You make it sound as though a Christian need never read the Bible at all, but that kind of mysticism is dangerous and opens the door for the devil to step in with misinformation when the truth is in black and white before us.
Really. Aren't you giving the Adversary more credit... and power... than the truth, dear JD (peace to you!)? And can you, please, "show" us where the truth "is in black and white before us"? In return, I offer you the following:
"I am... the truth." John 14:6
"You will know the truth and the truth will set you free. ... Therefore, if the SON sets you free you will truly BE free." John 8:32, 36
"Sanctify them by means of the truth; your word is truth."John 17:17
"The word was with God... the word became flesh..." John 1:1, 14
"He has a name... the word of God..."Revelation 19:13
"... that HE might sanctify the people withHIS blood..." Hebrews 13:12
"You search the scriptures because you THINK that by means of THEM you will have life. And these are the ones that bear witness about ME; yet, you do not want to come... to ME... that you may have life." John 5:39, 40
"Come to ME, all you who are toiling and loaded down... and I will refresh you! Matthew 11:28
"If anyone is thirsty let him come to ME and drink! ... just as the SCRIPTURES say: Out from HIS inmost part streams of LIVING water will flow!"John 7:37, 38
BUT... show me, PLEASE... where [in] the Bible says that IT [the Bible] is the truth... OR the word of God. PLEASE. Because everywhere I'VE looked in it... it says CHRIST is the truth... AND the word of God. So, if one needs to LOOK at/to something... would it not be HIM... the "copper serpent" (seraph) that was raised up... and NOTHING else?? John 3:14; Numbers 21:8, 9; Mark 6:16
Believers don't wait for the truth to drop out of the sky,
No, they rely on the anointing with holy spirit that they received (1 John 2:26, 27; John 15:4-6). Through it, God and Christ dwell IN such one... make their abode IN them... they, being the TEMPLE (dwelling place) of God's spirit. That dwelling makes them ONE with God, through Christ... by means of BLOOD. God's blood (holy spirit) and theirs... become one. It is through the blood... which SPEAKS... that they RECEIVE truth... FROM the Truth, Christ.
but they should take "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." Eph. 6:17.
Well, now, let's look at that. Show me, please, where the Bible says that IT is a sword. It does not. It says God's WORD is a two-edged sword. One only has to look at the depiction of him at Revelation 19:15 to know WHO this is speaking of: the Word of God, Christ, who is ALIVE... and exerts POWER. He is not some lame, inactive person sitting around "waiting" for something to happen. He is RULING... even in the midst of his enemies. Which is why there ISN'T a creation that is not manifest to HIS sight, but ALL things naked and openly exposed to HIS eyes. Hebrews 4:12, 13; John 20:18; Luke 24:5, 6
And if you're going to take the tack that the WTBTS takes when attempting to 'splain that part of the [spiritual] "armour" that is "the sword of the spirit, that is, God's word", that, too, is talking about Christ, God's Word... from who comes the "sword of the spirit." What is the "sword"? Truth. what is the truth? Christ. John 14:6 Therefore, the "sword" would be the TRUTH that comes ONLY from Christ... and NO OTHER SOURCE, including the Bible... which truth uncovers, exposes, divides... and conquers.
I don't get the impression that you will look up a single one of these citations, dear JD... but I could be wrong. Would that I am... and you get the sense of these things. You could, however, rather than rely on the Bible and continue walking by SIGHT... ask for, so as to receive, holy spirit... the blood of God... through Christ... by means of which you can walk... by FAITH.
Again, peace to you!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,
SA, who totally cited Romans 11... virtually the entire chapter, so not sure what you're on about, there...