Simply rewording my post into a mockery doesn't qualify as anything other than childish ridicule.fair enough, but if you read the whole post from which youve cut and pasted this, youll see that im referring to your behavior as a whole, not simply this specific instance. ill show proof of it here in a sec....
. I am always happy to entertain serious questions and issues.why dont you word it how you really mean it........you are happy to entertain serious questions and issues when you feel like it, or when you are able. you are not always able as you would have us believe. if you, or anyone else would like a prime example of this, heres a good link....thread started by you, valid arguments raised, lots of ignores....... >>> http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=20761&site=3
this is one SMALL example....but again, those of us who know you are already used to this tactic, and accept it for what it is.