Why don't you begin by simply evaluating this religion objectively using every source of information available to you and MAKE UP YOUR MIND IF IT REALLY IS THE TRUTH?
the other side of my story and why im going back
by deservingone26 89 Replies latest jw friends
no what sizemik did was break down everything that i said in my post and if youd like i would definetly break down into much greater detail why i left and why i am going back but then the post would have been much longer i wrote this to see if anyone else related to me and if not why not?, not to tell me i am stupid for what i posted. to me that is pointless because i am going to believe what i believe until someone can show me otherwise.
i have evaluated this religion and obviously it sounds like you have as well have anything to share sizemik? i have posted my reasoning as childish as they sound to you but i have not seen yours! you dont have to if u dont want to that up to you but usually when people say your wrong most of the time they have something to add to it! i feel like you telling me i am wrong and having nothing to back it up with is childish but that just my opinion
Deserving one - it ain't the truth, it's a crock steaming smelly crap!
If you go back and support it financially I'm afraid your sins will be unforgivable!!
Seriously, going back to maintain family ties is understandable, but you surely must know that JWdom is just a cult, so take from it what you can, but give nothing back. Why help to provide the WT lawyers and GB a rock n roll lifestyle?
deservingone26 . . . my apologies for calling you childish . . . the more appropriate word was child-like.
I have never called you stupid and neither do I think you are . . . otherwise I would not have encouraged you to USE YOUR BRAIN.
I have offered you some advice twice now but will post it again . . .
Why don't you begin by simply evaluating this religion objectively using every source of information available to you and MAKE UP YOUR MIND IF IT REALLY IS THE TRUTH?
I posted because I am anxious for you . . . not to condemn you . . . but I believe the points I made are valid.
If it appeared as if I was ticking you off a bit, I can't apologise for that . . . because I still feel you need to bring a greater degree of maturity into your decision making . . . I'm sorry if that hurts . . . but please . . . try and take it on board.
Incidentally . . . I have posted to you many times as Murray Smith . . . go back and look if you like . . . I have felt the need to change my status for valid personal reasons . . . but there you are . . . I've told you first.
You can have a rewarding fulfilling life . . . or one of troubles . . . look for what you can use from here and don't be too quick to take offense.
Luvonyall - MS
Don't take this the wrong way, but I agree with sizemik. Your reasons to leave the JWs were all the wrong ones, and you did not find the strength within you to fight the conditioning imposed by the religion. In your "away" time you did exactly what was expected of you - as a "worldly" you drank, had sex, generally lead a life of debauchery.
However this is not always the case. Many here have found the true reason to leave the religion: because it's not the "Truth". As soon as you realise that, you have the power to fight against the preconceptions, that when you're outside the JWs you have to be a big sinner.
I have looked twice over your reasons for going back. I have not found anything in there that you need to be a JW to do. Are you entirely convinced that the JWs have the "Truth" about God? Are you willing to put it under scrutiny to test that assumption? (Acts 17:11)
Edit: never mind, I'm very slow today it seems, by the time I wrote these few words, you wrote a lot of new stuff. Anyway... I just let my post stand here now :)
i reread over your post sizemik and i read it wrong the first time i see what your saying but please see where im coming from if i went up to a mormon and said hey u really need to do some deep thinking as to why you believe your religion is right i think you got it all wrong. what do u think would be their response? well why do u feel this way what doctrine of mine do u feel is wrong? if i were to call out someone i need to back my side up. that is why i posted make a list of how being a jw really gets in the way of living your life to the fullest so far no one has posted a list everyone is just attacking my post and like i said it is more deep then just what i wrote i even mentioned the fact that i wrote it as quick as possible
im bout to go to sleep im typing now from my phone in bed but thanks guys for posting i appreciate it and i am open to hear all opinions i will be on later tomor
Your post sounded as if it came straight out of a watchtower you could have changed your name to Andre and slipped straight in with only minor modifications.
If your family supports college and is willing to help you financially why wouldn't you go back after all you will get freedom to associate with the family and none of the downsides. You have partied hard and are now bored with the hedonistic lifestyle. You say you love god and that is a prime motivator for you. I can understand all of that.
I appreciate that this was an abridged account but it is lacking something and the facts as stated don't hang together.
I walked away from the religion for the sake of my children and to give them better choices. I came to realise that anyone who is not a member of the faithful and discreet slave has no real purpose and is pushed further away from God and Jesus, the new testament was not really written for them and they can only demonstrate faith by works. Salvation depends on works and obedience. It is a religion that encourages criticism of others and does real damage to peoples mental well being. You cannot see it perhaps a few years in the grinder will help you to gain proper perspective.
Broken Promises
I'm curious, do you want to be a Jehovah's Witness purely because it's the only religion that God is using?
Have you seen undoubtable examples of the WTS being God's sole mouthpiece?
Have you examined every single other religion to determine if they are being used by God? If not, why not?
Have you examined the history of the JWs? Have you read "Crisis of Conscience" by Ray Franz?
I'm not going to tell you what you should do. Whatever you do is your choice and has absolutely no bearing on me, so I don't care if you ultimately decide to be a JW or not. But if you go back to the JWs without being able to answer the above questions, then you are doing yourself a disservice.