Was Jesus a Mighty God In Human Form That Suffered Hematidrosis?

by sabastious 59 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • sabastious

    Why Did Jesus, the Mighty God, anxiously sweat blood as he neared the end of his task? Given all his experience as God’s second in command (or God himself depending on what denomination) you’d think the experience of dying horribly as a human should be no sweat right? Well according to the story that is as far away from the truth as humanly possible.


    Hematidrosis, or sweating blood, only happens when a human suffers from intense and unimaginable fear (stress). How can a Mighty God, or Almighty God, feel such fear from something in our human world?

    My answer/opinion:

    Jesus, or whatever his name was, was a passionate man of historical proportions. He had no supernatural powers and therefore didn’t know what was going to happen after he died. In my opinion he was acting exactly the way a normal human would act in such an environment. Jesus’ was making it up as he went, but his heart was true and he, at some point in his life, decided he was ready to die for his passion.

    There were others who took similar stands, in the same time period, and some of them were executed on the spot. The Roman’s didn’t get to Jesus in time before he had a large following of people. He, by his own human means, became a powerful enough figure within his own culture to challenge the Roman Occupation. The Roman’s were not fools and they saw this as a complicated and delicate problem. So they chose to put him through their Kangaroo Court system to save face. Once a man gets a hold within his community, especially an oppressed one, the worse thing you, as their dictator, can do is execute him without a word; it would spring up 100 in his place.

    The second Jesus became too powerful the Roman Occupation became poisoned. It was only a matter of time before his message would spread through them like a parasite eating them from the inside out.

    After the Empire finally fell, what replaced them was a new way of life all flavored by the admiration of the sacrifice of one man. That man didn’t get to see the fruitage of his work, but maybe one day he will.


  • AGuest

    Greetings, dear Sab... and peace to you! The explanation is really simple, actually... and while I know a few folks (okay, maybe a lot) will want to roll their eyes... it really is the truth: his flesh was stressed. Not his spirit... his flesh. Contrary to what many believe, the flesh and the spirit are NOT "one" - they are in opposition to one another. You know, the whole "spirit is willing, flesh is weak," or "when the good that I want to do is not what I do," etc.

    Although his spirit was not in apprehension of death, his flesh was. It had to be, dear one... in order to ensure that he WAS in fact tested... like us... in ALL respects. If his flesh did not "react"... then there is NO way it could be said that he was truly like us... sinFUL flesh. But he was - he was NOT like the tall, strapping, perfect fleshly specimen that many... and particularly the WTBTS... want to make him out to be. He was small, sick, in pain... and in a body that did not WANT to die (thus, "Father, remove this cup; yet, not what I will, but what YOU will"). He made that statement because he... his flesh... did not want to die. Anymore than anyone of our's wishes to.

    BUT... he held strong... by means of his SPIRIT and the blood that gave IT life (holy spirit, God's blood)... and fulfilled the task.

    That really is the truth and answer. His flesh was certainly under great stress, dear one.

    Again, peace to you!

    A slave of Christ,


  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    I have a more likely theory. <gasp!> The Bible isn't literally accurate. </gasp!>

  • poopsiecakes

    More from Wikipedia:

    According to Dr. Frederick Zugibe (former Chief Medical Examiner of Rockland County, New York) it is well-known, and there have been many cases of it. The clinical term is hematohidrosis. "Around the sweat glands, there are multiple blood vessels in a net-like form. Under the pressure of great stress the vessels constrict. Then as the anxiety passes the blood vessels dilate to the point of rupture. The blood goes into the sweat glands. As the sweat glands are producing a lot of sweat, it pushes the blood to the surface - coming out as droplets of blood mixed with sweat."

    In a lecture, Dr. Zugibe stated: "The severe mental anxiety...activated the sympathetic nervous system to invoke the stress-fight or flight reaction to such a degree causing hemorrhage of the vessels supplying the sweat glands into the ducts of the sweat glands and extruding out onto the skin. While hematidrosis has been reported to occur from other rare medical entities, the presence of profound fear accounted for a significant number of reported cases including six cases in men condemned to execution, a case occurring during the London blitz, a case involving a fear of being raped, a fear of a storm while sailing, etc. The effects on the body is that of weakness and mild to moderate dehydration from the severe anxiety and both the blood and sweat loss."

    I don't know Shelby...all due respect of course, but everything here seems to indicate an EMOTIONAL state as opposed to a physical one and if his spirit was not stressed then there wouldn't have been any physical manifestations. If he even existed, that is.

  • Satanus

    luke 22:44 In his anguish he prayed more earnestly, and his sweat became like great drops of blood falling down on the ground. NRSV

    'LIKE blood'. Notice that? Sweat just ran like blood from a wound would.


  • AGuest

    Hmmmm... so it CAN happen... and DOES happen... to people under enormous stress... but just didn't happen to him. Because, of course, although he knew he was going to be impaled... alive... with nails driven through his limbs... and a spear thrust through his side... without anesthesia of any kind... by people he loved but who, in exchange, hated him... for no reason at all other than that he exposed their leaders... and worship... as false... that wasn't stressful enough. No, apparently he needed a little more stress than that.


    His spirit was grieved, yes, dear Poopsie One (the greatest of love and peace to you!), but not to the point of great concern over death. He knew that the flesh "is of no use at all" and that he not only was going to, but had to, die. I don't know if you've ever experienced a situation where, for example, you KNOW it's "all gonna be okay"... but your flesh trembles, breaks out, laughs, cries, soils itself, hyperventilates, etc., anyway. You "talk yourself down," true, and so your mind becomes calm. But it takes a bit longer for your flesh to calm down. That's why a lot of people, even after the concern/danger has passed... are still shaking, physically. I hope this explains.

    Peace! Truly.

    A slave of Christ,


  • unshackled

    If I recall correctly, wasn't this condition stated in the WTBS publications at one point? I distinctly remember this coming up...perhaps in the Greatest Man Who Ever Lived book.

  • thetrueone

    The Bible the Holy Book of Embellished Stories

    Written as to bring important relevance to the god(s) of a ancient civilization

  • sabastious

    Sweating blood is a real thing and so rare that if it happened to one of our ancients it must have appeared god-like. I think this is evidence for Jesus' existence rather than against it.


  • Satanus

    I sweated bullets, a few times. You shoulda seen people run for cover. They call it bulletidrosis. Must be the excess lead being expelled.


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