I think something happened. Possibly from the writers perspective it was a flood of the "known" world. Cultures besides the Hebrew one have a flood "myth" going to around the same time. Something happened. What, I don't know. I wasn't there.
How did plants survive the Flood?
by dgp 81 Replies latest watchtower bible
Resistance is Futile
"Cultures besides the Hebrew one have a flood "myth" going to around the same time."
Which cultures?
I think something happened. Possibly from the writers perspective it was a flood of the "known" world.
Mount Ararat is 16,854 ft high and that's where the Bible says Noah ended up. For water to reach that high above sea level surely it is depicting a global flood. A global flood, as the OP states, would destroy most of the land flora. It seems apparent that the story was made up to me.
EDIT: Actually it appears that they landed on Mount Judi which is in the "Mountains of Ararat" which is only slightly below 7,000 feet above sea level. Still a global catastrophe nonetheless.
Simple. A scary flood affected the local area of some tribal nomads so they made up a story about a guy named Ut-Napishtim Noah.
Cultures besides the Hebrew one have a flood "myth" going to around the same time. Something happened.
All this proves is that primitive people in other places had also experienced floods.
All this proves is that primitive people in other places had also experienced floods.
Exactly. Think about the recent "floods" in Indonesia and Japan. Then think about that happening to people thousands of years ago. Surely they would feel cursed/saved by God.
Local flood, a farmer saved some of his animals by building a raft - story spreads by word of mouth, ends up with the BS we read in Genesis.
Local flood, a farmer saved some of his animals by building a raft - story spreads by word of mouth, ends up with the BS we read in Genesis.
It's not BS just geologically inaccurate. The story has a ton of relevence in other topics besides "God's wrath."
Glad sir corrected that cause i was reading down and going to say the same! So 40 days totally underwater then a full year to dry to "normall".... Bear in mind this wasnt a gentle rain, it was a "duluge" that covered the world.... Maybe a few trees survived in some fashion, but common.... Really..? What were they eating for a year, both noah, his family, and the animals...? And then to grow food for the future.... Then if the flood was october and then they were on the ark a year, it wasnt the growing the season when they came off! So it was months more before they could plant the imaginary seeds that they didnt have....
Oh btw, according to guiness there are trees almost 10,000 years old... Way older than the supposed flood that would have destroyed them. Supposedly there are trees in washington state (usa) that are proven to exceed 4600 years... Again older than the flood that would have destroyed them.... Cut them down, count the rings and understand that hank didnt flood the world.
So, sabastious, do you believe that the fact that Noah's global flood is probably just a minor incident that happened in a primitive tribe's area is proof that the Bible is true... or something else? Because I do believe you started a thread concerning the Bible's beauty and it's truth...