You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Hey tfs,the last two posts I`ve read on this thread from you,are the first I`ve read from you.Your hilarios.Some of the funniest things that are said,come from speaking the truth.You know how to stick-it to a bullshit artist..LOL...OUTLAW

  • cellomould

    Quit fornicating, You Two!
    you were all over each other, I saw that.

    Or at least go to private chat for this 'spiritual fornication'.


    "In other words, your God is the warden of a prison where the only prisoner is your God." Jose Saramago, The Gospel According to Jesus Christ

  • AlanF

    Hey, tfs, you are one good whacker of this total asshole You Know! The man is even more arrogant than those he puts on a pedestal. Fight fire with fire!


  • You Know
    You Know

    tfs goes on saying:

    You "understand" nothing, fool.

    Okay. Teach me.

    No, more than some "clown", but namely the "illustrious" (and now deceased) Lloyd Barry of the Governing Body. Plus one from "Writing Department" and one from "Service Department", three and not one, involved in the "Secret UN Deal".
    To which I say: So what? By the way, since Brother Barry has died, the scripture says that at death one is acquitted of his sin. Are you advocating mutilating his corpse or something like that? LOL

    Any fool can figure this out: Namely how do you think the November 22, 1998 Awake!
    article got used on the official United Nations Website, as an example of support for Human Rights in the first place? How could such a thing happen?Yes. This isn't new light. What am I supposedly not figuring out here?

    And the United Nations Organization needed to have PERMISSION to use this article. Permission from the WTS. And they got it. This article has been archived for all to see, as an eternal monument of support to the United Nations Organization by the WTS. An event that cannot be erased by the passing of time. The entire Governing Body was in on it. No question.
    Okay. I don't have any questions so far. But I'll let you know when I do.

    A permanent archive. A permanent "testimony" of support. This is spiritual fornication, You Know, on display for all the world to see. The "whoredom" you "lightly" put aside. (Jer. 3:9 KJV)
    Yes. I have seen it. But go on…

    Remember, the WTS condemned the Catholic Church for having 24 different NGO affiliations with the United Nations. They classified it as spiritual fornication on the part of the Catholic Church.
    Now, the WTS/GB does the same thing. Secretly for 10 years.
    I agree that it is rank hypocrisy. I have written about it in the past. When are we going to get to the part where you tell me something that I don’t already know?

    So, you are in no position to "condemn" or "judge" anybody now, hypocrite. Just as Paul said,
    "Therefore you are INEXCUSABLE, O man, whoever you are, if you judge; for in the thing in which you judge another (Catholic Church), you condemn yourself, inasmuch as you that judge PRACTICE THE SAME THINGS (WTS Secret NGO for United Nations for 10 years)...But do you have this idea, O man, while you judge those who practice such things and yet YOU DO THEM, that you will escape the judgment of God?" (Romans 2:1-3)
    Okay, now. Here I have a few questions for you. First: Are you somehow imagining that because the Watchtower has become involved with the UN as an NGO that that means that I agree with their stance? I didn’t join the UN, did you? I don’t support any political regime. My Christian neutrality and integrity has in no way been compromised. In ancient Israel their kings and priests frequently fell into apostasy and error, for which Jehovah punished the entire nation. But, there were always individuals who remained faithful to God despite the poor examples of their leaders. I think of Daniel, and his three companions, who were princes in Jerusalem during the time leading up the first wave of exiles that were taken to Babylon. He wasn’t really apart of the idolatry and immorality and yet he suffered for it and in the 9th chapter he openly confessed the nation’s sin before Jehovah including himself among the sinners. And he was obviously recognized by God for his humility and loyalty. The angel even referred to him as a “very desirable man.”

    We could cite the example of Moses too, who for many years faithfully led a stiff-necked nation, until one day he acted rashly by taking credit for one of God’s miracles. For his unfaithfulness God punished him by not allowing him to enter the new earth that lay before them. And yet God still recognized him as the meekest of all men. David too committed numerous missteps. And Jehovah always punished him. Once, when David took a census, contrary to God’s will, Jehovah punished the entire nation for David’s error. And yet Jehovah said of David, that, “he is a man after my own heart.”

    So, yes the Watchtower has committed a terrible sin. But should that be an excuse for me to apostatize from my God? No, I am not looking for any such pretext to abandon my faith in God and my commitment to his people. After all, most Witnesses don’t even know about the WT’s involvement with the UN, so I want to be there for them when the whole thing comes to light and walk them through the issues as they arise.

    Will you or your highly hypocritical organization, "escape the judgment of God," You Know?
    I don’t imagine for one moment that we will escape Jehovah’s judgment. Are you supposedly bringing me new light here? Apparently you are new to this board or something, because I have written, not extensively mind you, present company considered, but I have nonetheless pointed in a limited way to some of the pre-recorded judicial decisions that will be brought to bear against us during the judgement. Like I told you, I am thoroughly familiar with God’s judgments. I have made it my business to know God’s affairs, to the extent that his word indicates his mind on things.

    Thus, ALL the wicked, must be "judged", You Know. No one escapes.
    I am glad that you believe in Jehovah's judgment. I certainly do too. And I well know that the judgment of God begins first with us. The ferment in the organization, and the lack of growth in our ministry, indicating that Jehovah has withdrawn his spirit; along with the Vesuvian-like rumblings form the financial system; coupled with the relentless drive by the Anglo-American powers to initiate the Clash of Civilization; along with the growing apostasy among Jehovah’s Witnesses; all these simultaneous developments indicate that Jehovah’s awesome Judgement Day is indeed imminent. I don’t expect the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York Inc will survive the judgment, but I am confident that Jehovah’s purpose in connection with his people will be accomplished in spite of ourselves. Like I have said before: What’s the good in having a Savior if you never need him to save you from error and death? / You Know
  • dubla


    good morning. ill get back to you on your nonsensical financial blubberings when i get a few free minutes today, but for now real quickly, id like to comment on an obvious oversight by you:

    First: Are you somehow imagining that because the Watchtower has become involved with the UN as an NGO that that means that I agree with their stance?
    do you see the oversight? let me spell it out for you. by declaring yourself one of jehovahs witnesses, and parading around from door to door preaching the "good news" as taught by jehovahs witnesses, and handing out magazines printed by jehovahs most certainly DO take the position of accepting and agreeing with all of their "stances", including the stance on the u.n. issue. you cannot identify yourself as a jw and pick and choose what you believe and what you agree with. if you believe you can, than you are an admitted hypocrite.


  • tfs

    "You Know" said,

    Are you somehow imagining that because the Watchtower has become involved with the UN as an NGO that that means that I agree with their stance? I didn’t join the UN, did you? I don’t support any political regime. My Christian neutrality and integrity has in no way been compromised.
    Why yes indeed, your precious "integrity" has been compromised, by none other than your illustrous leaders, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses themselves!

    You foolishly mentioned Daniel above, as an example for yourself to give seeming support to your position of supposed NONINVOLVEMENT in the UN/GB Scandal. You use Daniel to show how you have "escaped" guilt and remain "innocent" in God's eyes despite this international, decadent debacle or fiasco on the Governing Body's part.

    (See link provided below.)


    Again, "Open mouth, put foot in", You Know. Really foolish move.

    You Know, your great spiritual "ignorance" is really on display for all to see concerning this issue. Your ignorance and apparently tremendous spiritual ignorance on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses enmass worldwide.


    REPENTANCE -- You see, the righteous prophet Daniel was repentant. Daniel had a "repentant attitude" for both himself and the nation he represented. An attitude you know nothing about, "You Know", in all of your shameful disdainful "supercilliousness". (See Psalms 10:4.)

    Innocent Daniel, was being "punished" by being exiled in Babylon, FOR THE SINS OF HIS LEADERS! But Daniel was himself, very innocent of these sins. But he was being "punished" nonetheless, for "their" [the leaders of the nation] sins.

    This is what you do not understand about this whole UN/GB Scandal situation.

    Actually, now that you've mentioned him, Daniel would be the perfect person I would pick to DISPROVE your argument, and show your lack of repentance before God.

    Unlike you, the "repentant" and contrite prophet Daniel had enough "sense" to keep HIS BIG MOUTH SHUT, the whole while he was in Babylon under pagan rulership (Nebuchadnezzar). Daniel had enough sense to recognize shame, national "shame". Daniel had the spiritual insight to recognize a GREAT NATIONAL EMERGENCY when he saw one. He recognized Great "sin" on the nations part when he saw it. You evidently have not the vision, nor the mental facility to "see" the real issue at stake here.

    Daniel did not have your problem. Daniel knew to be led off into "captivity" as punishment was a GREAT SHAME! Shame, Shame. Do you know the meaning of it, shame that is. National shame. This is something I wished you would learn, so that you will quit all of your meaningless "preaching" to others, when you are to God and Jesus, as spiritually filthy as they come. Here is why you are filthy. The entire spiritual nation of Jehovah's Witnesses is filthy, because of


    Leviticus 4:3, 13, 14:

    "If the [High] priest, the anointed one sins so as to BRING GUILTINESS UPON THE PEOPLE..."

    Is ignorance an excuse? What if the sin is "hidden"?

    "Now if the entire assembly of Israel makes a mistake and the matter has been hidden from the eyes of the congregation in that they have done one of all the things that Jehovah commands should not be done and so have BECOME GUILTY and the sin that they have committed against it has become known, ..."

    Guilt is incurred, no matter. Whether the nation knows or not. Its national guilt. The "guilt" cannot be removed so easily. Punishment is in store.

    "You Know", what you don't realize is this fact:

    If the Governing Body "sins", that means YOU HAVE SINNED, in God's eyes, by simply being one of Jehovah's Witnesses!

    Its called "COMMUNITY GUILT".

    Here is the scriptural rule that must be adhered to at all times:

    "And as for the [false] prophet [WTS], in case he gets fooled and actually speaks a word, I myself, Jehovah, have fooled that prophet; and I will stretch out my hand against him and annihilate him from the midst of my people Israel. And they [the entire JW congregation] will have to bear their error. THE ERROR OF THE INQUIRER WILL PROVE TO BE JUST THE SAME AS THE ERROR OF THE [FALSE] PROPHET, in order that those of the house of Israel may no more go wandering off from following me and may no more go defiling themselves with all their transgressions..." (Ezekiel 14:9-11)

    Stiff punishment. The "inquirer" gets the same punishment as the "false prophet," Jehovah has said.

    So, you are going to get the same "Divine punishment" as the WTS, your leaders. Because you are a part of that nation.



    is what you told the people in your filthy door-to-door work, when you said the "churches were guilty, and the people in the churches were JUST AS GUILTY when they decide to stay and support the churches." Do you remember saying that?

    Then, you quoted Rev. 18:4, which says conveniently:

    "...Get out of her [Babylon], if you do not want to SHARE WITH HER IN HER SINS, and if you do not want to RECEIVE PART OF HER PLAGUES."

    Jehovah's Witnesses called it "Community Guilt". JWs said, the Bible taught it. They said it applied to all parishners and supporters of the churches of Babylon the Great. JWs called it "Guilt By Association". Being an "Assessory To the Fact". And it applies to all supporters of the wicked churches. Remember, "You Know"?

    Therefore, using this same Divine Principle, all Jehovah's Witnesses MUST then "share in the sins" of the Governing Body's, "share their guilt" over the UN/GB Scandal, according to Jesus and God, and Revelation 18:4. This is because you, "You Know" and your unfaithful "constituents" told the people in field service that they were going to be "completely destroyed", if they stayed with their filthy church organization. And this was because of "Community Guilt", did you not? Do you remember? No, it didn't matter what they personally believed or did, their good conduct, personally didn't matter to God. That didn't matter. You told them: They would get the SAME PENALTY AS THEIR LEADERS. Because they were part of the filthy organization, a supporter, even if it was only in name only. This is what you've taught, "You Know".

    Did you not say this, "You Know", last week in field service?

    I'm sure you have explained, Revelation 18:4 before, You Know, in field service.

    So, now the "shoe is on the other foot."

    "You Know", is now facing, what you have preached to others! Surprise! Surprise! "You Know" is facing something you didn't expect. "Community Guilt", as taught by Rev. 18:4. One of JWs favorite scriptures too.

    Jesus understood "Community Guilt". That's why Jesus said, if the "blind leads the blind, THEY BOTH fall into the pit." (Matthew 15:14)

    If the Pharisees go down, then the whole nation goes down, "in the pit". Community Guilt.

    Funny how things work, You Know. You see, the same "pit" you have joyfully and gleefully dug for all others, for years and years in the door-to-door work, is now waiting for you! You and the WTS will "fall into your own pit." Neither one of you will escape, this irrevocable Divine penalty inherent in God's Law. (Proverbs 26:27; 28:10)

    So now, its time for YOU, to fall back in the "pit" of COMMUNITY GUILT, just for being one of Jehovah's Witnesses! All thanks to Rev. 18:4 and your "big mouth" in the door-to-door work.

    Now here is how Daniel looked at NATIONAL tragedy. The following shows Daniel understood something, "You Know," that clearly you do not. He understood "COMMUNITY GUILT" when he said,

    "O Jehovah, TO US [entire nation] belongs the SHAME OF FACE, to OUR KINGS, to OUR PRINCES and to OUR FOREFATHERS, because WE [entire nation] HAVE SINNED against you...WE [entire nation] HAVE NOT OBEYED the voice of Jehovah our God by walking in his laws that he set before us by the hand of his servants the prophets. And ALL THOSE OF ISRAEL HAVE OVERSTEPPED your law, and there has been a turning aside by not obeying your voice, so that you poured out UPON US [entire nation] the curse and the sworn oath that is written in the law of Moses the servant of the true God, for WE [entire nation] HAVE SINNED against him." (Daniel 9:8-11)

    Daniel was humble, unlike you. Daniel included himself in the "sinning" process of the nation by saying: "We have sinned..."

    He included himself, "You Know", in the "sinning". Have you? No because you DO NOT understand it. But God will be there, to remind you.

    Daniel kept saying, "We have sinned...We have transgressed." We, the nation, We, the people, the leaders. We, We, We. Not "you," "you," "you have sinned". Not "They, they, they have sinned."

    Unlike you, Daniel said, "Our kings," "our Princes," and rightfully "all of Israel" have sinned, he acknowledged this fact. Daniel had some "sense". He kept his "wit" about him during the whole affair.

    Not, what you keep saying, things like:

    "those clowns at at Bethel have sinned."

    Daniel was a spiritual man who could "examine all things". He was nothing like you. (1 Corinthians 2:15)

    You are a fool who understands nothing about Jehovah, "You Know".

    tfs [TheFalseprophetSlayer]

  • bjc2012

    You Know,

    I am glad that you believe in Jehovah's judgment. I certainly do too. And I well know that the judgment of God begins first with us. The ferment in the organization, and the lack of growth in our ministry, INDICATING THAT JEHOVAH HAS WITHDRAWN HIS SPIRIT
    .How can you, a "spirit-anointed" person remain in an organization that you positively know is devoid of Jehovah's Holy Spirit?


  • You Know
    You Know
    How can you, a "spirit-anointed" person remain in an organization that you positively know is devoid of Jehovah's Holy Spirit?

    I should clarify that statement. I don't think Jehovah has entirely withdrawn his spirit. But, since God's blessing is what makes his field under cultivation grow, then a lack of growth would indicate a gradual withdrawl of His blessing upon our work. That doesn't mean that individually we don't have access to the holy spirit in our own lives. But, it is worth remembering that Jehovah took his spirit away from Christ at the critical moment immediately before his death. That suited God's purpose. So we cant' become over-confident of God's blessing and go about our ministry in business-as-usual fashion and just assume that everything will succeed as before. Jehovah has the means and the will to bring his people to heel. / You know

  • You Know
    You Know


    You foolishly mentioned Daniel above, as an example for yourself to give seeming support to your position of supposed NONINVOLVEMENT in the UN/GB Scandal. You use Daniel to show how you have "escaped" guilt and remain "innocent" in God's eyes despite this international, decadent debacle or fiasco on the Governing Body's part.

    You are a little confused here evidently. I cited Daniel because he accepted guilt even though he wasn't personally responsible.

    You Know, your great spiritual "ignorance" is really on display for all to see concerning this issue. Your ignorance and apparently tremendous spiritual ignorance on the part of Jehovah's Witnesses enmass worldwide.

    Innocent Daniel, was being "punished" by being exiled in Babylon, FOR THE SINS OF HIS LEADERS! But Daniel was himself, very innocent of these sins. But he was being "punished" nonetheless, for "their" [the leaders of the nation] sins.
    Correct. Why are you just repeating what I said after calling me ignorant? LOL

    Daniel did not have your problem. Daniel knew to be led off into "captivity" as punishment was a GREAT SHAME! Shame, Shame. Do you know the meaning of it, shame that is. National shame. This is something I wished you would learn, so that you will quit all of your meaningless "preaching" to others, when you are to God and Jesus, as spiritually filthy as they come. Here is why you are filthy
    The venom-spewing accusations of apostates are just that---mere accusations. The evil slave class and his dupes are merely following the lead of Satan the Devil, who, as the original apostate, is also called the Accuser of our brothers. Not that his accusations are entirely false, just that they are irrelevant as long as we have God's blessing.

    So at the present moment your trifling lunatic denunciations are no cause for us to be ashamed. However, when Jehovah our God denounces us and rebukes us during the judgment, then we will have cause for shame. That's what the final test is all about. Jehovah's true sons will even bear their Father's raging rebukes as part of bearing the reproach of the Christ. Those who bear up under it will get the crown of life. And I should add, that while we will feel the heat of God's rebuke, our accusers will be absolutely incinerated by Jehovah's blazing anger. Just something to keep in mind. / You Know

    "Although I have fallen, I shall certainly rise up.
    Although I dwell in the darkness, Jehovah will be a light to me.
    The raging of Jehovah I shall bear---for I have sinned against him---
    Until he conducts my legal case and actually executes justice for me."
    ---MICAH 7:9

  • You Know
    You Know

    Where's Amazing? You started this thread, did you just want to take a shot at ole YK and then slither off? LOL / You Know

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