I love the beauty and truth of the Bible. It justifies my homocidal, genocidal, Misogynistic and despotic tendencies. Afterall I was created in God's image!
How did plants survive the Flood?
by dgp 81 Replies latest watchtower bible
Ahahaha. Yes, I also enjoy slaying rebellious children, and stoning every homosexual I meet.
There was no flood. It was a story in a fictional book. (The latter of the second sentence is opinion. The former is pure fact. ;)
JWs say the deluge must be real because Jesus makes mention of the Flood and Noah's days...I tell my grandson stories about the boy who cried wolf and Pinnochio...they are just stories containing a lesson...nonetheless these event never happened. By the way, where did Jesus say the deluge was universal?
So, sabastious, do you believe that the fact that Noah's global flood is probably just a minor incident that happened in a primitive tribe's area is proof that the Bible is true... or something else? Because I do believe you started a thread concerning the Bible's beauty and it's truth...
A lot of people give me crap for watching Fox News and listening to conservative radio like Rush Limbaugh and Glenn Beck. I totally understand why, they are extremely partizan and generally bias in every way. All media sources, including the Bible, are bias to the ones reporting. So, one must then learn how to "shave off" the bias leaving what is hoped to be truth. That skill is a work in progress for us all and, like any skill, requires practice and peer review.
People who read the Bible word for word, story for story and try to make sense of it all will end in disappointment. The Bible is only recently beautiful in my eyes, as a whole because now I have found what I believe to be the truth within it.
If you pick up a banana and bite a chunck out of it without pealing it first, there's no reason to complain about it's bitterness. Such a person would do well to take a good look at their own methods of truth-finding before deciding what is truth and what is not.
16,854 feet = height of Mount Ararat
29,029 = height of Mount Everest
22,841 ft = height of Mount Aconcagua in Argentina-Chile
19,347 ft = height of Cotopaxi in Ecuador
La Rinconada, in PerĂº, is the highest city in the world: 16,728 feet
Wenzhuan, in China, is also very high: 16,467 feet.
(Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_highest_towns_by_country. For heights, check the Wikipedia as well)
If we take the waters to have covered "Mount Ararat", was "the entire earth" covered, then?
The bible was as global a flood as Alexander's conquered world was the actual world and as Roman's world empire was also the world.
Typical genre writing.
Perhaps with the tellin gover time the flood gained in proportion but it proably didn't need to.
We still use exagerrated word play to this day: The sun is so hot I am literally melting, I am freezing my ass off its so freaking cold, Jeez, that guy is older than god, The whole world is in such a mess, all the people that voted for him must be idiots, etc, etc.
It was a miracle ok!
If it can't be answered logically it obviously was a miracle - so stop doubting the bible as there are no contradictions only misunderstanding on the part of unbelievers.
Cultures besides the Hebrew one have a flood "myth" going to around the same time. Something happened.
All this proves is that primitive people in other places had also experienced floods.
...or just that they all come from a single much earlier story?
I didn't know this thread was about Cagefighter defending some ancient text about something that may or may not have happened. I don't believe Forest Gump did all those things but there is still truth in the story. Hell Forest Gump isn't even a real person.
Somethings fall under "the mystery of the faith" and I am ok with that. If you aren't then, that's ok with me too.
You asked how plants would survive the flood. The answer is simple, seeds. Whether they sat inside a seagulls colon and got pooped onto a bunch of floating debris or ET came and took samples on his flying saucer I would not know.