How could Jesus be ruling the world since 1914 yet Satan is the ruler of the world?

by yadda yadda 2 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • cantleave

    @cantleave. You really ought to change your attitude and your study habits, otherwise you are going to keep getting things wrong (like confusing things that were discerned in 1931 with things that were discerned in 1935), and maybe consider returning to Jehovah before it becomes too late for you to do so.

    The "discernment" of the organisation you support is ever changing, not because of increasing light, but because the time frames they set out for fulfillment of prophecy are always changing and their predictions have all failed.

    I was brought up in the organisation and all the books and mags that discussed the subject stated that the sealing of the 144,000 was complete by the the time the earth hope of the great crowd was recognised in 1935. Why was that "discerned" in 1935? Because the numbers of witnesses across the world had reached 10's of thousands. The idea of the 144,000 was becoming embarrassing.

    Since all christians from Christ's death till 1935 were Annointed, that meant there were only 10's of thousands of christians in the last 1900 years - that alone should scream CULT at you.

    So, what do you do? Invent a new class! Tell everyone from that date that they would be part of that new class, they will live on Earth forever (despite Revelation clearly stating that the Great Crowd are in Heaven) and see the numbers of annointed drop as the years go by. The only problem is.....the numbers are NOT dropping. They are going up. Despite strong instruction from the platform not to partake.

    Not only that, the old GB are all dead! Some of the new lot were't even born in 1935, so how convenient that the annointed were NOT sealed in 1935!! We have charletons like heard and jackson, who are just a few years older than me, classed as the same generation of Franz, who could have been my grandfather.

    Discernment for convenience.

    Eggnog, 42 years of being a witness, being an appointed man for over 20 of those years and an elder for 8, I have done enough study. I know the teachings of the lie, and know that you are just a wannabe.

    You and I are both going to die. The difference between you and me, is I am going to spend the rest of my life living and not being subservient to a despotic organisation that claims to represent a mythical sky daddy. You are going soend your life living a lie.

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