I had to make sure when I first left that I was not just being selfish. I wanted freedom from there rules. Being raise in it is hard to get that concept ironed out. I was told my whole life anyone that leaves is either imoral or just selfish. I'm not either I just learned that the "truth" is a cult and more hurtfull then helpfull. That is a dicision that is personal and only you can make it for yourself. Either Way may God bless you!
the other side of my story and why im going back
by deservingone26 89 Replies latest jw friends
@deservingone26 = My whole family from my mom, dad, sister, aunts uncles cousins grandma they are all witnesses
Is this the biggest part of it? Tie to family and friends?
I wasn't sure what you really meant by = I have learned that you have to love yourself and put yourself first before others because 90% percent of the time thats what everyone else doing.
This doesn't seem to be a true watchtower ruling.
It worries me that at some stage the iron cogwheels of the watchtower will run over you and spit you out as mincemeat.
Anyway all I'll say is = Each to their own. I don't judge you for your desicion as long as you won't judge me for mine sweetie! Promise?
Mad Sweeney
Through out my life of 24 years
Now that I am older I dont see life like i use to
Sorry but WTF?!? 24 is older than what? Older than when you were 23? I know that in comparison to 10 years ago you must feel like you know a lot more but honestly you don't know jack at 24. I didn't. Nobody does.
Jesus Christ himself didn't make a commitment until he was 30. What's your hurry?
Sargeant Pepper
You left for different reasons than myself.
At the time I didn't have a problem with the rules and restrictions, they seemed a small price to pay for eternal life in paradise.
I left when I realised that the whole setup and its doctrines were a load of crap. The moral code has for the most part stayed with me, ok I may be stretching this point a little but my life hasn't decended into debauchery.
If your only reason for leaving was to have a 'good time' then I can see why you are now ready to go back. This time though try to look at their teachings a little more objectively.
you don't know jack at 24. I didn't. Nobody does.
Yeah, the kid is an old man of 24. I thought it was funny too.
Hey josie,
wasn't there some kind of report that says your brain fully functions at 25 ??
i could be mistaken but I thought I heard it on TV.
Hm, I've read somewhere that the brain is still growing in the 20's and not fully mature until the 30's. I have to look that up.
What I've found so far:
Brain researchers are increasingly confirming what auto-insurance actuaries have long known - the powers of decision-making, especially under stress, don't fully mature in most people until they are in their mid-20s. http://www.abqtrib.com/news/2007/mar/30/brain-doesnt-mature-until-20s-experts-say/
I take "most" to mean there are some who take a little longer to mature.
Thanks Josie, I'm tryin' to fry me some pork chops to go along with some hot biscuits and preserves
If this site wasn't so addictive I would try and do one thing at a time
Edit: Wuz does not make her own bisuits I get em nice and hot from the breakfast shop
I can happily go with he might go to the rare hall where the meeting starts at 7 (not where your family arrives there). I mean out of the 14 or so congregations attended and hundreds more I visited, I never saw it, but I can accept that it did. I mean, it's rare, but possible.If those congregations do meet at 7 (which would be REALLY rare, more rare than meeting on Sturdays, which I have done, but DO is sure I don't know that people meet on different days, even), then it would be strange given that a congregation would choose that given that many have a commute home, children, homework, dinner, etc., to prepare BEFORE meeting and still need time to dress and commute to meeting.
It's also possible the deserving one knows brother dan as he claims and they both live in the Phoenix area.
It's also possible his JW parents were going to give him a brand new car and send him to college.
He says he doesn't want to bring people down yet, in every post, finds subtle ways to give backhanded compliments or ask insulting questions he later has to apologize for.
Thanks Josie, I'm tryin' to fry me some pork chops to go along with some hot biscuits and preserves
Omg, I want some!!!