In this forum I describe myself with the word the witnesses would reserve for me: worldly. I know it's meant to be offensive, but I don't care. I use it for the value it has in "Dubbish", as YKnot called it. Either you who are out, or those lurking, or those in, already know who I am, and I trust that most of the people reading this will understand that, while I am far from perfect, I don't exactly fit the description "worldly" is supposed to convey.
I do see the point that some people try to make. It's perhaps more important to help other exit that to use terms such as the one used to start this thread. But I don't think that is all that matters. What about those who feel that they were duped? Do they have a right to use words to speak their mind?
I don't know about others, but for as long as the Society thinks it's OK to use "worldly" to describe billions of people of different morals, I think they have lost their right to demand that others do not call them names. For as long as they think they can call the Catholic Church "the Harlot", which is a term most of my relatives would find extremely offensive, I think I can use "Kingdumb Hell" for the place they use for their meetings. I was born long after they started using "worldly" to describe me, and in their minds I deserved that word when I was, say, two days old.
By the way, my sister told me "Your breath stinks", I could took that to be fair warning if I were going to an elegant meeting with such a foul breath.