You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dubla


    In a typical model an increase in money supply does devalue the currency which is what inflation is. But, in the face of collapsing system of production the tendency towards inflation is countered by deflation.
    so in yks new model, printing new money now leads to deflation.....we got it. basically, you say whatever suits your argument, and once again you have no backing for these ridiculous statements. you post an article on hyperinflation, then you post an article on hyperdeflation, and now you claim they are happening simultaneously. whats next, black is white? lol.

    But, as far as the dollar losing value, that is evident in some aspects in that it takes more and more dollars to buy the same relatively worthless stocks of profitless companies.
    this statement proves once and for all that your knowledge of our financial system is just below zero. i should probably be ashamed for ever debating you on this topic, when its obvious you have no grasp of it whatsoever. increasing stock values are not equal to dropping dollar values......what an insane idea!! stock values are based on perception.....what people percieve the company to be worth. its a big auction, so stock in a company is only worth what the next guy is willing to pay for it (or what he thinks its worth). sometimes this is a direct correlation to what the company is actually worth, and sometimes it isnt (its a fantasy value, like enron). when the sentiment drops, the market drops, plain and simple. when the sentiment rises, the market rises.......does this mean the dollar value just dropped with the increase in stock prices?? lol, of course not. if that were true, then during a major market rally (like the one we had in the 4th quarter), the price of goods would go through the roof!! somehow though, goods prices stayed constant through the entire process. how is that yk?

    its very amusing to me that you cannot understand something so simple and basic, yet you try and explain the complexities of the system. the only person you are fooling with your jibberish, is yourself.

    You are extremely confused, if not dishonest.
    i am not confused or dishonest. you said that "many" believed that the system collapse was a "given". all i asked for was a list of sources that make up this "many" that you speak of (including more than contrarians and obvious lunatics like larouche). obviously, you could not provide such a list as evidenced by your answer. rather you attempted to draw the attention back on me by calling me dishonest. your deceit tactic have no bounds.


  • You Know
    You Know
    Dark Ages Barbarism…. I agree this can happen. But this has been happening for as long as men have been on this earth.

    That's the point. So why pretend that it's not going to happen again?

    But also the Inquisition, the Turks and the Armenians, the Holocaust, Rwanda, VietNam, Cambodja, Yugoslavia, with the genocide of Moslems, all the civil wars in South America and the horrors of dictatorships… What am I forgetting?
    You are forgetting the Chinese genocide under Mao's so-called Great Leap Forward, which according to some estimates liquidated about 100 million lives. So, I think you get the point. As long as Satan the Devil is ruling the world there can never be real security. Most people in the West foolishly put their trust in the present system and imagine that such horrors could never happen now. Nothing could be farther from the truth. / You Know
  • You Know
    You Know


    so in yks new model, printing new money now leads to deflation.....we got it. basically, you say whatever suits your argument, and once again you have no backing for these ridiculous statements.

    I didn’t say that printing money leads to deflation. I said that deflation, caused by collapsing production worldwide, has offset the inflation caused by monetary expansion. At least for now anyway. Why don’t you try and get yourself an education on this stuff so you don’t look like such an idiot?

    increasing stock values are not equal to dropping dollar values......what an insane idea!!
    You truly are mis-informed. It is I who should be ashamed for trying to educate the uneducable. What do you imagine causes a stock market bubble in the first place? It is easy credit and excess money that bids up the price of stock higher and higher and forms what is known as a bubble. Wall Street doesn’t describe that phenomenon as equity inflation, which is why you imagine it to be “an insane idea,” but that’s what it is. The price of stock responds the same way that consumer prices would respond to excess money.

    so stock in a company is only worth what the next guy is willing to pay for it (or what he thinks its worth).
    Exactly. So the relative worth or worthlessness of a company doesn’t have as much to do with the actual profitability of the company as it does the perceptions of investment bankers and such. That was my point.

    when the sentiment drops, the market drops, plain and simple. when the sentiment rises, the market rises.......does this mean the dollar value just dropped with the increase in stock prices?? lol, of course not.
    And just what determines this investor sentiment? To a large extent it is the availability and price of money. Why do you suppose Wall Street lives or dies by Mr. Greenspan’s every utterance? When interest rates are brought down and credit is eased it makes borrowing more profitable and that added leverage bids up the price of stocks as more money is chasing a limited amount of available shares causing them to inflate in value. Or put another way, the dollar depreciates in value relative to the perceived value of a given equity.

    if that were true, then during a major market rally (like the one we had in the 4th quarter), the price of goods would go through the roof!! somehow though, goods prices stayed constant through the entire process. how is that yk?
    That’s wrong. As the price of stocks inflates it draws more and more money into the updraft. But, that doesn’t necessarily immediately cause consumer prices to inflate simultaneously. But, as a spillover effect of that real estate prices have also inflated in recent years forming an unsustainable auxiliary bubble in that sector as well. But as long as the money flows into the stock market and real estate, with the flattening of industrial and consumer demand for oil, and other consumer prices, due to deflation, then consumer prices are not going to pop. But, once the market heads south in a big way then there will be a rush into tangible goods and then you could see hyperinflation in consumer prices.

    i am not confused or dishonest. you said that "many" believed that the system collapse was a "given". all i asked for was a list of sources that make up this "many" that you speak of (including more than contrarians and obvious lunatics like larouche).
    I am not going to waste my time searching the net for articles. It’s not worth it for me to teach you how the world works. If you were interested in knowing the truth you would do the research yourself. For a fact though, I consider Greenspan and his bunch to be the real lunatics. Just because they have a monopoly on the money supply doesn’t mean that they also have a monopoly on the truth, as you foolishly imagine.
    / You Know

    More pointless dribble from You Know.This guy will never learn,it would be faster to train a chimp...OUTLAW

  • tfs

    You Know,

    As for enjoying sharing my doomsday views, I would have to say that I do, for the simple reason that it is the truth that the system is doomed. That's what it's all about---the truth.
    You say, you ENJOY sharing a "doomsday" message, do you?

    That shows real spiritual "immaturity" on your part.

    You see, when Jehovah chose a "prophet", he always proved to be someone who always felt compassion and pity for the people, in their fallen condition. So UNLIKE you, "You know".

    The Divinely chosen-prophets of old were the kind of people that had real feelings for people. They "felt pity for the people," even cried over the fallen state of the nation. They "wept" for the lost souls, as Jesus did. I don't recall Prophets ever "rejoicing" over a message from God, that spoke of "doom" for the people. (Lamentations 1:15, 16; Matthew 9:36; Luke 19:41, 42)

    That would be totally INAPPROPRIATE. That's tantamount to rejoicing over the "fall" of the wicked, which was strictly forbidden in the Law Covenant. I can't imagine a prophet showing up to deliver a "message of doom" from God, with a BIG FAT SMILE OF GLEE upon his face. Can you?

    Also in Christians times, Paul showed spiritual "maturity" when he "wept" over former "brothers" who had now become "enemies of Christ". (Phil. 3:18) How does that compare with your "mental inclination" on open display on JW.Com Discussion Board? (Phillipians 3:15-18)

    "You Know", you are already at the "doorstep" of disaster. For, the next thing we will hear from your mouth is that you are the FIRST PROPHET of Jehovah, that actually ENJOYS seeing the "DOOM" administered upon the wicked? That would be a first for even you. (Proverbs 24:17, 18; Ezekiel 33:11)


  • You Know
    You Know

    tfs: I feel absolutely no pity for apostate ridiculers. Nor did any of Jehovah's prophets in the past. When Jehovah causes the hammer to fall the accursed children of the apostasy are going to get exactly what they deserve. / You Know


    So far every jw that has supported WBTS has eventualy died.They will continue to do so...OUTLAW

  • Celia

    I do not pretend it's not going to happen again, it's happening right at this minute, somewhere in the world...
    But as I said : What's new?

  • You Know
    You Know

    Celia asks:

    I do not pretend it's not going to happen again, it's happening right at this minute, somewhere in the world...
    But as I said : What's new?

    What's new? When the system collapses, then instead of watching atrocities on television in far away places, Amercicans and their friends might find out by first hand experience what genocide is all about. I suppose a lot of people are going to think that's something new. / You Know

  • 4horsemen

    The world according to You Know.

    Just imagine:

    worthless fiat money, unsteady job market (if you have a job), even dimmer job prospects, no health insurance, no retirement, no chance of owning a home, no credit worthiness, a 1975 Ford Pinto, bus, or bicycle as your means of transportation, thrift shop clothes, eating food you grow, teaching your children at home with no opportunity for college/professional training, no free time to socialize, go to the gym, find a wife, pursue other interests due to just trying to survive in a cruel world that doesn't give a 2 bit damn about you...

    What do you know? Sounds just like JW lives already! They should be well prepared.

    You Know, shake yourself. You've been reading your bear market letter writers too long. ALL systems are corrupt. ALL men fail, ALL men betray.

    Especially the WTBS. God(Jehovah or otherwise) is no rose himself. He plays favorites, and makes up his own rules. Sort of like a spiritual Alan Greenspan. He favors those he has chosen. The Bible is a compendium of human corruption with "Gods" approval. When King David committed crimes that would have put anyone else to the sword, Jah looked the other way. He suffered to be sure, but his life went on. He still had his crown and Bethseba in his bed. Solomon. Aaron. The early christian congregation. Even the apostles arguing over who was the greatest. Ridiculous nonsense. And these are the men of old? Reinforcers of our faith? More like examples of the same old, same old. And all their respective currencies and financial systems are long gone. Gold is still gold though. Better buy some.

    Man is as he has always been: A barbarian.

    "Let us seduce him with our wealth, impress him with our might, and so treat him as our friend" ~Aetius, Roman General speaking of Attila not Saul of Tarsus.

    What has changed? The means of destruction. Only.

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