the other side of my story and why im going back

by deservingone26 89 Replies latest jw friends

  • sizemik

    Deservingone26 . . . I guess by now it must be morning in your part of the world . . . Good Morning to you.

    Please don't think I don't sympathise . . . I spent over 25 years a JW and raised three sons who are now young adults like yourself

    You mentioned how it might feel for someone . . . a mormon I think . . . if his beliefs were challenged. Now . . . you came onto this site and posed your questions . . . and I take you at your word . . . I am simply responding in a way that, I believe, will benefit you the most. I have offered the same to the three young men mentioned above . . . and they are leading balanced, happy, enjoyable and rewarding lives . . . isn't that what you're after?

    You ask the posters here for a list . . . when the answers to anything regarding the misguided doctrinal decrees, the history of Jehovah's Witnesses, the Society's record on child molestation, the mis-behavior of past leaders etc etc . . . is already here! The are numerous threads . . . even recently, on countless subjects . . . many of them have extremely valuable comments from learned and experienced people . . . added to that there are scores of references to authoritative articles, links to reliable information on the net . . . . matters of public record, and so on . . . have you searched these thoroughly? . . . you don't even have to leave the site, but by all means make your search as extensive as possible.

    You see, only you can do that . . . the posters here know the folly of NOT doing so earlier than they did . . . YOU must make that search for YOU

    There are millions . . . yes millions of ex-JW's who have faced a 'crisis' that has prompted them to re-evaluate . . . and have subsequently rejected this religion. Additionally, if the good news is indeed being preached "in all the Earth" . . . then there are BILLIONS who have heard and rejected the JW religion . . . surely you don't believe that each and every one of them has been "blinded by Satan" . . . that's simply sanctimonious bullshit.

    Basically, my friend . . . you're trying to make a call without all the information you need. If you examine matters thoroughly and objectively and then choose the JW religion . . . fine . . . enjoy paradise. The mistake, whatever you choose, is to fail to make your search . . . you remain open to deception and confusion . . . and many troubles.

    Luvonyall - MS

  • still thinking
    still thinking

    I made a comment on your other thread that If I felt I was being Witnessed to I would no longer read any more of your comments.

    Well au revoir

  • Lozhasleft

    Deservingone - I find it sad that you see only the TWO options for the way to move forward - either the hedonistic empty lifestyle OR a return to the JWs - when in reality you have many many more options open to you which also include holding onto your belief in a creator.

    Whatever anyone says here it would seem that your mind is made up and as an adult you are intitled to choose your own path of course. Personally I am sad for you that you will potentially waste many years of your life in an organisation promoting unscriptural dogma and legalism which is now renowned for destroying lives and families. It would be an unloving and cruel God who supported them in that. It will be all the harder because you are now aware that this is the case.

    Nevertheless I wish you only well.

    Loz x

  • Gary1914

    "And to pass up a possible reward just to live your life the way you want is it really worth it............"

    So you're going back just because there might be a possible reward by doing so? Do you really believe that Jehovah is handing out awards only to Jehovah's Witnesses? Is there really an award to be had at all? Jehovah's Witnesses believe that by attending all the meetings, going out in field service and obeying the Governing Body, Jehovah will reward you with everlasting life. Well, my friend, you can go to all the meetings you want to, put in all the field service hours you can manage and obey the Governing Body all the live long day, but doing so has nothing to do with service to God and your only reward will be loss of your valuable time which you will never be able to get back.

    The main reason most people leave the organization has nothing to do with how bad they were treated or the fact that they wanted to go out and live a wild life. It has everything to do with the fact that jehovah's Witnesses do not teach the truth and a close examination of their teachings proves that. That is why most people leave. Because they do not want to live a lie or give credence to a lie.

    You say that you believe that man and the earth have a creator. Do you need jehovah's Witnesses to reinforce that for you? Many other religions teach the same thing and they do not expect the blind obedience to a group of old men in Brooklyn who claim that they speak for Jehovah.

    So whether or not you go back is your decision to make. Just make it with your eyes wide open. You are not going to get any reward for putting in endless hours of field service or sitting in the Kingdom Hall. "Jehovah" is an entity created by the Watchtower. They even gave him a personality in that he cares about field service hours and if you are coming to the meetings or not. He cares if you watch R rated movies or dance in a provacative way. He cares if you have long hair or grow a beard. The great ruler of the universe hears only the prayers of the witnesses and oversees the building of new halls. Children are dying of starvation and people are dying of painful diseases. Jehovah has no time for these people. After all, they are not "true" christians.

    Some god, huh? Some great ruler of the universe, huh?

  • Pams girl
    Pams girl

    DeservingOne, they will never fully accept you, you will always have a black forboding cloud over your will always have to look over you them, r shoulder, and all the while you will be wondering when they will next pounce on you for something youve done......If you want to find the truth, do it dont need the WTBTS.....why would an almighty Creater use an organisation that has so many cover-ups, lies, failed prophecy, child abuse scandals....come on boy wake up! Think for yourself! You can be a Christian and lead a good life without is a MIND CONTROLLING CULT....dont go back, you DONT NEED THEM!!!!!!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep
    a list of how being a jw really gets in the way of living your life to the fullest

    I would have to live with guilt. The gulit of knowing that I would be knocking on doors spreading WT doctrine that falls over under scrutiny. The gulit of knowing that I would be encouraging people to damage their children, as my parents did to me, bringing them up in fear of all seeing, ever present, demons and killer gods, who are going to ensure all of their non-JW friends will be dead within a few years, if not months.

    Would you like me to put some more on my list?

    Is there any point?

  • CuriousButterfly
    It is odd, but the very rare hall does have meetings that start @7.

    In my area 99% (I live in a very populated area) of the congregations start at 7 PM. What is the "normal time" people think they start at?

  • sizemik

    CuriousButterfly . . . I couldn't help but chuckle at how well your post matched your name . . .

    Sorry I can't answer your question . . . unless two congo's were sharing, we always start @ 7.00 down here

    Luvonyall - MS

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I always knew night meetings to start at 7.30pm. Perhaps that's what's getting everyone one's knickers in a knot?

  • mamalove

    I don't understand why you feel the need to have the label of a JW back on you? You yourself said that friends come and go. Not sure how you feel about family. If you want to follow a spiritual path, you seem to already know what you feel is right, and what you feel is wrong. From what you indicate, you don't believe in all JW teachings and don't plan on following those. So why not just stop drugs, go back to school, and live the kind of life that you feel is right but on a more conservative path, as that is what you seem to be striving for?

    I cannot picture you sitting at the meetings and not rolling your eyes at some of the teachings. I think once you get back in college you will start to become even more enlightened. JW's are not the only way. Just my opinion, but I think you will find happiness and structure in a different way. My guess is you feel guilty for being a party animal (guilt embedded by deep JW inculcation), and you want relief of that guilt. Maybe I am wrong.

    But going back to the org is only going to reinforce the guilt, your past, and I think you will find a black mark on your for the rest of your career as a JW because you can never have those things wiped away. Now is the time to move forward with your life, make changes that you need to make, but take one step at a time. Armageddon isnt you have the rest of your life.

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