You Know - Your Wrong

by Amazing 112 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dubla


    look, you are entitled to your own opinion, but all one needs to do is read some of larouches ridiculous predictions (that have already come and gone unfulfilled), and nonsensical conspiracy theories to know the guys lost it. lurkers can do this reading just as easily as we can.....refuting someone like larouche isnt neccesary.....this would be analagous to attempting to refute someones story of alien abduction. i wouldnt be able to prove that they werent abducted obviously, but i sure wouldnt need to refute their story to know they were a few cards short of a full deck now would i? lol.


  • You Know
    You Know
    you are entitled to your own opinion, but all one needs to do is read some of larouches ridiculous predictions (that have already come and gone unfulfilled), and nonsensical conspiracy theories to know the guys lost it.

    Again, you simply don't know what you are talking about. LaRouche is the only credible economist who has consistently called the ongoing financial breakdown at every phase. As a matter of fact, LaRouche's organization is responsible indirectly for bringing Enron down. Several years ago his organization was calling atttention to Enron and pointed out how they were an unsustainable business that was using predatory business practices. Now, of course it's frontpage news and most people are just coming to terms with the fact that they were robbed, but dishonest and ignorant morons like yourself are content in your smug conceit to pretend that it was something people like LaRouche had not unforeseen. / You Know

  • dubla
    LaRouche is the only credible economist....

    yeah, we know that you believe larouche to be credible despite his maniacal ravings, and we know you believe larouche is actually the only credible economist, which is why you cannot provide any other "credible" quotes to back your lunacy.

    As a matter of fact, LaRouche's organization is responsible indirectly for bringing Enron down.
    of course it is......larouches organization is responsible indirectly for freeing the slaves and putting men on the moon too.

    to pretend that it was something people like LaRouche had not unforeseen.
    your nonsense has reached new heights....i cannot even understand your sentences now.


  • bjc2012

    "You know" said,

    And I should add, that while we will feel the
    heat of God's rebuke, our accusers will be absolutely
    incinerated by Jehovah's blazing anger. Just something
    to keep in mind.
    If Jehovah is to "incinerate" the "apostate-accusers" AT THE SAME TIME He "rebukes" Jehovah's Witnesses as a rebellious organization, then when and how are the following words fulfilled, the words of Ezekiel 36:12-15 which says,

    "And upon you [Israel] I WILL CAUSE HUMANKIND TO

    Now when does this happen?

    Jehovah says here that He himself will cause ALL MANKIND to "walk" all over Israel. He said "humankind". "I will cause humankind to walk on you." That's all mankind.

    With Jehovah's permission, all the "nations" of the world, will "walk all over Israel", according to the prophecy. Jehovah has caused this. "Judgment starts with the House of God” first, You Know. That's
    what you conveniently keep forgetting. See 1 Peter 4:17 and Jeremiah 25:29.

    History shows that Jehovah always uses the pagan "nations" to beat down or "trample" His Own People. This is God's "strange and unusual work." He turns on His Own People. (Isaiah 28:20-22)

    Leviticus 26:17 says when Israel sins,

    "And I shall indeed set my face against you, and you will certainly be defeated before your enemies; and THOSE WHO HATE YOU WILL JUST TREAD UPON YOU, and you will actually flee when no one is pursuing you."

    This is the scripture you are missing in your special "diagnosis" for disaster for the wicked "apostate-accusers", You Know?

    Read it very, very carefully.

    If Israel sins Jehovah send upon them all those who "hate" them. Jehovah actually "sends" upon Israel all its "haters", "apostate-accusers" in order to "tread down upon" them. Jehovah sends them to "trample" Israel down. Jehovah sends Israel's enemies to "trample them down" to dust.

    "And a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies was given it, and authority to act forty-two months was given it [by God]. And it opened it mouth in blasphemies against God, to blaspheme his name and his
    residence, even those residing in heaven. And there was granted it [by God] to wage war with the holy ones AND CONQUER THEM, and authority was given it [by God] over every tribe and people and tongue and nation." (Revelation 13:5-7)

    Israel is "conquered". "Trampled". "Treaded upon", by the "nations". God allows it. His Name is "blasphemed" in the process.

    Now does this occur before the "Great Tribulation" upon the wicked "apostate-accusers" or after?

    Why does God allow the "nations" to OVERRUN Israel, those that "hate" Israel? And why does Jehovah allow the enemy of Israel, those "who hate them" to "tread down" Israel as in Leviticus 26:17?

    Israel is wicked in God's sight and must be punished, ALONE. (1 Peter 4:17)

    The "Great Tribulation" is upon Israel, alone.

    Jesus promised, "all the nations" will discover God's People to be "an object of hatred". Their "lawlessness" would be apparent to all and visible for all to see. "Dateline" and other factors will help
    immensely on this note. (Matt. 24:9,12)

    Jehovah Witnesses experiences this ‘treading down’ first before anything else happens. This is the pattern that God always follows. This is God's way of handling the situation, His M.O., His "mode of operation".

    Just like he used his special hammering "Servant", Nebuchadnezzar, to accomplish the same thing against ancient Israel. The prophet Ezekiel spoke of it in Ezekiel chapter 9:2 as "six men coming from the direction of the upper gate that faces to the north, each one with his weapon for smashing in hand."

    These "six men for smashing" were "northern" Babylonian forces, used to "smash" Israel to decimation. Jehovah used Babylon to "walk all over"
    Israel to ruin the entire nation and to desecrate the Temple.

    Jehovah did this FIRST, before any pagan nation received any punishment from God.

    So, what you said above is not going to happen. Your thinking is completely twisted.

    So ask yourself, when does the above "walking" over Israel by the pagan nations occur? Is it before, during, or after the tribulation that you say is going to be happen to them, that is, this wicked world?

    Or, could you & WTS possibly be mistaken? Could it be that the "Great Tribulation" itself is actually going to occur upon Jehovah's Witnesses ONLY, since Jehovah has found them to be so wicked in these last days?

    Leviticus 26:17 reads, "the haters of Israel will tread them down" as punishment.

    Who are these "haters" of Israel that trample Jehovah's Witnesses down, You Know? And when does this happen?

    Ezekiel 36:12-15 continues:

    "...I will cause humankind to walk, even my people Israel, and they must take possession of you, and you must become a hereditary possession to them," Jehovah says that "they", the pagan nations, "take possession of you", "Israel". They take possession of
    Israel, or conquer Israel. When does this occur?

    When do the pagan nations "walk on", "trample," "take possession of" or conquer Jehovah's Witnesses? When is it that Israel "becomes a hereditary possession" to all pagan nations?

    Is it before the "Great Tribulation" upon the wicked apostate-accusers, or after?

    "...and you will not bereave them again of any more children."

    Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever, to your knowledge, "bereaved anyone of their children", that's to your knowledge, You Know?

    What's this talk about "children" and Israel suffering a lot of bad talk about them "bereaving anyone of their little helpless children"?
    Ever heard any talk about that, "You Know"? Ever heard of "Silent Lambs," and Bill Bowen?

    And you do not think Jehovah is aware of this horrible, inexcusable unspeakable situation that actually exists among Jehovah's Witnesses, with the Governing Body being the real culprits behind the whole mess?

    Wait till NBC "Dateline" airs, and then we will talk.

    "...This is what the Sovereign Lord Jehovah has said, For the reason that thee are those saying to you: A devourer of humankind is what you yourself are, and [a land] bereaving your nations of children is what you have become,..."

    Who’s saying this? And when? Is it before the Great Tribulation upon the wicked "apostate-accusers" or after?

    Why are the people calling Jehovah's Witnesses "a devourer of humankind" and "a land bereaving your nations of children"? Why are they saying this, You Know?

    And when does this occur?

    "...therefore humankind you will no more devour, and your nations you will no more bereave of children is the utterance of the Sovereign Lord Jehovah. And I shall cause no further humiliating talk by the nations
    to be heard concerning you, and reproach by peoples you will bear no more, and your nations you will no more cause to stumble,' is the utterance of Sovereign Lord Jehovah." -- Ezekiel 36:12-15

    Jehovah's Witnesses today, are nothing more than a "devourer of mankind" by its awful practice of "shunning" and "disfellowshipping" of innocent people. They "devour mankind", that is anyone who opposes their wicked ways. They disfellowship them and wreck families all over the world. And they are and will be known as "a land that bereaves the nations of children". The "Silent Lambs" child-molestation issues will be aired on "NBC Dateline".

    When is becomes known that innocent "children" in the congregation are being molested by elders, and someone reports this to the authorities, the brothers will disfellowship the one making the report not the perpetrator. I have a personal friend to whom this happened. She knew of a child-molesting elder, that the authorities finally arrested and now is currently serving prison time for harming many youngsters. Although he is in prison in Nevada he is still in "good standing" and has full congregation sympathy and support. They are making shepherding visits upon him to keep him encouraged. But she was coldly disfellowshipped for speaking against the wickedness being condoned in his congregation. And to this day, she remains abandoned by this congregation. She will be a part of the "Dateline" Expose'.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are wicked because their leadership is wicked. Yes, your Governing Body are wicked men. This latest United Nations liaison proves it.

    "So I shall profane the princes of the holy place, and I will give Jacob over as a man devoted to destruction and Israel over to words of abuse." (Isaiah 43:28)

    "Words of abuse" spoken by whom, You Know?

    Jehovah's Witnesses are being given "over to words of abuse," or constant reviling, as some translations render this.

    Who is Jehovah using to "ridicule" His Own Name People, You Know?


  • larc

    You Know,

    The last time I engaged you in discussion, I asked a very specific question that you never answered. LaRouche maintians that there are seven factors that are combined to measure productivity. I can not find any LaRouche source where he provides the following answers: 1. In each of these factors, what are the subcomponents of each of them. What are they? How many of them are there? How are they measured? How are they combined to produce an overall factor, and 2. How are the seven factors combined to obtain an overall measure of productivity? In a search of LaRouche's materials, it appears that all of his articles and books are self published. I could not find a single reference that could be called scholarly in the sense of providing the Econometrics that could be verified and discussed. None of his work has the level of detail necessary to cooborate his assertions. Now, since you know more of his work than do, I will ask you once again, if the information I request has been published? If not, his verbiage amounts to wild eyed ravings of a propagandist, not the serious work of a professional economist. Without this kind of quantitative analysis he can not be called an economist, let alone a world renowned economist.

  • Celia
    apostates are actually some of the most ignorant and stupid people on the planet. Granted that infruiates some folks, but so be it. / You Know

    How can you insist someone is ignorant and stupid if you have never met him/her?
    There's more to life than just knowing how to find a quote in the Bible...
    Your tone is very abrasive, and very disturbing.
    What I don't understand really, is : what do you want people to do?
    Yes, difficult times may come, but so what, we'll deal with them when they're there. What else should we be doing inbewtween ?
    Hide in a cave an gnash our teeth ?

  • Celia

    i want an answer from YouKnow...

  • You Know
    You Know


    If Jehovah is to "incinerate" the "apostate-accusers" AT THE SAME TIME He "rebukes" Jehovah's Witnesses as a rebellious organization, then when and how are the following words fulfilled, the words of Ezekiel 36:12-15 which says, "And upon you [Israel] I WILL CAUSE HUMANKIND TO WALK

    ..." Now when does this happen? The tribulation is not something that just comes and goes in a matter of a few weeks. I was speaking in general terms. I did not mean necessarily that apostates would be incinerated instantaneously once the tribulation commenced. Perhaps you read too much into my comment?

    With Jehovah's permission, all the "nations" of the world, will "walk all over Israel", according to the prophecy. Jehovah has caused this. "Judgment starts with the House of God” first, You Know. That's what you conveniently keep forgetting.
    No, that's what I have pointed out repeatedly.

    History shows that Jehovah always uses the pagan "nations" to beat down or "trample" His Own People. This is God's "strange and unusual work." He turns on His Own People. (Isaiah 28:20-22)
    You are correct.

    This is the scripture you are missing in your special "diagnosis" for disaster for the wicked "apostate-accusers",
    No, I am thoroughly familiar with that portion of prophecy. I just don't see the need to go into detail in this forum. I have however written extensively on those prophecies in other locations. The point is though, and I doubt if very many apostates would agree with you on this, but the point is, that if those prophecies apply to Jehovah's Witnesses it means that we are God's organization. Is that really what you intend to verify by going down this path?

    Israel is "conquered". "Trampled". "Treaded upon", by the "nations". God allows it. His Name is "blasphemed" in the process. Now does this occur before the "Great Tribulation" upon the wicked "apostate-accusers" or after?
    Let's just let the details of that be a surprise.

    Israel is wicked in God's sight and must be punished, ALONE. (1 Peter 4:17)The "Great Tribulation" is upon Israel, alone.
    No. I don't agree. Jesus said that the tribulation was coming upon the entire inhabited earth as a test for all those dwelling upon the earth. God's people will be chastened due to the severity of what will surely be a global catastrophe.

    Jesus promised, "all the nations" will discover God's People to be "an object of hatred". Their "lawlessness" would be apparent to all and visible for all to see. "Dateline" and other factors will help
    immensely on this note.
    Yes, I am sure. Jehovah is going to allow all our enemies to get a good lick in on us first. That's all apart of bearing the reproach of the Christ. And there of course will be many that are stumbled and purged out of the organization. And the actual physical Watchtower Corporation in all likelihood will have served its purpose at that point and won't survive. That's pretty clear. But, again, if those judgments apply to us that merely confirms that we are Jehovah's true ones. We simply need God's correction and rebuke.

    Jehovah Witnesses experiences this ‘treading down’ first before anything else happens. This is the pattern that God always follows. This is God's way of handling the situation, His M.O., His "mode of operation".
    That's not true, but I prefer not to dip into my kingdom treasury to prove otherwise. It ain't worth it for me just to set you straight. But, it amazes me that you have so much right.

    Just like he used his special hammering "Servant", Nebuchadnezzar, to accomplish the same thing against ancient Israel. The prophet Ezekiel spoke of it in Ezekiel chapter 9:2 as "six men coming from the direction of the upper gate that faces to the north, each one with his weapon for smashing in hand." Jehovah did this FIRST, before any pagan nation received any punishment from God.
    Correct. But, as I explained to you some months back, the initial phase of the tribulation is a human catastrophe. And because of that it is not considered as God's complete judgment upon the nations. It is however the means God will use to deal with his own, during that initial phase. But, it also serves as the means by which the nations are set rocking, as Jehovah says: "once again I will rock all the nations, and the desirable things of all the nations must come in." So, basically the rocking serves as the means to choose up sides for the final confrontation. The very fact that Jehovah's executioner has not been given his sword yet means that the world is in for an extremely tumultuous period of transition.

    That Nebuchadnezzar typifies Jehovah's modern day executioner is significant because Babylon was that imperial form of government to which globalists today aspire. The nation-state system has been the only effective bulwark against that sort of Dark Age tyranny that empires impose. That's why I point to the political and economic goings on that should be recognized as the doom of the nation-state system and a return to a tyrannical imperial regime on a global scale. That will be a horrific ordeal for all the nations and a shocking turn of events for us that will leave us vulnerable with no protective constitutional goverments to stand between us and Satan's predatory 8th king.

    Or, could you & WTS possibly be mistaken? Could it be that the "Great Tribulation" itself is actually going to occur upon Jehovah's Witnesses ONLY, since Jehovah has found them to be so wicked in these last days?
    The Watchtower is definitely mistaken, and so are you.

    Jehovah's Witnesses today, are nothing more than a "devourer of mankind" by its awful practice of "shunning" and "disfellowshipping" of innocent people. They "devour mankind", that is anyone who opposes their wicked ways. They disfellowship them and wreck families all over the world. And they are and will be known as "a land that bereaves the nations of children". The "Silent Lambs" child-molestation issues will be aired on "NBC Dateline".
    That's an interesting connection. We are agreed that Jehovah is going to judge his organization. Why should we believe otherwise? Since the time that spiritual Israel was founded God has not judged his organization as he did ancient Israel. That is what we are facing. Jehovah is going to break a bone, But Jehovah also heals. And, individually, some will pass muster and some won't. That's about as simple as it gets.

    When it becomes known that innocent "children" in the congregation are being molested by elders, and someone reports this to the authorities, the brothers will disfellowship the one making the report not the perpetrator. I have a personal friend to whom this happened. She knew of a child-molesting elder, that the authorities finally arrested and now is currently serving prison time for harming many youngsters. Although he is in prison in Nevada he is still in "good standing" and has full congregation sympathy and support. They are making shepherding visits upon him to keep him encouraged. But she was coldly disfellowshipped for speaking against the wickedness being condoned in his congregation. And to this day, she remains abandoned by this congregation. She will be a part of the "Dateline" Expose'.
    WOW! That is really bad. I am sure that Jehovah is not pleased with that situation. And there are of course many evils like that that have gone on over the years and steadily gotten worse. It is so obvious to anyone who hasn't taken leave of his senses that Jehovah has a few issue to set straight with us. Jesus said that his angels "would collect out of his kingdom all things causing stumbling and all persons doing lawlessness." That hasn't taken place yet. But, that's what we need. There's no way that humans can accomplish the sort of house cleaning that is needed. When the angels swing into action during the tribulation those who have lived double lives and acted wickedly will simply be removed from the organization. Not by some judicial committee, but by powerful angels. Also the policy and teaching that have caused stumbling will, according to Isaiah, be discarded like a woman's unclean menstrual cloth.

    Jehovah's Witnesses are wicked because their leadership is wicked. Yes, your Governing Body are wicked men. This latest United Nations liaison proves it.
    Yes. I agree the UN thing was extremely stupid and an act of unfaithfulness towards God.

    Who is Jehovah using to "ridicule" His Own Name People, You Know?
    That's a no-brainer---APOSTATES! / You Know
  • You Know
    You Know


    How can you insist someone is ignorant and stupid if you have never met him/her?

    People reveal theselves in this type of forum. For example: Proverbs 1:22 asks: " how long will you stupid ones keep hating knowledge." The vast majority of posters on this forum demonstrate a hatred of knowledge on many levels. Therefore, in God's eyes they are stupid. Also, consider this verse: "To the stupid one the carrying on of loose conduct is like sport." This forum is filled with people who glory in their sin and never fail to congratulate some fool that brags about their sexploits. So, again, in Jehovah's eyes such ones are morally stupid. The thing that makes apostates so reprehensible before God is that they know better. Romans 1:32 perfectly describes these where it says: "Although these know full well the righteous decree of God, that those practicing such things are deserving of death, they not only keep on doing them but they also consent with those practicing them." These are the same who are spoken of as those who are "empty-headed in their reasonings." So I can say most unapologetically that apostates are some of the most stupid people on the planet.

    What I don't understand really, is : what do you want people to do?

    Yes, difficult times may come, but so what, we'll deal with them when they're there. What else should we be doing inbewtween ?
    If you are as smart as you think you are you should be able to figure that out. / You Know
  • Celia
    Think...If you are as smart as you think you are you should be able to figure that out. / You Know

    This is not the answer I need, dear Mr. YouKnow. And you're being abrasive again...
    No, I really don't know what you think we should be doing while waiting for the next "tribulation"...
    I hope you're not implying that we all should see that the only way to survive the next crisis (whatever it may be) is to join the rank of the magazine peddlers called Jehovah's Witnesses ? !

    And also, it is your opinion that you are right, that the Watch Tower is right and anyone disagreeing with you is wrong... but that's only your opinion, it doesn't make it the truth...

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