I'm Starting To Understand Atheist and Evolution

by Philadelphia Ponos 106 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Morbidzbaby

    Why are we feeding the crackpot troll??? He obviously needs some serious psycholigical help and has deluded himself into thinking he has figrued out we atheists/evolutionists. He hasn't the slightest clue.

  • wyorobert

    I already explained my reason's for not believing in God. I can have my beliefs without being bothered by the opionions expressed by Ponos. It does seem like a few of the comments were a little harsh. I think Ponos can take it, but it struck me that self righteous JW arrogance stayed with some of you. I'm not judging, just noticing.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    yeah, we all are just noticing, not judging, if you noticed...

  • Philadelphia Ponos
    Philadelphia Ponos

    I see a lot of posters saying I don't understand the evidence of evolution and I am confused. Can anyone please post some of these so called facts that supports the evolution theory, becuase when I look up evolution all I see are assumptions and more theories.

  • poopsiecakes

    The first thing you need to do Ponos, is google 'definition of scientific theory' then get back to your thread with a better understanding. Unfortunately, you're making the same mistake many people do and what YOU define as 'theory' is blocking you from learning.

  • NomadSoul

    Oh and while you're at it also google and learn about the scientific method.

    Oh and while you're at it please do my simple math problem that I gave you.

  • TheClarinetist


    BTW: I became an atheist by trying to find proof that there is a God.

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Philadelphia Ponos said - makes them abandon logic

    That's an interesting thought. I curently am not sure what I believe in this regard. While I lean more towards a creator, there is nothing that tells me that an atheist has "abandoned" logic. They certainly offer valid points and very fair arguments, in my opinion.

    I'm not sure what country you live in, but there is a TV show called Judge Judy here in the USA. One of her famous quotes is, "If it doesn't make sense, it's probably not true." Aren't people often confused about God?

    My point is, be open-minded, put the shoe on the other foot and ask yourself, could it be me that has abandoned logic?

    And by the way, while atheists, as you say, offer theories, how is belief in Christianity, or God for that matter, any different? Many of those "explanations" are in reality, well, theories also.


  • bohm

    PP, I did that on the previous page. guess you didnt read it, oh well...

    your just a christian because you like the wine and crackers and is to cheap to buy it yourself!

    there, i figured out the mind of 2 billion believers...

  • cyberjesus

    haha I dont know if I hate this threads.... or I love them... but I laugh a lot. :-) but I also learn a lot. I wanted to comment but everybody already dissected it pretty well, let me see what else I can find

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