Does the Issue of Universal Sovereignty make sense to you as an explanation for evil?

by gubberningbody 233 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest
    Aguest. Do you realize that you didn't deal with the core question at all? You only reasserted the question as the answer.

    I don't see it as you do, dear Gubber (again, peace to you!). You asked whetner "the" issue of US made sense "as an explanation for evil." My response is implied: an "issue" that is NOT the/an issue... CAN'T make sense as an explanation for evil. And that's what I addressed and stated: that the so-called issue is NOT an issue. Never WAS an issue. Never WILL be an issue. So... it CANNOT make sense as an explanation. For evil... or anything else.

    Regarding my comment that: "The issue... is the ACCUSATION made by "Satan"... and has to do with what WE will do, individually, when it "feels" like God has turned away from/against us (although He has not, but only allows US to answer the accusation FOR OURSELVES... rather than doing so FOR us)"... you responded:

    There are a host of problems with this.

    Well, okay. Let's see:

    1. You don't know if there is A god, or a multiplicity of gods, some principle of universal mind, or just your mind organizing your experience in such a way so that you can make sense of what may or may not be nonsense.

    I disagree, dear one. Perhaps YOU don't know and so assume it is the same with everyone... and that's okay... but that's an error. I KNOW that there is the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies... as well as His Son, my Lord, the Holy One of Israel, JAHESHUA, the Chosen One of JAH (MischaJah)... as well as myriads of myriads of spirit beings. One, the Most High God... and the rest all gods (immortal beings). I KNOW that it's not just my "mind" organizing my experience(s)... in order to make sense, as you state. I know these things because of the evidence presented to me, what I have observed. What I have heard... and seen (and, at times tasted, touched, and smelled).

    2. Even if there WAS A god, you only assert on the basis of some seriously questionable writings that there is no "turning away"

    Again, error, dear one. I assert on the basis of my personal knowledge. The writings truly are irrelevant. If anything, they only serve to back up what my Lord says to me is "written." However, I do not look to what is written to corroborate what he tells/shows me: I look to HIM... to corroborate what is "written." Sometimes he does... sometimes he doesn't. Since HIS sayings are truth... and the writings contain errors and lies... I put my faith in him... and what HE says (even if they are in the writings)... and not in the writings (unless they are the same as what he says).

    3. Your answer begs the question as to WHY it would even be necessary to "see how we react when we're seriously abused". We'd jail a parent who behaved in the manner that you easily accept.

    You know, I don't get this. I look at my own history and life, that of my ancestors... that of others around the world... and it seems to ME that it's majorily those of the western world who (1) consider themselves "seriously abused"... which is often absurd, in light of what others in the world experience; and (2) blame God (the rest usually blame their fellowman... which is who they SHOULD blame, because that's who usually perpetuates the "abuse").

    As for jailing a parent... WHO would do so? WHO is "we", dear one? Look around the world. Look at man's history. Look at what parent's have done/are doing. WHO would jail them... where are they... and why aren't they doing so? I offer than many more people in this world SANCTION what [their] parents do... even corporal punishment (in generations past, and some - including myself, if it's warranted - believe in it today). SOME cultures not only allow parents to KILL their children, but call upon them to do so, even threatening THEIR death if they don't. And let me tell you... not many governments can place such requirements on parents... without the SUPPORT of its people. So... WHO is the "we" YOU'RE speaking of?

    (SO many "Jesse Jackson" types on this board! Seriously - blows my MIND how many think that "they're" thinking literally encompasses that of MOST of mankind, if not ALL of "us". Some folks really should consider speaking only for themselves and perhaps the FEW who agree with them... rather than falsely perpetuating that all think as they do. All... do not...)

    BTW my response here is for me alone...

    I doubt that. I believe that YOU believe "most" people think as you do. I believe, however, that you are in error. And polling the board, or even polling "America"... doesn't represent the "we" that is humankind. And if I were wrong... there would a whole lot LESS religion going on IN THE WORLD.

    because I know you can't understand any of what I've just written.

    I understood what you wrote: YOU have a problem with belief in God... based on your chagrin as to your life... and assume (quite wrongly) that all who have "problems/pain" in their lives attribute them to God, as well. That all who have sucky parents blame God (or should blame God)... rather than blame their sucky parents. That God should "do something"... even when one's own parents won't/don't/are the cause of such problems/pain.

    Some us, however, realize that it was man's choice to walk his own way... and, like ANY decent parent... the Most Holy One of Israel said, "Well, okay... do YOUR thing." We also realize that, like any DECENT parent... He's still "there" for us when we realize that "doing it our way" without being fully mature and/or equipped to succeed was an error... and so "return home." When we DO return, we learn that our "ills" were not HIS fault or His doing... but the results of putting our trust in ourselves, immature/inexperienced though we were... and in the "world". We realize that, like any DECENT parent, the things He tried to tell us were for OUR benefit, not HIS... and He was only trying to help us grow so that we COULD "make our way" in the world... which is ruled by people who are largely INDECENT... and don't give a hang about YOU.

    What you, and many like you do, dear Gubber... is similar to the little child who, not WANTING to be restrained... snatches his hand away from the loving parent... only to go jetting out in rushing traffic. Once out there, you start crying because you see/feel/experience the "danger"... but now can't see dear 'ol "Dad"... because of all that is whizzing by and around you. And... you blame "Dad". For not holding on tight enough. For letting go of YOU. For you not being able to see him, now. What you don't GET... is that HE is still looking for YOU; YOU... stopped looking for HIM... all the while cursing HIM... because you're "lost."

    Even more, you're mad at Him (Dad) for the treatment you received from the "hired men"... who "found" you... and took your hand SAYING they were going to lead you back to your dad... but actually led you further into that rushing traffic. Where they lead most "lost children." Why, you cry, did YOU (dad) let THEM lead me? Why didn't YOU come and save me from them? But you forget: you're the one who stopped looking for dad. He, though, NEVER stopped calling for you in the crowd. In the "traffic." YOU... thinking the "hired man" WAS going to lead you honestly... followed him.

    Why? Because you THOUGHT that when you finally DID get back to dad, you would be able to say, "See?! I didn't need to hold your hand after all! I found my OWN way back, with the help of THESE guys, not YOU... so I don't need YOU!"

    Unfortunately, those "men" led you SO far away from your father... you now risk NEVER being reunited with him. There is One "Way" to get back, though... ONE Way that you can be found... again...

    So, now, let's see if YOU understand what I wrote.

    Again, I bid you peace!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,

    SA, who responds, literally this time, that the "Issue of US" cannot make sense as an explanation... for evil... or anything else. Because it is not an issue, never was, and never will be...

  • Theredeemer

    If you read the bible and believe it, after A+E eat the fruit God explains and confirms that "They have become like us knowing good and bad".

    Therefore, humans are "like" them in that we can choose. Before that we had free will but did not know that we had options. We can have free will without options. For example, we can use our free will to eat oranges instead of apples but that free will is useless if we never even knew that oranges existed.

    These past 6 thousand years have been all to prove that we make horrible choices and life would be better if we forget that "oranges" exist. Gods way or his soviergnty is the best choice and will one day be the only choice.....according to the WTBS which is GOD!!!

  • Theredeemer

    Basically all this suffering is a consequence for using our "GOD GIVEN" free will. All to prove that we shouldnt of excersised what choices we have. Why would a God of Love need to prove that we NEED him? Why test? Couldnt a simple "hey guys! You love me?" Mankind: "Of Course!!" Cool....have fun!!" Be enough!! God is definitely made in OUR image because humans demand PROOF of love, often, beyond what is reasonable capabilities!!

  • Theredeemer

    BTW ...Ive got the moves like Jagger.....apparently

  • myelaine

    dear MrFreeze...

    you said: "Also, this "test" that we all are supposed to undergo is an unfair one. We are immediately at a severe disadvantage because of our imperfection"... how is our imperfection a disadvantage to being able to choose to believe that we are lost and in need of a saviour?

    ...MANY mentally disadvantaged individuals have made the choice to believe that Jesus Christ is their Saviour. are you at a greater disadvantage than them?

    love michelle

  • Twitch

    eh, more ghost stories for the superstitious

    *shakes head*

  • Bella15

    For me this says it all:

    James 1:13 "When tempted, no one should say, "God is tempting me." For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone."

    There is a big mistery behind humanity ...

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George
    MANY mentally disadvantaged individuals have made the choice to believe that Jesus Christ is their Saviour.


  • sd-7

    The issue of universal sovereignty probably didn't even make sense to me when I was a JW, at least not entirely. When I was confronted with the realities of life, it occurred to me that it wasn't rational for a God of love to stand back and watch billions of tragedies repeating themselves for thousands of years. I concluded that God did, in fact, care, but only about himself and his agenda. Anyone and everyone else was expendable. He was interested only in his private war with the Devil and using whatever was necessary to fight him.

    After my awakening, it became clear that God had intervened to make sure man couldn't rule himself, which negated the entire concept. He disrupted man's language at Babel because he was concerned, maybe even afraid, of what humanity could accomplish as a united entity. But the issue of sovereignty by its very nature demands that he not interfere in any way.

    A great Youtube video by 'propagandatechniques' explained it well--it would be like handing your children over to someone who abused and killed them in order to prove you're a good parent. Doesn't make sense.


  • N.drew

    Theredeemer, religion teaches that Eve taking the fruit and eating it illustrates her desire to decide for herself what is good or bad. I don't think that is what it means.

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