And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony

by Perry 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Perry

    A dear member of my congregation gives his testimony from Shite Muslim to Christian. Emery told me once that his father told him that the only reason he's still alive is because of the laws of the U.S. otherwise he'd be required to kill him.

    Kinda puts puts JW shunning in a "new light"..... somebody always has it worse. Kinda lenghty but well worth it. So, pour another cup of coffee:

  • transhuman68

    Yeah, but what if it was the other way around- a dear member of your congregation leaving to become a Muslim?

    Could you resist the temptation to push a wall over on top of them?

  • Perry
    Could you resist the temptation to push a wall over on top of them?

    With all due respect transhuman, I don't believe you understand the love of the Christ.

    On another note, Emery is hooked up with a great group of ex-police officers, Navy Seals, and other Security professionals and has a great ministry teaching foreign police forces advanced tactical police and military measures in service to their own citizens.

    They do this Free of Charge for their foreign neighbors. This is a group of some very serious "tough guys" who love the Lord. They have led I beleive something like 7000 foreign officers and military personnel to faith in Christ Alone.

    Thank God for our public defenders!

  • EntirelyPossible

    I get the love of Christ. He fills me with every day and it comforts me to know that his massive love will never leave me and will always fill me.

    I still make him wear a condom, though.

  • Perry

    Awwww, poor Entirely Possible.....Too afraid to make his own posts, just vomits on others. What a shame. Not even one topic started after 80 posts. Get a little respect for those not like you.


  • snowbird

    Revelation 12:11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death. King James Version

    It's going to get much worse, Perry.

    We are going to need each other like never before.


  • Perry

    Well, I hope that we are raptured outta here by the time it really hits the fan. If that is the case, the tribulation Christian believers will need each other a great deal as well as God Almighty.

    And what an amazing testimony those tribulation saints will give!

  • snowbird

    No, Christians are going to be threshed (actual meaning of tribulation) unmercifully for 3 and 1/2 years before the Rapture.

    Satan has demanded it.


  • lovelylil


    Thanks for the link. Peace to you, Lilly

  • Perry


    I believe that is true for the tribulation saints. It is wise to be prepared for the alternative though.

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