You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • You Know
    You Know

    tfs asks:

    Would you say Jehovah has "singled" you out. I mean, do you think Jehovah is communicating with you ALONE, revealing this "hidden" information, or do you imagine he is miraculously revealing it to all of the faithful "remnant" of anointed who exist OUTSIDE Brooklyn Bethel?

    No, in times past Jehovah usually used small groupings of individuals who served the nation as prophets. For example Isaiah and Micah were contemporaries. Later, in the period immediately before Jerusalem's destruction by the Babylonians, there was Jeremiah, Nahum, Habakkuk. In Babylon itself there was Daniel and Ezekiel. In all cases though those prophets were not really recognized or honored as such. Amos for example was just a orchard worker that Jehovah chose. Look at Joseph. He was the youngest, next to Benjamin, and he related a dream to his brothers that they would bow down to him. As a consequence they heartlessly sold him into slavery, but years later they did come and bow before him in Egypt. Even in the Christian era there were obscure individuals that Jehovah chose to deliver certain messages. Agabus is one who comes to mind. On a couple of occasions he presented information regarding the future that would impact Christians. In one instance he foretold that Paul would be arrested in Jerusalem and Pauls friends begged him not to go up to Jerusalem. The very fact that Christians were counseled not to "treat prophesying with contempt" is some indication that even otherwise loyal Christians can fall into that trap of assuming that they got it all figured out and that there's nothing they need to know. But, the thing is: Jehovah will always have the last word and those who are REALLY Jehovah's Witnesses wouldn't want it any other way.

    Also, if God is revealing special "information" to you (and perhaps others of an "elite" grouping), does this signal or hint in your mind his thorough disapproval of the GB "anointed" and leaders at Headquarters Staff in NY?
    Jehovah retains the means to humble everyone of his sons no matter how elevated they may be in the eyes of others. As an example, after Jesus' resurrection he first revealed himself to Mary and Martha and told them to go tell his brothers. That was a huge rebuke of his brothers, who, as you know, abandoned Jesus in his critical hour. As a matter of fact, the apostles didn't even believe the testimony of those faithful women. So Jesus humbled his own apostles. It is noteworthy that Jesus said that "some of those first would be last and those last would be first." Exactly how that judicial decision plays out remains to be seen, but it seems apparent that since Jesus initiated his congregation by humiliating and rebuking his 12 apostles that a similar judgment will take place when Jesus comes to finally inspect the spiritual organization that he commenced nearly 2,000 years ago. I will just leave it at that. / You Know
  • You Know
    You Know

    3.5 Horsemen writes:

    If this system implodes financially, dont worry we'll just use beads and feathers.

    Are you sure you have thought this through? Are you telling me that you believe that your landlord or mortgage lender is going to accept a bunch of beads and feathers from you every month? Do you seriously think you will be able to go down to the Piggly Wiggly market, or wherever, and buy something to eat in exchange for a pile of pigeon feathers and colored glass beads? While that system of exchange worked for a very primitive society it is not likely that it can be replacement for the present system, unless of course the population is reduced by about 90%, which of course is what many policy makers intend to accomplish. Actually, at the present moment, the collapse of the present system is recognized by many as a given, and the focus of the real movers and shakers is who will control the post-crash world. In that regard there are several Hebrew prophetic books, which are preserved like time capsules, that reveal through their encrypted visons the exact form the post-crash world will take. / You Know

  • dubla


    The system dodged a bullet that’s a fact. It seems to me that they needed just such an excuse to open the money spigots back in September when the financial system was really showing signs of stress. So under the pretext of national emergency they did the only thing they know how to do, and that is print more money.
    this is the one that always gets me. when i brought it to your attention that the dollar is gaining value, you claimed it was only because the "spigots" had been opened up by the government, and they are doing the only thing they know how to do, "print more money". LOL, cant you see what a ridiculous statement that is?? printing more money would DEvalue the dollar, not increase you not understand this concept? its actually quite simple.


  • dubla
    . Actually, at the present moment, the collapse of the present system is recognized by many as a given,

    sorry yk, but lyndon larouche and the writers on your bear market sites dont count as "many". try listing some credible sources that believe "the collapse of the present system is.....a given". good luck.


  • You Know
    You Know
    when i brought it to your attention that the dollar is gaining value, you claimed it was only because the "spigots" had been opened up by the government, and they are doing the only thing they know how to do, "print more money". LOL, cant you see what a ridiculous statement that is?? printing more money would DEvalue the dollar, not increase you not understand this concept? its actually quite simple

    You are clueless. It’s not simple at all. The global financial system is extremely complex. There are many cross-currents and various layers that all have their effect. But, it should be noted that when you make a ridiculous statement referring to the dollar gaining strength, that the dollar's gaining value is only relative to currencies whose value is pushed down. Most people in the business realize that the dollar is overvalued against foreign currencies by between 30-50%. The reason America is able to bludgeon other nations' currencies has nothing to do with the supposed superiority of American paper but it has everything to do with pure political muscle. In a typical model an increase in money supply does devalue the currency which is what inflation is. But, in the face of collapsing system of production the tendency towards inflation is countered by deflation. A deflationary spiral coupled with and inflating of monetary instruments is the absolute worst case scenario, and that’s exactly what is taking place. But, as far as the dollar losing value, that is evident in some aspects in that it takes more and more dollars to buy the same relatively worthless stocks of profitless companies.

    sorry yk, but lyndon larouche and the writers on your bear market sites dont count as "many". try listing some credible sources that believe "the collapse of the present system is.....a given".
    You are extremely confused, if not dishonest. The Wall Street establishment is the source that lacks credibility. They have conned people into “investing” in a system that is collapsing. How many more "Enrons" have to rob people before they wake up to the fact that they have been had? Anyone who is not a total idiot or working for Wall Street can see that the system is coming down. Each week there is a new domino that topples. Argentina, Enron, Global Crossing; yesterday’s crash du jour was Kaiser Aluminum filing for bankruptcy. Leaders of various financial institutions, and even sovereign nations like China and Russia, are openly talking about setting up a new monetary system to replace the present bankrupt IMF system. Americans are probably the least informed people on the planet on these issues. Some of those who are in the business seem to be the most ignorant of all.

    A definite shift is in the making as in the past few weeks even Japanese housewives are taking bags full of Yen to buy gold. I think it's a beautiful thing that Americans are fix'n to get their heads handed to them on a golden platter. Click here too.

    / You Know

  • Celia

    Just one comment, or one question...
    As you paint it, the future is very bleak...
    Are you afraid of what's about to happen ?
    Do you enjoy propagating your doomsday views ?

  • You Know
    You Know
    Just one comment, or one question: As you paint it, the future is very bleak...Are you afraid of what's about to happen? Do you enjoy propagating your doomsday views?

    I am afraid for others. I have a family. I have friends. I am afraid for the congregations. But, this is what Jehovah has been preparing us for all these years. So, in that respect I cite Psalms 112:7-8, which says:

    "He will not be afraid even of bad news.
    His heart is steadfast, made reliant upon Jehovah.
    His heart is unshakable; he will not be afraid,
    Until he looks upon his adversaries."

    As for enjoying sharing my doomsday views, I would have to say that I do, for the simple reason that it is the truth that the system is doomed. That's what it's all about---the truth. / You Know

  • Celia

    Another dumb question, if I may...
    Do you think that all these horrors you are prophesizing are going to happen in your life time ?
    Financial collapse, wars, and all that.... but also, Armageddon, the end of this system of things and the new Kingdom... ???

  • You Know
    You Know
    Do you think that all these horrors you are prophesizing are going to happen in your life time?

    Yes, absolutely. In regards to the financial system something has to give real soon. It is kaput. They have been able to forestall the inevitable for the last few years but that has only been at the expense of making the eventual crash much worse. Enron classicly demonstrates just how quickly an organization or a system can come undone. Just last year Enron was touted as the new model for doing business. Ken Lay was Fortune magazine's Man of the Year. Then within a matter of months the 7th largest corporation in America literally went POOF! So, don't be fooled by the relative calm appearance of things. The whole thing can collapse literally overnight. The fact that the nations are now preparing for a multi-front war is no coincidence either. But, I don't think Armageddon is going to occur immediately. What we are looking at is World War Three and a world-wide depression and collapse into a New Dark Age of barbarism. But even after a global collapse and war it may take several years for things to culminate in Jehovah's intervention. Hope that helps / You Know

  • Celia

    Dark Ages Barbarism….
    I agree this can happen.
    But this has been happening for as long as men have been on this earth.
    Cain and Abel, all the horrors reported in the Bible, genocides, etc.
    But also the Inquisition, the Turks and the Armenians, the Holocaust, Rwanda, VietNam, Cambodja, Yugoslavia, with the genocide of Moslems, all the civil wars in South America and the horrors of dictatorships…
    What am I forgetting? Horrible acts are perpetuated every day in every part of the world…
    So what’s new ?

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