I'm Starting To Understand Atheist and Evolution

by Philadelphia Ponos 106 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bohm

    lord give me strength...


    For many years I was sincerely perplexed when someone told me they believed in the evolution theory or were an Atheist.

    I have found myself in a similar situation many times, and i would recommend you try to listen to people who are atheists or believe in evolution so you actually know why they believe as they do.

    I never understood how someone could ignore all the evidence for intelligent design and overlook all the holes in the evolution theory.

    For example, the human biology clock is synced with the rotation of the earth, the earth is the perfect distance away from the sun to sustain life, the earth has an ozone layer to protect us from the sun's radiation, the earth naturally produces fruits and vegetables to be used for food, our bodies produce enzymes to break down the fruits and vegetables so it can nourish us, the earth produces water and oxygen, etc. All of this to me is clear evidence that the earth was specifically designed for human life.

    As you have phrased it, it is equally strong evidence the earth was designed to produce Ipads.

    Your argument also ignore evolution (which it is very obvious you have no idea what is about) and the fact the universe contain billions of stars which can form earth-like planets. Also when you write: "the earth is the perfect distance away from the sun to sustain life" I hope you realize the earth is not in a circular orbit and there is a range of distances the earth could be in which could sustain life.

    I don't understand why you would think that considering that there are over 1,000 known planets and absolutely none of them show any signs of life.

    The planets we are most likely to observe are extremely heavy and extremely close to their sun, and therefore very unlikely to sustain life. Also, how can you say none of the planets contain life? we would not be able to observe it...

    A logical person can't look at all the evidence for intelligent design and say all of this came from a big bang.

    what is the evidence?

    How can gases mixing together or energy heating produce intelligent beings?

    cosmological evolution explain why there are stars, stellar evolution produce the heavy elements required for life, life arise through abiogenesis and evolve to produce humans. The details take about 14 billion years and are not fully known, but its an explanation for which the positive evidence mount year after year as opposed to your explanation, "poof magic", which from an experimental POW has not moved forward the last 2000 years and are at the same level of evidence as the flying spaghetti monster, unicorns and hobbits.

    How can intelligence come from unintelligence?


    Until now I honestly could never understand how someone could make a case for Evolution or Atheism.

    no, because you are arguing from your own lack of knowledge on the subjects and it is an endless fountain of confusion you mistake for evidence. but rather than reading up on the subject, you apparently deside to psycho-analyze all atheists. i think there is a scripture in the bible that it is foolish to speak of things which one does not know...

    I've now learned that the vast majority of people who are Atheist or promote the evolution theory are people who had bad experiences with religion.

    Thats right, they realized God does not exist and they have --to some degree-- been lied to, often by well-meaning people. Secondly, having people arrogantly tell you what you believe and why, all while showing a complete lack of understanding of atheism and evolution, tend to put your in a bad mood.

    These would be people who've been ex-communicated by friends or family members (shunning), molested or abused by a clergy member, a victim of religious violence such as Islamic terrorism, or religious hatred such as what a homosexual receives.

    I fit in none of those categories. neither does my parents who also do not believe in God.

    I've learned that it is these traumatic events that a person experiences in their lives that makes them abandon logic and start basing their belief in Atheism or the evolution theory on emotion.

    dammit, there are books after book on the evidence for evolution. Where is the evidence for eg. the flood? Also the arrogant 2p psycho-analysis you have going is getting really old now. if you want to accuse atheists of not having any evidence, you should try to spend an hour or two on reading the overwhelming evidence: http://www.talkorigins.org/faqs/comdesc/

    How often do you hear someone say "I don't believe in God because there's too much suffering in the world"

    extremely rarely...

    or "If God was real this or that would of never happened",

    ditto. its not an argument against god, its an argument against a loving god. and a damn good one. but since it seem outside the scope of this topic to address rational arguments or give an accurate representation of what atheists usually believe i am not surpriced you get that one wrong to.

    these are emotional arguments and does nothing to disprove all the facts that point to intelligent design.

    yes, but since atheism does not rely on those arguments (and they would obviously not work against a cruel God), they just amount to yet another strawman.

    If you think for a second

    if you recommend that i think, i will recommend that you read a book on evolution.

    about the most prominent Atheist on this forum and in the world, you'll see that they all on some level had a bad experience with religion.

    ...and since we have had a bad experience with religion that invalidate our rational arguments against religion? rather than addressing what we have to say, you call our motives into question. meh.

  • Larsinger58

    Atheism and evolution are false. The Christ returned in 1992 and I am he. As a result, I had a personal interview with Jehovah (in a trance) in 1992 which is my direct proof there is a real, living God. This was accompanied by fulfilled Bible prophecy of the nature of the 2nd coming (i.e. via the "prodigal son" and "Lazarus") at a specific time (i.e. 1992=45 years after the Jews return from exile on 11/30/1947 to fulfill 1335 days) plus the promise of the "sign of the son of man" in relation to the identity of the messiah at the second coming.

    This being real and direct evidence of God, I can confirm that atheism and evolution, however, convincing Satan's arguments may be, is a false doctrine and a deception. But it is acknowledged that the pro-evolution and pro-atheism rhetoric out there would be overwhelming, as the river disgorged by Satan is depicted as almost drowning God's chosen elect who are represented by the woman who gives birth to the messiah when Satan is kicked out of heaven. The earth swallows up this river, so Jehovah provides something for them specifically to overcome the evolution and atheist propaganda. Apparently providing the "sign of the son of man" and other direct evidence of holy spirit combined with complete faith in Scripture is what they are given so a not to be distracted to lose their faith in God and the Bible. In my case, of course, I got to see and talk with God himself when I became the messiah. So there is absolutely no doubt.

    I don't have to guess. I know.

  • the-illuminator81

    A puddle might think that the hole it occupies is exactly shaped to accommodate its form. But the puddle is shaped by the hole, not the other way around.

  • jwfacts

    there are over 1,000 known planets and absolutely none of them show any signs of life.

    Even if there is just one planet with life, that is completely irrelevant. Anyway, there could be trillions of planets, with many having forms of life. The universe is far larger than what we can see or observe in detail.

  • bohm

    The Christ returned in 1992 and I am he. As a result, I had a personal interview with Jehovah (in a trance) in 1992 which is my direct proof there is a real, living God

    meanwhile, others will likely take it as direct proof of something else.

  • jgnat

    I'm a Christian who finds the evolutionary theory to be far more plausible than anything put forward by "bible believers". You'll have to go back to the drawing board on your current "understanding". It may be true that most athiests also believe in evolution, but the opposite is not true. People who believe in evolution may also believe in God.

    Here's an inescapable fact that led me to where I am today. The speed of light is known. By measuring the red-shift from the light of a star, today's scientists can estimate how far away a star is. We're talking a universe that is 14 billionparsecs (46 billion, or 4.6 × 10 10 , light years) in any direction. The universe is therefore at least that old. Otherwise, how are we receiving light from stars that haven't been created yet?


    Perhaps you can help me understand the Creationist thinking. Would you have to stop believing in God if it were proven that the bible is imperfect?

  • mindseye

    I've now learned that the vast majority of people who are Atheist or promote the evolution theory are people who had bad experiences with religion. These would be people who've been ex-communicated by friends or family members (shunning), molested or abused by a clergy member, a victim of religious violence such as Islamic terrorism, or religious hatred such as what a homosexual receives.

    I've experienced none of the above. Sure, the occasional confrontation or overzealous witness, but nothing particularly nasty. No, I left the religion of my youth not due to any 'bad experience', but due to the lack of consistency in the religion itself. And one of the worst offenders was the How Did We Get Here - By Evolution or Creation book. As I began to learn real science, I realized how many flaws this publication had.

    You begin your post with some fallacious 'evidence' for intelligent design (which has been successfully debunked by other posters above). Then your post devolves into an ad hominem attack against those who accept the evidence for evolution, suggesting that their motives are based off of emotion.

    I'll let you in on something: On some level I still 'believe' that there is some higher power. Not necessarily the God of the Bible, but something. I have the intellectual honesty to admit that this belief is based off of emotion rather than logic.

    On the other hand, my acceptance of evolution is entirely based off of logic. At first, it seemed counter-intuitive and contradicted everything I was raised to believe. But as I read and discovered all of the evidence supporting it, I could not deny it any longer.

    I encourage you to read up on evolution, a good place to start would be the book Why Evolution is True. Another good book is The Counter-Creationism Handbook which counters fallacious arguments by creationists, including the Watchtower's publication.

  • Caedes


    Respectfully, your comment isn't quite correct.

    We're talking a universe that is 14 billionparsecs (46 billion, or 4.6 × 10 10 , light years) in any direction. The universe is therefore at least that old.

    Although the universe is at least that big that unfortunately doesn't quite equate to the age of the universe. The universe is 13.7 billion years old. The simple reason for the disparity is expansion, but for a rather more informed explanation than I could ever give see the following link. http://scienceblogs.com/startswithabang/2009/07/the_size_of_the_universe_a_har.php

    As for the OP, no, you really dont understand atheists, why not try talking to one?

    I may indeed have had a bad experience with my religious upbringing but I was an atheist from a very young age. Simply because it was more logical to me that there is no god. As for evolution the scientific, empirical evidence is overwhelming, case closed. My later bad experience with my parents religion has nothing to do with either.

  • sir82


  • NomadSoul

    Just to clarify, the Earth is not, I repeat, NOT a PERFECT distance from the Sun! I wasn't going to reply to this topic but that's one of my pet peeves. 5% safe zone is not a PERFECT distance. Do people even stop to think and do the math? Take the distance from the Sun to the Earth and multiply it by .05, heck multiply it times .01 to be safe!

    And if the Earth is perfect WHY is it on a 23 degrees tilt? A perfect tilt would make the Earth flourish even more. (Ex. NO DESERTS!)

    Geesh! Okay, done. lol

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