The Impact of Leaving

by leavingwt 66 Replies latest jw friends

  • leavingwt

    In the mean time I feel mentally free, and I hope that doesn't change.

    maninthemiddle: You've highlighted one of the best things about discovering the truth about 'The Truth' -- MENTAL freedom. It's as if a heavy weight has been lifted from one's shoulders.

  • palmtree67

    I would class myself in the 20% with Justitia.

    While I had some initial panic, it was quite short-lived.

  • lifestooshort

    leavingwt... you just opened up a whole new world for me. it sure is a different way of looking at the wt organization. makaes me wonder where i am at in this whole recovery from the wt thing.

  • botchtowersociety

    I still struggle. My wife is one of those lucky 20%....but then she didn't stick it out for years while knowing it was a scam like I did.

  • leavingwt

    leavingwt... you just opened up a whole new world for me. it sure is a different way of looking at the wt organization. makaes me wonder where i am at in this whole recovery from the wt thing.

    lifestooshort: You're not alone, that's for sure.

    This list also reminds me of how people who have never been in a high-control group are at a loss to understand what we've been through. They may view the JWs or Mormons as 'odd', but they most likely cannot imagine that it can be severely traumatic to exit.

  • lifestooshort

    normaly when someone leaves a cult they get there amily back. with the wt organization you lose your family because they are still in it. talk about being left with no support system.

  • leavingwt

    normaly when someone leaves a cult they get there amily back. with the wt organization you lose your family because they are still in it. talk about being left with no support system.

    In many cases this is very true. There is nowhere to 'go home' to. A complete fresh start is required, a total life reboot.

  • leavingwt

    I still struggle. My wife is one of those lucky 20%....but then she didn't stick it out for years while knowing it was a scam like I did.

    Just like our experiences are unique while we are in, our exits are unique, including what impact it will have on us. Hang in there.

  • DesirousOfChange

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for posting this list.

    I'm sure I've been to jwfacts on occasion, but have never seen this.

    It is SO TRUE. I've been through all those stages. Some multiple times. Seems like I bounce back and forth.

    I've tried scribbling notes about how I feel at times. Not dedicated enough to "Journal" things, so it's just been when I've felt at my lowest. Never have I been able to put it all down into words this fluently and logically.



  • unshackled

    It's somewhat depressing to acknowledge that after 7 years since leaving that I still struggle with 18 / 21 of the symptoms listed

    size....I left about 7 years ago as well and notice some of those symptoms still in my life. Particularly the first one...seems hardwired in me. Though I really didn't start learning The Truth About The Truth until the past couple years. I'm coming to grips with the answer being to forgive myself and let it go. Cut it loose and move on. Easier said than done....but working on it.

    Thanks for the post Donny.

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