Hey guys..Now that GB members are getting voted in..I say my bet is with this Brother You Know.. he is a JW marketing genius.. Spieling the same old you know...****...He forgets..we have heard it all before..Gotta love the SMOOOTH transition from global Nuking to ..BIOLOGICAL (pestilence)..warfare..... OOOOOOOOOOOOOH PUUUUHLEEEEEEEEEEEESE... and you know ....something else... discussion is "normal" you have to get used to that ..Just an Observation from a "MARKED ONE"....
by You Know 86 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
You are losing it man. I have no delusions.
when i say delusions, im referring to specifics, like when you said the central banks would be bankrupt by the turn of the year. to me, thats delusional, and it obviously didnt happen which was no surprise to any of us sane posters.As for giving any specific dates, I have never done that.
not days, no. you have given specific years (y2k), and they have come and gone.You sound like a raving lunatic going on and on about how YK is always wrong about dates. That's what I mean about your YK obsession.
anyone that knows of you realizes these are not the "ravings" of a lunatic, but rather facts reiterated. if youd like me to delve into the h20 archives to find your specific predictions, id be happy to.youre still crying about obsessions? this must be really getting to you.
Just because Y2K wasn't the detonator, for example, or just because the LTCM collapse didn't set off the chain reaction collapse that I am anticipating, doesn't nullify the fact that the system is still poised on the precipice. Such threatening events demand that we consider them.....
fine...present the material that way then. but you dont; you present it in a manner that says "this will happen becuase of this".....and when it doesnt, your credibility crumbles just a little bit more. if you think all you have done is presented events to consider, and have not attempted to predict anything, you truly have lost the ability to tell truth from reality.As it turned out, a war erupted. So, no doubt you found that amusing too I suppose.
actually shortly after the attacks on the wtc, you were the one who was laughing, whooping and hollaring (i can find you the links if youd like)......personally i do not find it a laughing matter, no. the bible speaks very specifically about those that take pleasure in calamity, so youre walking on thin ice with that one.aa
[[ Who are The Illuminati?
The Illuminati Order was formed 300 years ago by a group of individuals whom shared a common vision for the safety and future of our planet. The leadership of The Illuminati Order has remained within the framework of The Illuminati Council, and their families from generation through generation. The Council is comprised of 13 special families, whose identity shall never be revealed (Not until such time in the future when it is safe). We are a secret society not in the sense of hiding our agenda and our goals, but merely of the identity of the leadership and the means we use to reach our objectives. The Illuminati are all Objectivists, in other words, Objectivism is our philosophy. We seek to establish a just form of government in every nation, and world, just in the sense of protecting the individual rights, our planet and the future, from looters, uneducated people and tyrants. Here are our most fundamental guidelines on which the foundation of our philosophy rests.Society and the Individual
The relationship of the individual to society is a fundamental issue in our political philosophy. Our philosophy holds that the individual and individual rights are of a higher priority to society, because the individual mind belongs to the individual, and values of thought which are performed by individuals, and the accomplishments derived from and through those thoughts are the sole property and values of the individual whom originates them, and so, society has no rights to claim such products of one's individual mind, nor to benefit from them, without the consent of the individual owner, and financial compensation. People have to exercise their rational capacities as individuals, regardless of how much we learn from our predecessors This is what we call individualism, and is opposed to collectivism, which treats society as if it were a giant-organism existing above its individual members. We reject collectivism, because it is NOT the primary unit of reality and standard of value. The Illuminati moral principle of political affairs of any individual is and should be a mere extension of the ethical code of rational self-interest.The Illuminati society is one which has no conflicts of rational interests among individuals, and it is this type of society we seek to establish on a global scale, a society in which individuals cooperate with each other for mutual advantage, exchanging value for value.
The Government
We hold true that a government is morally necessary and justified, to protect our society from the use of physical force in our social relationships, and for this humanity needs an institution charged with the task of protecting our rights under an objective code of law. This is the duty of the government; of a just and proper government; its basic task, and the only justification and the reason why we do need a government.We oppose anarchism, which objects to the establishment of any form of government whatsoever. We hold true that the rights of individuals cannot be protected as long as the use of physical force is left to the discretion of the individuals. The Illuminati society, is one in which individuals can coexist peacefully only if we establish a form of government that can serve as an arbiter of honest disagreements among us.
Anarchists object to any form of government, not even a minimal state is to be established in order to protect individual rights, because they claim it will violate their rights because it asserts a monopoly on the legitimate use of force which in turn violates their right to self-defense.
The Function of Government and its Limits
The sole purpose and the proper function of the form of government we seek to establish: is the protection of individual rights period. We hold true, that the fundamental right of the individual is the right to life, and this simply means the right to engage in life-sustaining activity, such as the acquisition, production, and possession of property and the voluntary exchange of our values with other individuals. The sole duty and obligation of the individual to others is to respect their rights; and not to initiate the use of any physical force against them. Therefore, the only justification and purpose of government is to protect individuals from the use of physical force by using retaliatory force under objectively defined laws; and the government itself must respect the rights of all individuals.The government(s) of the future we will establish, will be restricted to the sole activity of the protection of individual rights from coercive action. We rejected "libertarianism" on the grounds that it lacks adequate theoretical foundation and leans toward anarchism. This issue is a complicated one because so many of the many political theorists who are considered "libertarian," have considerable affinity with our Objectivism philosophy. Nevertheless, much of the libertarian literature, includes values on issues relevant to our Objectivist politics.
Laws and Constitutions
Our objection to democracy in the classical sense of unlimited majority rule is that democracy as has been practiced and is practiced is not a true democracy. A true democracy is an absolute democracy, otherwise known as a republic, that is governed and limited by its constitution to the protection of individual rights alone. Majority rule is to be restricted to matters such as the election of public officials. We also demand that a true just and honest government proceed according to "objective" laws which are known clearly to the citizens and enforced consistently. The Illuminati Manifesto, which we hope to make public in about a year or two, will have systematic Objectivist treatise on the philosophy of law.Public Policy and Political Philosophy
When uncultured and unintelligent people attempt to rush into politics without an adequate philosophical base, the results are policies that are superficial, inconsistent, cruel, unjust and self-defeating. Our philosophy, that the foundation for public policy must be a crystal clear clear theory of individual rights and a accurate application of this theory to practical issues. We maintain that the moral and the practical do not conflict at all. For example, we hold true that laissez-faire capitalism, a system in which all property is privately owned, is the only just economic system which can guarantee the happiness of the individual, as it alone recognizes the rights of each individual including property rights. We maintain that only such a system is an efficient system and that it promotes the "common good" which is; the sum of the good of all individuals of The Illuminati society... Socialism is immoral because central planning cannot succeed and socialism deprives individuals of any individual rights. We believe that public issues such as law and order, defense, education, and welfare can be and should be addressed without resorting to the initiation of coercive force.But the World is in Such a Mess
Now, as you can see, all forms of philosophies and governments have failed miserably, and the result is a planet full of poverty, uneducated people, unethical and corrupt public, and most of all, a great many people on our planet, still maintain a barbaric mentality, brainwashed by religionists and their altruistic philosophy. So, our job is now that much greater, in that we need to seek measures we would otherwise never even contemplate, in order to clean up the house, and establish a society of enlightened individuals. No doubt, the internet is full of garbage written about us, and many books have been written by various morons, whom had a large uneducated populous to buy their books, which are not worth the paper they are written on. The Illuminati Order is not comprised only of the rich and powerful, but of Enlightened people from all walks of life. It is true that the Council members run the world, but the problems facing our planet can be solved much sooner and with less pain and bloodshed, if only people would educate themselves, and start to take ethics and morals seriously, and start taking responsibility for their own actions.
Nevertheless, the Objectivist society of the future can only be achieved through unconventional means, and one of the primary duties of all Illuminati, is to help secure the reduction of the global population to approximately 3 billion people so we can start over with a smaller but educated people.. We feel, we can achieve this within 200-500 years at most, but we hope sooner. So, if you are one who loves our planet, and the power of the individual human, and wish to establish a future for your future offspring, you are invited to join us and become part of the champions of the future.
Who Should Join Us?
The first and most important requirement is that you are an Objectivist, or a strong sympathizer of our philosophy, our goals and aspirations.Here are some important things you need to know before you join us.
1. This site is also monitored closely. So, it is very important to provide some details about yourself IF you join, in your Illuminati Member's Area Forum profile, only if you are interested in the possibility of being recruited to work for one or more of the Intelligence networks or agencies. This is an option, and they only recruit capable and highly educated persons, and/or persons with powerful connections and/or power.
2. If you are one who believes in our objectives and feel strongly about doing something to help us achieve our goals, you are invited to join.
3. If you have wealth and power and wish to put your resources to a positive use for the positive efforts of our cause, feel free to join us.
4. If you are in a country in which you are in a position to make change, but need further assistance, you have come to the right place.
5. If you meet one of the above and you wish to belong to the most powerful organization in the world, because you feel you have something to contribute, you are welcome to join. If the benefits of joining are not obvious, don't join. Joining us is the first of many tests.
Once you join us, if you see coded conversations going on in the Illuminati Member's Forum between two or more other persons, do not ask any questions, because those types of conversations are intentionally coded, so please stay out of them. But, this will not happen much, as there is the Private Messaging system which most members use. Do not divulge any private conversations to anyone.
NOTE: If you have questions such as "Why should I join, what will I get out of it?" DO NOT JOIN us. Those types of persons are NOT welcome.
is the quote below an indirect profetic reference to dateline or something similar?
Freddy's substitute is on this board to explain...
But i wonder what his buddys at the GB would say/do to him IF a copy of the 'explantion' is served to them,
how many copies?
“I also, for my part, shall laugh at your own disaster, I shall mock when what you dread comes, when what you dread comes just like a storm, and your own disaster gets here just like a storm wind, when distress and hard times come upon you. At that time they will keep calling me, but I shall not answer…”