Thank you for your very kind words and wish for peace, dear FF (again, peace to you!). You know, some Jews ARE from Levi - when the tribes split, some of Levi stayed with Rehoboam (who maintained lead over the 2-tribe kingdom of Judah - Judah and Benjamin) and served in the temple. This was because (1) only Levites could serve as priests in the temple at Jerusalem; and (2) in opposition to the arrangement under the Law Covenant, Jeroboam (who took lead over the 10-tribe kingdom of "Israel") started putting in as priests at Bethel anyone he wanted to ... regardless of whether they were of Levi or not. So one who is from Levi (as my husband is)... can most certainly be considered a Jew (tribally, of "Judah").
I do realize that Judaism (and others) do not consider the other 10 tribes to have been lost... but they are not Jews. Again, the other tribes are not Judah, and so not Jews. Most of the other tribes left off worshipping as the Jews did (at the temple and via the temple priesthood) when they were exiled into Assyria, long before the Jews were exiled into Babylon (and it truly was only the Jews... Oholibah... and NOT the others, Oholah... who went into Babylon. The other tribes had been captured long before). Eventually, they settled (for the most part) in Samaria. They came to be known as the "Samaritans." During the time my Lord walked the earth, Jews and Samaritans were lifelong enemies. They had been since the tribes split centuries before (after the death of David, who brought them together). However, through Christ, some moved past this.
While the Samaritan woman at the well was the first to be recorded as being called... my Lord had not yet poured out holy spirit. So, she and her husband simply became "disciples." Cornelius was the first of the non-Jewish Israelites to be CHOSEN... he and his household. He was a "gentile", yes, in that he was NOT a Jew... but of one of the other non-Jewish (i.e., non-Judah, Benjamin, Levi) Israelite tribes. Thus, they are included in "the nations". Perhaps he was from Zebulun, or Issachar, of Ephraim... I don't know. But he was an Israelite, although not a Jew.
Lumping them together in this way (considering all 12 tribes as Jews) is an error many make. The others CAN'T be Jews... because they are not descended FROM Judah (or Benjamin/Levi). My understanding is that it serves to diminish... if not eliminate entirely... the other tribes. Salvation "belongs" to the Jews, yes, in that Messiah is a Jew... from the tribe of Judah (on both sides). But this only depicts fulfillment of Joseph and his brothers: although some of those hated him and wanted to kill him... in the end he is the one who saves THEM. Judah saved Joseph... and, in turn, Joseph saved them all.
Again, I do not mean to be contentious... and I totally understand where you're coming from. But it really is misleading to lump all of the tribes under "Jews." It's inaccurate and leads to host of misunderstandings... about what took place after David's death, what took place and was said during my Lord's day in the flesh... and what will occur and for whom.
I hope this helps... peace to you... and thank you, all, for the short reprieve. Had some tea. Feeling... "manageable", now - LOLOLOL!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,