Ginny says:
I'm really confused now. Your idea doesn't seem very scriptural to me, YouKnow.
Okay, I'll walk you through this. Its always a joy to solve a paradox. In fact, there can be no depth of understanding with out reconciling seeming contradictions and difficulties. Psalms 19:9 says straight out that " The fear of Jehovah is pure, standing forever." So, in what sense does love cast fear out? Since the fear of God is pure and will endure forever, the fear that is thrown aside by perfect love must not be the same fear of Jehovah that stands forever. So what fear is it?
As John noted in verse 17, the perfected love of God will allow the individual to approach God in the day of judgment. Paul mentioned that anointed Christians had approached a heavenly Mount Zion and he advised them not to beg off from God's inspection. In such situations humans become acutely aware of how fraile and transparent we are. So, the prospect of being confronted with God's awesome majesty can be overwhelming.
I am reminded of Daniel's close encounter with a heavenly creature, and he described the experience he went through as causing him to fall into a trembling lifeless heap. He was rendered speechless and said that his dignity had left him. And, what is especially humbling is that that wasn't even God but merely an angel. So, there's no question but that tiny little humans, who are less substantial before God as wet tissue paper, would naturally tend to beg off standing before such a fear-inspiring being as the great God Jehovah. Remember Ginny, that the Scriptures say that even the demons shudder with fear at the mere thought of God's judgment upon them.
But, because God is love, and he doesn't want to terrorize those made in his image, but wants them to know him on the same level as Christ now knows him, it is possible to approach God, even to the point of literally standing before him without being terrifed. That is the case with those who have their love for God perfected.
Just imagine if you were in a cage with a lion and he was circling around you. Naturally, because you would be aware of your own vulnerablitiy before its powerful claws, you would feel a bit uneasy, no doubt. You might even be gripped with uncontrolable shivering, and more than likely you would want to get out of there as soon as you could. But, on the other hand, people who KNOW lions and know how to deal with them are not terrified of the beasts, and while they would have a healthy respect for the creature their fear would not dominate them.
So, in a way, that can illustrate what we are talking about here. Anointed Christians have been called to stand before the person of Jehovah, quite literally, ultimatately. And they naturally fear Jehovah, knowing as they do that God is by his very nature an absolutely awesome and fear-inspiring being. And too, because of our many sins and evils commited over a lifetime we might feel a bit of unease and self-concious, to say the least. But, because, by the time their love is perfected, at the coming of Christ, they will have come to know and love God to such an extent that their natural fear of him does not cause them to beg off from approaching him. Love and fear then each serve their purpose. But love is the greatest as it overcomes all. / You Know