Ps- i respect your faith and your perspective and do not wish to appear flippiant or disrespectfull, but i have hard time accepting your answer and then stil lacceptng the bible as inspired of god.
Not ALL the bible is inspired writing, what is inspired about Chronicles for example?
It is reminicient of Luke finding out Darth Vader is his father and obi wan kenobi saying he didnt lie, his was dead, "from a certain point of view". You answer essentially says the bible is right "from a certain poimt of view"....
I am saying that the Genre of writing MUSTbe taken into account when we interpret it.
But if its inspired of god then he KNEW for a fact that the whole world was not why the lies and misrepresentation? The story has value no matter what, so why not be truth full... Sodom and gamorah is not portayed as the whole world but still used as an example...
It would be a lie and misrepresentation IF God had said that, but what we have is the typical writing of the genre in which the "whole world" is used to describe "all the people that the story applies too" and that the description of the flood "covering the highest mountain" is typical of that type of writing.
Not saying I am right mind you, just that it is a valid interpretation.
The bible holds it as fact and even talks of all man decending thru the eight that survived. I cannot reconcile it 'from a certain point of view' anymore than i can the "prophet" of islam riding a flying horse as being true from a certain point of view...
You have a valid point.
There was no flood that destroyed the world, no ark that kept 8 people alive along with all the animals to repopulate the world amd damn sure no logical explanation to cover plants and fish. From any point of view
I agree that there was no flood that covered ALL the planet Earth but what I am saying is that there is no need to read it as such since there is no evidence that ancient man thought there was more to the Earth than what HE KNEW to be the Earth/world.
Now, one can argue that God, if he was speaking to ancient man, could have indeed made it clear that what happened was local because of what was happening there but the issue is that it wasn't local to Noah's land, as the stories of floods fromother nations suggest and the issue is also that for the genre of writing, I don't think the writers that put the oral transmitted story on "paper", would have viewed it any other way.