Noah is not said to have carried plants in his ark. Supposedly the Flood was severe enough to cover "even the tallest mountains", which would mean that Mount Everest was covered. And this for forty days. How would, say, lettuce survive in those conditions, then?
How did plants survive the Flood?
by dgp 81 Replies latest watchtower bible
It must have been a very big boat that they were able to store enough food to feed themselves and all those animals. Noah and his family must have shovelled poop and thrown it overboard 24/7.
What is wrong with people's brains that they actually believe these myths?
They are called seeds.
Cagefighter you don't believe the world wide flood myth do you?
darth frosty
another prime example to what i always cant get out of the book of genesis without finding major plot holes.
Noah carefully collected samples of every plant on earth and stored them in the ark along with the animals and a sample of every insect on earth. The worldwide flood also caused fresh and salt-water to mix making life impossible for fish so he collected a sample of every fish, both male and female he collected them and stored them in tanks in the ark.
He also stored enough fresh water and food for his Zoo. And he saw that it was good. God couldn’t help as it was his day of rest but he did seal the door for Noah. Its all in the Bible so it must be true.
And this for forty days.
Actually, per the Bible, the whole earth was covered in water for over a year.
This is just reason #1,876 that a global flood could not possibly have happened 4400 years ago.
Ahhh duuuuuuh.... never heard of MAGIC?
Seaweed Sandwiches ummmmmm
I'm glad I was corrected :-). So, it was one year.
Seeds rot in water. What about potatoes and other tubers? Cacti?
If seeds had not rot, how long would it take for those seeds to germinate and provide food for the rest of the food chain?
Where did the wheat come from, to make the bread in those seeweed sandwiches?