Your problem is that you believe what the strangers (wts corporation) told you without researching the facts yourself. You can believe in unicorns and tooth fairies but that won't make them any more real. Sit down, research the facts. Compare the real facts with what wts tells you and decide who is lying to you. Is it the world or wts. Ask a lot of questions and don't be afraid to ask even if it may sound stupid. There can only be one outcome. Truth will stand on it's own and won't need to be twisted as some do to make it fit into their ideology. Start with Russell and reason on what he taught and how the teachings have evolved to what they are today and ask yourself why wts did this at the time they did and don't simply assume because the light gets brighter. If you use the brain you have, I'm sure you will come to the right conclusion. RESEARCH!!! After you do a thorough research and you still believe wts is for you and you want to go through the hoops to get back in, then at least you will gain knowledge of the wts history and your decision to go back will be based on informed decision not based on a belief system that was passed down to you. If you think your mother was fanatical, what makes you think your present belief isn't fanatical if you're not willing to research the watchtower with an open mind? By thoroughly researching you and your husband will do yourselves a great favor which will also benefit your child as it grows older.
consider this example:
concerning Russell and 1914. 1914 was to be the end of last days and not the beginning. To come up with 1914 he believed that Jesus returned in 1874 therefore.
1874(based on 6000years of human existence)+40(harvest time)=1914
1878(early in the year of Jesus taking power) + 36.5 (corresponding to time between death of Jesus and destruction of Jerusalem) =1914(october)
Pyramid of Giza passage measurements indicated that 1914 would be the end of gentile times, conclusion of the system.
536(first year of Cyrus)+70(years of Jerusalem in captivity)+2520(7times) =1914 (end of gentile times)
537(second year of Cyrus)+70(years of Jerusalem in captivity)+2520(7 times) = 1914
Back in Russell's day no one believed Jerusalem was destroyed in 606BC!!! Today there is a lot of evidence that proves Jerusalem was destroyed in 587BC. Based on what did wts decide that it was in Cyrus' second year that 70 years have ended while Russell taught it was in the first year of Cyrus? How come when they moved 100 years to 1975 for human existence they didn't move Jesus return to 1975 but moved it to 1914? Ask questions and reason why they did the things they did and you will see that 1914 had a war so that was their best bet to keep 1914 as a pivotal date and attach their date calculations to that.
Just on this topic of dates alone you will see wts is deceiving it's members as to Jesus' return.