You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • tfs
    I feel absolutely no pity for apostate ridiculers. Nor did any of Jehovah's prophets in the past. When Jehovah causes the hammer to fall the accursed children of the apostasy are going to get exactly what they deserve.


    "For there are many, I used to mention them often but now I mention them also WITH WEEPING, who are walking as the ENEMIES OF THE TORTURE STAKE of the Christ." (Philippians 3:18)

    Why do you try to ignore this scripture? God's Word reveals these are former "Christians" who had become Christ's "ENEMIES"!

    And yet, Paul both felt pity and shed tears over them. Something you and the WTS are opposed to doing!

    LOVINGLY, Jehovah God,

    "DOES NOT DESIRE ANY TO BE DESTROYED but desires ALL (everyone on earth including "apostates") to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)

    Whereas, you and the WTS do not. (Your well-expressed attitude above shows this.)

    You see "You Know", even though you don't realize it yet, you have the unscriptural, WTS/SATANIC viewpoint of "apostates".

    And in your so doing, you do not reflect Jehovah & Jesus' Godly personality, as a true prophet should. You can only display a vicious, wicked form of "self-righteousness", which IS NOT "subject" to God's in any way. And that makes you "God's enemy". (Compare Romans 8:7 with Romans 10:2,3.)

    You are definitely Watchtower-trained. You have the "Watchtower Mentality", and their "evil-inclinedness" is reflected well in your UNLOVING, copious writings. Since you are well-trained by them, you mimic their "whitewashed" form of wickedness well. You have become "just like" your heartless mentors, a real living, breathing modern-day "Pharisee" who always conveniently manages to overlook or "disregard the weightier matters of God's Law," like "MERCY". (Matthew 23:23, 24, 27, 28; Luke 6:40)

    You are from the WTS, and the WTS is from Satan, which makes you from Satan too. When examined in the light of the scriptures, one can easily see the WTS' UNLOVING personality reflected in the evil they speak of about so-called "apostates", and others who oppose your religion's exposed wickedness. (Like the UN/GB Scandal! A subject you always wish to "brush off" as being of no real consequence.) And if someone stands up for what is right, these are the ones you brand as "apostates" in your worthless rag, the Watchtower magazine. So far, 6 million of your loathsome kind, have been infected by this wicked literature. Thus, both you and the WTS in the end, reflect only what you can reflect, not God's personality but the unloving "personality" of your master-teacher, your lying "father", Satan the Devil. (John 8:42-44)

    However, when "put to the test" by scriptures like Philippians 3:18 and 2 Peter 3:9, the WTS and yourself are proven wicked, "bad men" in whom first century christians righteously, "could not bear". (1 John 4:1; Rev. 2:2)


  • You Know
    You Know

    3.5 Horsemen said:

    Gold is still gold though. Better buy some.

    I thought you were an advocate of birds' feathers and glass beads as monetary instruments in the post crash world? LOL / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    tfs writes:

    GOD'S VIEW OF APOSTATES:"For there are many, I used to mention them often but now I mention them also WITH WEEPING, who are walking as the ENEMIES OF THE TORTURE STAKE of the Christ." (Philippians 3:18)

    Without looking up that verse I am pretty sure the next verse says something to the effect that 'their god is their belly and their end is destruction." So, the end is definetly destruction. And I'd say that most of you have made a god out of their gut, as well as deifying various other body parts somewhat south of your belly. In Paul's comment about weeping for such ones he apparently knew those who fell away---before they fell away. That's why he said he used to mention them often, when they were in the truth. But, once they left, then the weeping is not for the enemy, but for the person that left, before they became corrupt.

    Why do you try to ignore this scripture? God's Word reveals these are former "Christians" who had become Christ's "ENEMIES"!
    I am not ignoring it. I just don't accept an apostate's interpretation of it. There's a difference.

    "DOES NOT DESIRE ANY TO BE DESTROYED but desires ALL (everyone on earth including "apostates") to attain to repentance." (2 Peter 3:9)
    Okay, fine. Repent then. I'm all for it. LOL

    And in your so doing, you do not reflect Jehovah & Jesus' Godly personality, as a true prophet should. You can only display a vicious, wicked form of "self-righteousness", which IS NOT "subject" to God's in any way. And that makes you "God's enemy".
    You don't know Jehovah or Christ, give me a break! Jesus is absolutely going to annihilate apostates as soon as his moment arrives and no one of Jehovah's loyal ones is going to shed a tear.

    You are from the WTS, and the WTS is from Satan, which makes you from Satan too.
    Yeah, apostate Jews said the same thing about Christ when he was on the earth. Nothing every really changes much in that respect. / You Know
  • tfs

    You Know,

    You are nothing like Jesus, the one who said of the spiritually "lost" from His fold,

    "Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for ONE OF THESE LITTLE ONES TO PERISH." (Matthew 18:14)

    These are former followers of Jesus. Lost sheep. He still loved them, searched for them. Jehovah still loved them.

    Since you are NOT reading the scriptures I've mentioned, (I don't know why that doesn't surprise me) I'll quote Matthew 18:12-14 for you,

    "What do you think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish."

    Learned anything yet?

    You & the WTS are way out of line, with no scriptural backing.

    Jesus was truly a "loving" person right down to the end. Even AFTER these "sheep" left the fold, and came to be considered, in a "lost" spiritual condition. Still, Jesus was loving to the end. Something you & the WTS wouldn't know any thing about.

    For this is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, "Here I am, I myself, and I will search for my sheep and care for them." (Ezekiel 34:11)

    Love not hate, is the way of Jehovah. You do not "know Jehovah" at all. Rather, you are in need of someone to "teach" you, to "know Jehovah" still. (Hebrews 8:11)

    In Paul's comment about weeping for such ones he apparently knew those who fell away---before they fell away. That's why he said he used to mention them often, when they were in the truth. But, once they left, then the weeping is not for the enemy, but for the person that left, before they became corrupt.
    Of course, what you say above makes no sense at all.

    Nonetheless, I never recall you saying any JW should "weep" for any ex-JW at any time, period. Before they left the organization, nor after. So, why don't you practice what you preach?

    okay then, repent...
    You want me to "repent"?

    First, you tell your "anointed" brothers in New York to "repent". Have some "guts" for once in your life and stand up for what is right, the way Jesus did. At present, you are a "yellow-belly" coward in Jehovah's, Jesus' and Satan's eyes. The word "martyrdom" is not in your spiritual vocabulary at all. Here is someone brave,

    "And they conquered him [Satan] because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their witnessing, and they did not love their souls even in the face of death." (Revelation 12:11)

    First century Christians were brave, even thrown to the lions den. Died for their beliefs. You however on the other hand, in the face of the UN/GB Scandal, have a "yellow streak" running down the middle of your back, because you will not stand up to the WTS over this known practice of spiritual "adultery". You are afraid of them. So you willingly go along with 'their' spiritual adultery.

    By doing this, you show out right "hatred" for your spiritual brothers and knowingly and willingly "bear sin along with them." Jesus would never take such a course. He instead, when before Pilate for his life, was willing to die for "the truth". (Lev. 19:17; John 18:37)

    Instead, you hide from the brothers in your congregation, and attempt to salve your filthy "conscience" by sneaking to this discussion board and vociferously condemn the worthless "apostates", who surprisingly do not LACK the courage you do, to stand up against the wicked WTS. Yeah, you are real brave, you attack the "apostates" behind closed doors on the internet, when you know full well the real "apostates" are right there in front of you EVERYDAY at the kingdom hall as "elders", and those speaking to you using the printed "rag", right from Brooklyn (Patterson) Headquarters!

    Why don't you "prophesy" to them? Why not speak out against "apostates" of the UN/GB affair? Why don't you become a "man interposing" for the people, if you are a real prophet?

    "And the truth proves to be missing, and anyone turning away from badness is being despoiled. And Jehovah got to see, and it was bad in his eyes that there was no justice. And when he saw that there was NO MAN (standing up), he began to show himself astonished that there was NO ONE INTERPOSING..." (Isa. 59:15, 16; See also Proverbs 31:8,9.)

    You are not a "prophet". And you are not a true "interposer" for the people, or for Jehovah. You are a straight-out loud-mouthed, yellow-belly coward!

    A disgusting thing in God's sight. God has no use for the likes of someone like you.


  • You Know
    You Know

    tsf hisses:

    You are nothing like Jesus, the one who said of the spiritually "lost" from His fold,

    You are not the judge of that.

    These are former followers of Jesus. Lost sheep. He still loved them, searched for them. Jehovah still loved them.
    Wait a minute! If they are former followers of Jesus, that must mean that Jehovah's Witnesses are God's sheep, but you just said that we were the Devil's organization. How could they be lost sheep from the Devil's organization? Anyway, according to God's word, there is a time to seek what is lost and a time to give up looking for what is lost. It is obvious that most of you are beyond reclamation. But there's always hope for snatching a few strays out of the fire.

    Since you are NOT reading the scriptures I've mentioned
    No, I am familiar with the scriptures.

    i]"What do you think? If a certain man comes to have a hundred sheep and one of them gets strayed, will he not leave the ninety-nine upon the mountains and set out on a search for the one that is straying? And if he happens to find it, I certainly tell you, he rejoices more over it than over the ninety-nine that have not strayed. Likewise it is not a desirable thing with my Father who is in heaven for one of these little ones to perish."[/i]
    Learned anything yet?
    No, you aren't teaching me anything I don't know. Over the years I suppose I have helped a dozen or so lost sheep return to the fold.

    Jesus was truly a "loving" person right down to the end. Even AFTER these "sheep" left the fold, and came to be considered, in a "lost" spiritual condition. Still, Jesus was loving to the end. Something you & the WTS wouldn't know any thing about.
    Like I said, you don't know Jesus. Christ frequently rebuked the apostate Jews and Pharisees and said that they were blind guides and fools, offspring of vipers, and children of the Devil, and he basically told them that there was no way they were going to escape from the everlasting fires of gehenna. That judgement pretty much fits apostates JW's.

    Love not hate, is the way of Jehovah. You do not "know Jehovah" at all. Rather, you are in need of someone to "teach" you, to "know Jehovah" still. (Hebrews 8:11)
    This is an open forum and you are free to teach the board about the love of God anytime you feel like it. So have at it buddy---teach us about Jehovah, you have my full support.

    First you tell your "anointed" brothers in New York, to "repent". Have some "guts" for once and really stand up for what is right, the way Jesus did. You are a "yellow-belly" coward in Jehovah's, Jesus' and Satan's eyes. The word "martyrdom" is not in your spiritual vocabulary at all.
    You are a raving lunatic

    First century Christians were brave, even thrown to the lions den. Died for their beliefs. You however on the other hand, in the face of the UN/GB Scandal, are a "yellow-belly coward" because you will not stand up to the WTS over this known practice of spiritual "adultery". You are afraid of them. So you willingly go along with spiritual adultery.
    Stand up to them? What are you talking about? You want me to join the apostate movement because some clown at the Watchtower signed the organization up as an NGO? Forget it. You must be stark raving mad.

    Instead you hide from the brothers in your congregation, and come this discussion board and vehemently, boldly, bravely condemn the "apostates", who stand up against the wicked WTS. Yeah, you are real brave, you attack the "apostates" behind closed doors, when you know full well, you know precisely the real "apostates" are right there in front of you everyday at the kingdom hall as "elders", and those speaking to you using the printed page, right from Brooklyn (Patterson) Headquarters!
    Boy, I really got you hissing like a viper now.

    Why don't speak out against "apostates"? Why don't you become a "man interposing" for the people?
    Why don't you mind your own businees? If you are no part of the organization you have no right to advise others how to deal with faithfulness. / You Know
  • tfs

    You know,

    I have every right to use the Bible. The same right you possess when you carry your worthless "rag-magazine" to the people in the door-to-door work. Disturbing the whole neighborhood, by selling your filthy, hypocritical literature to them. As it were, barking up every tree you come to, like a dog.

    But all of that will be short-lived. Your religion is going no where. Because of the internet. More Internet (in more countries) means no JW growth. Its just a matter of time. (The Mormons have already doubled you in size.) Your annual growth figures are truly pathetic.

    As for your comment about you people being the "Devil's organization". You said that. I didn't.

    I said the WTS was "from the Devil". But the thought really doesn't pose a problem for me. You see, it was Jesus himself who said the "Pharisees" were to quote, "from the Devil". And that's what I said. And yet, this same Jesus also said the "kingdom of God" would be stripped from these same wicked Satanic Pharisees, and given to a "nation" that would "bear the fruit" God desired. Is that such a paradox to you? Was Israel God's Organization or the Devil's. Which?

    If thats a paradox to you, then you really are an idiot.

    ...just because some clown at Watchtower signed the organization up as an NGO?
    No, more than some "clown" [namely Lloyd Barry] on the Governing Body. Much more.

    How do you think the 11/22/98 Awake! got used on the official United Nations Website, as an example of support for Human Rights?

    The WTS has copyrights to the magazine.

    The United Nations needed to have PERMISSION to use this article. Permission from the WTS. And they got it. This article has been archived for all to see, as an eternal monument of support to the United Nations Organization by the WTS. The entire Governing Body was in on it. No question. Here is the link:


    This is spiritual fornication.

    The WTS condemned the Catholic Church for having 24 different NGO affiliations. Classified it as spiritual fornication.

    Now, the WTS/GB does the same thing.

    You are in no position to "condemn" or "judge" anybody now, hypocrite.

    "Therefore you are INEXCUSABLE, O man, whoever you are, if you judge; for in the thing in which you judge another (Catholic Church), you condemn yourself, inasmuch as you that judge PRACTICE THE SAME THINGS (NGO for United Nations for 10 years)...But do you have this idea, O man, while you judge those who practice such things and yet you do them, that you will escape the judgment of God?"

    Will you or your organization, "escape the judgment of God," You Know?



  • You Know
    You Know
    I have every right to use the Bible.

    Of course you do. And I encourage you to use it.

    But all of that will be short-lived. Your religion is going no where. Because of the internet. More Internet (in more countries) means no JW growth. Its just a matter of time.
    I agree that it's just about game time. The impending blowout of this system will no doubt synchronize with Jehovah's judgments upon his organization and the world. And for sure, there a many among us who may not be judged favorably. But, the true faith will survive. Personally, I am anxious to get it on. / You Know
  • tfs

    If you had any real "sense" in your head, you'd be trying understand these words, "through the lightness [frivolity] of her whoredom she polluted the land". (Jeremiah 3:9 KJV)

    and this link,



  • You Know
    You Know

    I fully understand what Jehovah's judgments against his spiritual organization are and why. But, I also know what his judicial decisions are concerning apostates too. You can't teach me anything that I don't already know. / You Know

  • tfs

    You "understand" nothing, fool.

    ...just because some clown at Watchtower signed the organization up as an NGO?
    No, more than some "clown", but namely the "illustrious" (and now deceased) Lloyd Barry of the Governing Body. Plus one from "Writing Department" and one from "Service Department", three and not one, involved in the "Secret UN Deal".

    But I say even the entire Governing Body itself was involved from the start. And now, probably the entire Patterson-Bethel Staff since the "stuff" has hit the fan over the last few months. Yes and, much, much more.

    Any fool can figure this out: Namely how do you think the November 22, 1998 Awake! article got used on the official United Nations Website, as an example of support for Human Rights in the first place? How could such a thing happen?

    Only with the WTS' permission.

    The WTS has copyrights to the magazine, if you recall.

    And the United Nations Organization needed to have PERMISSION to use this article. Permission from the WTS. And they got it. This article has been archived for all to see, as an eternal monument of support to the United Nations Organization by the WTS. An event that cannot be erased by the passing of time. The entire Governing Body was in on it. No question.

    Here is the link of spiritual fornication on the WTS' part:


    A permanent archive. A permanent "testimony" of support. This is spiritual fornication, You Know, on display for all the world to see. The "whoredom" you "lightly" put aside. (Jer. 3:9 KJV)

    Remember, the WTS condemned the Catholic Church for having 24 different NGO affiliations with the United Nations. They classified it as spiritual fornication on the part of the Catholic Church.

    Now, the WTS/GB does the same thing. Secretly for 10 years.

    So, you are in no position to "condemn" or "judge" anybody now, hypocrite. Just as Paul said,

    "Therefore you are INEXCUSABLE, O man, whoever you are, if you judge; for in the thing in which you judge another (Catholic Church), you condemn yourself, inasmuch as you that judge PRACTICE THE SAME THINGS (WTS Secret NGO for United Nations for 10 years)...But do you have this idea, O man, while you judge those who practice such things and yet YOU DO THEM, that you will escape the judgment of God?" (Romans 2:1-3)

    Will you or your highly hypocritical organization, "escape the judgment of God," You Know?


    Thus, ALL the wicked, must be "judged", You Know. No one escapes.

    But to the wicked one [WTS & You Know] God will have to say, "What right do you have to enumerate my regulations, And that you may bear my covenant in your mouth?" (Psalms 50:16)

    God says, You and your filthy organization, have no "right" to judge anyone, anymore. Your "judging-of-others" days are over, You Know, God has said.

    Because of this link:


    See ya, wouldn't want to be ya...


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