deservingone26 . . . respectfully my young friend . . . the reasons you left the JW's (or were kicked out for) were exeedingly poor ones . . .
I really thought I was missing out though by not being able to celebrate holidays not being able to choose who i associated with. and not being able to do things like play violent video games or watch R rated movies.
Equally . . . your reasons for wanting to return are even worse
i have never actually looked into full detail of any other argument
I have learned that you have to love yourself and put yourself first before others because 90% percent of the time thats what everyone else doing. I feel like this step is best for me because i do believe in god.
My whole family from my mom, dad, sister, aunts uncles cousins grandma they are all witnesses and I am really fighting to be out for what?
Why don't you begin by simply evaluating this religion objectively using every source of information available to you and MAKE UP YOUR MIND IF IT REALLY IS THE TRUTH?
Making decisions based only on who you want to be friends with and how cruisy your life might be in doing it, is just childish self-indulgence . . . not wise decision making. You need to grow up and man up . . . start using your brain for goodness sake.
If you want to behave like a child . . . you will always be treated like one.