It's been touched on here but I'll expand on it....
Most religions, including even the Watchtower, teach the "truth" underneath the layers of BS that they create when they make everything literal. Additionally, they manufacture a preconceived paradigm that there are these sentient beings, separate from the actual "creation", that control all the good and evil. Once we internalize "God" and "Satan", we come to understand that everything is within our control. If you notice, even "Satan" is part of the Creation. How do we know this? Because it all started with Love. Here's how:
If you're "God", and you're all by yourself and you want someone to interact with, to love and to be loved, then you have to actually separate a piece of yourself from yourself and put it "out there" to evolve. If you give it no free will, it cannot evolve. You must allow the evil because it's the only way to settle the issues. What are the issues? THE ISSUE is what force or energy is dominant in the Universe? What makes it thrive? Love or Evil? What we're finding today through actual scientific experiments is that the creation responds to love. It's been proven with animals, it's been proven with plants, and it's even been proven with water. The Bible says "God is Love". Science says the Universe is Love. This is where science and religion will ultimately merge: Love.
So when the Watchtower says that Satan raised a "legal case", they are taking what we all have under our control and handing off the baton to some mischievous derelict who has to be destroyed by "God" in order to end the evil and suffering.
This is the ruse of religion.
Both "God" and "Satan" are internal to the human being. We humans have the power to end evil and create paradise. No one else does, and no one else will.