You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dubla
    Where's Amazing? You started this thread, did you just want to take a shot at ole YK and then slither off? LOL / You Know

    perhaps your posts display such obvious idiocy that amazing doesnt feel the need to humor any of them with a reply. isnt that the defense you always use while implimenting your "duck and dodge" tactics?


  • You Know
    You Know
    perhaps your posts display such obvious idiocy that amazing doesnt feel the need to humor any of them with a reply. isnt that the defense you always use while implimenting your "duck and dodge" tactics?

    If it's important for you to believe that, little man, then you go right ahead. / You Know

  • dubla


    i promised to get back to your financial ravings yesterday, and i never found the time. i know youre wrapped up in your "defend larouche at all costs" thread right now, but here goes anyhow. btw, this will be a small reply, as most of your fabricated financial information wasnt worth a response.....

    So the relative worth or worthlessness of a company doesn’t have as much to do with the actual profitability of the company as it does the perceptions of investment bankers and such. That was my point.
    that might of been your point, but it isnt what you said. you tried to turn it into an argument for why money is worth less now, which just is simply stupid. as far as the above statement, i agree fully, and have never refuted this. anyone who has half a lick of knowledge on the market knows this already.

    And just what determines this investor sentiment?
    many, many things go into determining investor sentiment. greenspan is only ONE factor. ever notice how the market swings on economic news? it does, just as fast as it does after a greenspan speech. ever notice how the market swings on earnings news? it does, just as fast as it does after a greenspan speech. you imagine that the money supply controls sentiment, when in actuality, there are hundreds of factors. i can list more if youd like, but i think this will suffice for any intelligent reader.

    I am not going to waste my time searching the net for articles.
    hmmmm, interesting though that you have no reservations about "searching" the bear sites and larouchepub for articles. why is that? LOL, you are so transparent. its becuase THESE ARE THE ONLY ARTICLES YOU CAN COME UP WITH TO BACK YOUR RAVINGS.

    It’s not worth it for me to teach you how the world works
    a valiant attempt at misdirection...bravo. its not worth it for you to come up with credible quotes, because they dont exist. wake up yk, wake up to reality.


  • KissAFish

    Y/K.. even your nic shows what a self righteous ignorant prat you know.. As a FULLY graduated commerce expert, your dire finacial ruin rantings are just that RANTINGS!!!!..and obviously abit too much time on your hands.. I mean you need more then an internet education to get the real picture..not just a cut n paste view of commerce.I would suggest going out and getting a REAL fulltime job, and stop using the excuse of "gods world is coming to blow up all the worldly non jws so i can get their houses". I bet in your doorknocking you have a pedestal.. just to give that much more of a lift, huh...?? I know you wont answer my post.. but hey I couldnt stand anymore of your pompous BORING repetive..straight out of the WTS mouth speeches.. you are never going to see the light..that is the true meaning of an apostate...when shown the error of his/her own ways they turn a blind eye. Your arguments are not based n any intelligence but rather doom gloom and the usual WTS rants, You insult , which I am sure Jesus I would suggest to go back to the drawing board, get some real facts, a real relationship with God and maybe A WHOLE NEW ATTITUDE, because you are certainly not winning ANY souls on here, you are just fulfilling your need to be a bigger (mouthed) person by coming into a chatroom and piping your BS...As I have already suggested..come back with real facts.. not just BS..and stop your insult on some very intelligent people's opinions, and that is known as a DISCUSSION.. Normally I dont resort to insults but I thought id lower myself to your gutter way of thinking you pleb....and as a your bible fully without a single "apostate" WTS book tract/booklet in sight.. it is truly refreshing and insightful...

    "Faith has to do with things that are not seen, and hope with things that are not in hand. "
    Saint Thomas Acquinas

  • You Know
    You Know


    As a FULLY graduated commerce expert, your dire finacial ruin rantings are just that RANTINGS!!!!.....As I have already suggested..come back with real facts.. not just BS..and stop your insult on some very intelligent people's opinions, and that is known as a DISCUSSION..

    LOL. An expert huh? Why do you need to tell me that? It's clear to me that you are no expert on anything, otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to proclaim your expertise while saving yourself the actual dirty work of demonstrating that you know anything that can stand up to discussion. Obviously you want the glory of winning an argument without having to subject yourself to someone whom you fear might expose your ignorance. You are merely another blowhard ridiculer who imagines they can shout down the truth by attacking the truth bearer. It doesn't work. Besides, I am not intimidated in the slightest by goon squad tactics such as yours. / You Know

  • dubla


    otherwise you wouldn't feel the need to proclaim your expertise while saving yourself the actual dirty work of demonstrating that you know anything that can stand up to discussion.
    as if demonstrating that knowledge phases you anyhow. i need only to look back to the wager thread......i demonstrated vast knowledge of the markets, particularly about "oversold" and "overbought" levels, and you refuted me the ENTIRE way, claiming these levels were "imaginary". once i finally proved to you, after many many posts, that these levels were in fact scientific facts as was brought out in one of your article finally digressed and admitted they were factual (without actually admitting error on your part of course, which is not possible for you). the point is, a person demonstrating knowledge on a subject is never enough for you, and its very difficult if not impossible for you to admit that anyone on this forum has a grasp on our economy, our financial system, or anything else for that matter. in your deluded mind, you are the only person that has a grasp on reality.....i imagine theres a psychological explanation for this, though im not sure what it would be....probably something to do with one inventing his own reality and rejecting the real world.


    p.s.....a link to the aforementioned thread, for anyone wanting to trudge through 26 pages of yks bs to confirm my above accusations >>>

  • Celia

    Gosh, is YouKnow as mean and obnoxious in real life than he is here on this board?
    If he acts in real life with friends, family and colleagues, the same way as he does it here, I pity all the people who come in contact with him and have to live with him.

  • You Know
    You Know
    Gosh, is YouKnow as mean and obnoxious in real life than he is here on this board?

    I'm not mean. Why do you say that? Just because I turn the tables on the ridiculers and treat them in a rather ruthless mannner, that doesn't mean that I am unkind. I am just following the Bible's counsel at Proverbs 19:25, which says: "The ridiculer you should strike, that the inexperienced one may become shrewd."

    There are inexperienced Witnesses, and other lurkers who may have some interest in the truth, who are under the false impression that apostate ridiculers are possessed of some sort of special knowledge. My posts show such inexperinced ones that, contrary to their impressions, apostates are actually some of the most ignorant and stupid people on the planet. Granted that infruiates some folks, but so be it. / You Know

  • dubla
    There are inexperienced Witnesses, and other lurkers who may have some interest in the truth, who are under the false impression that apostate ridiculers are possessed of some sort of special knowledge. My posts show such inexperinced ones that, contrary to their impressions, apostates are actually some of the most ignorant and stupid people on the planet.

    all you show the lurkers is that you cannot see outside of your imaginary world......any lurker thats read your larouche ravings knows of your lunacy.


  • You Know
    You Know
    all you show the lurkers is that you cannot see outside of your imaginary world......any lurker thats read your larouche ravings knows of your lunacy.

    You don't know what you are talking about. LaRouche is probably the most widely read statesman and economist in the world. His writings and intelligence agency is a primary source of information for heads of state and many political partys around the globe. Simply calling someone a lunatic over and over again without ever offering the slightest bit of reasoning to refute their ideas is an indulgence of ridiculers that merely shows honest observers the level of your own stupidity and depravity. / You Know

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