How did plants survive the Flood?

by dgp 81 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • PSacramento

    When it comes to taking things in a literal and concrete fashion inregards to the bible, we haev to remember that this was NOT the A Typical way to do it untill not too long ago.

    I think that the ancients understood the difference between telling a story to pass on facts and the story as it was told being FACT.

    I believe that there was indeed a flood, a very big one, big enough to be recored by the majority of the civlilizations of the area.

    It was a massive flood that would have been "global" in many ways:

    For those that believed that where they were was the "world".

    For those that, to them, all they had was the "world"

    For those that passed on history in the typical fashion of their times.

  • Cagefighter

    TheUbermensch, I do not feel that I have escaped any kind of opposing argument because I never entered one. I answered the original question. Maybe you should reread my post or the poster should rephrase his question.

    Whether the flood happened or not the scientific answer would be seeds.

  • exwhyzee
    Cultures besides the Hebrew one have a flood "myth" going to around the same time. Something happened.

    I've heard this said but have never seen any documentation of this being so.

    What about all the sea creatures who would die in fresh water once the oceans were diluted with rainwater deep enough to cover the mountains.

  • wobble

    Taking the Bible stories literally to any extent is a relatively new phenomenon (late 19th century). The Jews of Jesus' day, and presumably Jesus himself,did not use that kind of exegesis.

    So, presumably, when Jesus spoke of Noah and the Flood, he was not thinking of a literal global flood, so it behooves later readers of his words to not try and fit a silly theory into what he said, it makes Jesus look silly.

    The oldest living thing on the Planet is a plant that lives in a part of Tasmania, called Kings Holly, if I recall, it is 43,000 years old, and salt water covering it for even a few weeks would kill it.

    The WT has now, and never has had, any idea of how to read and understand the Bible, we who have left need not stay in the same gloom.

  • NVR2L8

    Bats in the Belfry,

    Jesus used illustrations and hyperboles so people could draw some lessons... the illustration of the man who tore down his grain stores to build larger ones...the slaves in the parabol of the mines or the drag net and even the slave that can either be faithful and discreet or evil...does it make those characters real? Did they ever exist? The answer is no.

    From the point of view of the man who recorded the account, the deluge may have been universal, but in light of today's evidence, this no longer stands.

  • MrFreeze

    Plants are the least of the flood believers problems. How did kangaroos get to Australia? As soon as they can answer that, then we can move on to plants.

  • Cagefighter
  • Balaamsass

    Last month I was channel surfing. Either the history Channel or National Geographic has some interesting shows on ancient underwater sites. One was under the english Channel, some in the Black Sea, others off the coast of India. It seems at some time in the distant past Sea levels were 150 to 200 ft lower than today. Since most people then as today live on or near the coast a quick pole change or other disaster (Ice Cap melt) could have created tidal waves, climatic changes, rain and a sea level change. The net result would have been a destruction of the "Known World". A 200' Sea level change would bring the Sea MILES inland in most areas. Was an interesting show...made me wonder.

  • thetrueone

    How did plants survive the Flood?

    Anything can happen in a story, religious or otherwise.

    The story of Noah's flood was done to create relevance to the ancient Hebrew beliefs of their god Yahweh.

    In all of the ancient civilizations gods were used to explain the many unknowns of catastrophic events, such as earthquakes, storms

    floods, lightening, thunder among the many, there was simply nothing else to explain these events.

    Such as that was gods played an important attainable role for these ancient civilizations.

    Some people even today ie. (JWS) think earthquakes are caused by spiritual forces by no other than the god of the ancient Hebrews Yahweh.

  • TheUbermensch

    Cagefighter, I read it. I also read the post concerning the large seeds of plants that could not possibly be transported by birds. I also know that a seed kept underwater for a long period of time will no longer grow if planted. It's called botany. So the scientific answer would NOT be seeds because it is impossible that every single plant on the face of the Earth happened to have some seed, somewhere after the flood that grew into a plant.

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