it up.

    it's clearly worded.

    devils in the details they say. they are right.

  • strymeckirules

    so suddenly this becomes a great way to show jdubs the manipulation in the mags.

    the impossible salary, the unlikelyness of the story and the manipulative "example" instead of a real life story with proof.


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