Hi AGuest,
Thanks for your input. It's getting quite late, but I will do my best. My comments in red.
This is what I believe about God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
May I respond to a couple/few things you posted as to your beliefs, dear TS (again, peace to you!) - thank you!
God, Yahweh, is the supreme creator.
Agreed, except His name is not "Yahweh," dear one. That is a phonetical and spelling error. His name has a MEANING. It is "JaHVeH"... pronounced "Yah Veh"... and means, "JAH, who breaths armies (of spirits) into existence/who causes armies (of spirits) to become." He is the MOST Holy One [of Israel, but that's only because of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob]. I won't go into the discrepancy of the spelling this time.
Thanks for the clarification, I did not know this.
Aeons ago he created his only begotten Son.
Not quite. Aeons ago (I discern you read apocrypha?)... He "brought forth" His only-begotten Son. That Son was brought forth from the "womb" of God's "free wife"... "Sarah"... the spirit realm. Her "name" is "Jerusalem Above." He is a SON... because he was beget and BORN... versus created (as all other spirit beings were, which is why they aren't sons - they were not BORN of a/the "woman."). He is called "only-begotten" because he is the only son God had BY that Woman, "Sarah" (Jerusalem Above). God had another son, Adham, by means of "Hagar", the physical realm. She is called "the earth."
Aeons - I meant millions, perhaps billions of years ago, certainly before the time of our physical creation. I am not familiar with what you said about God's free wife - are you referring to Sarah as a spirit being, that is Jerusalem Above? That kind of complicates the issue if you don't mind me saying so.
Now whether that's Son's name was Michael the Archangel, I don't know,
It is not. Michael is one of two angels of the Ark... the "cherubs that were covering." Thus, he is NOT an "archangel" in the sense of a "chief" angel (although he IS a foremost "prince", but that's because he, like others, have been assigned to "principalities"); he is an "arkangel"... in the sense that he was "stationed" ON the "Ark." The other arkangel/cherub... was Belial... the one known you as "Satan" and "Devil."
Thanks for clarification.
but we know that the Jews looked forward to the Messiah coming, at least some did.
I believe Jesus was born from a virgin, Mary, he gave his life for us, then was reanimated to his old position.
Yes. Well... Jah eShua... the One whom comes in the name of JAH, yes. I won't go into the "Jesus" discussion here, either.
He then became known as Jesus Christ.
Ummmm... no, dear one. He was known as "Jah Eshua, the Chosen One (anointed/christ/mischaJah) prior to returning to his position. His disciples knew him as such. Some even told others, "We have found the messiah (mischaJah)." Gabriel told Mary/Joseph what he was to be named ("Jah eShua", in English "Joshua"... meaning "Jah Saves/Salvation of Jah")... and so his friends, neighbors, and siblings knew this name. They later knew him as the "Chosen One"... which is what anointed ones were called. He was anointed when he came up from the Jordan. John the Baptizer identified him as such and from that time he became the "christ"... or "kristos" in Greek... which means "anointed/chosen".
The Holy Spirit is God's energy, and with it He can make his presence felt anywhere in the universe.
Not quite, dear one. [The Holy Spirit] is Christ. However, "holy spirit" is God's "energy," yes... in that it is HIS life force/source - His blood, breath, and semen (seed). It can take the form of any or all of these, depending on the purpose/need. Since it is GOD's blood/breath/semen, however, and God is a spirit... it is invisible. It can be HEARD, though, and felt (hence, the "wind", "breeze," etc.).
The PROBLEM is that people mix the two up because of the similarity of words: "holy spirit." What they don't understand (and I cannot fathom why, given the plethora of words in English that are similar/spelled the same but mean entirely different things)... is that Christ is a spirit... and he is holy (indeed, the Holy One of Israel)... thus, The Holy Spirit... but that God's life force/source... His ESSENCE... is spirit, because HE is a spirit... and because it is HIS... and HE is holy... that life force/source/essence... HIS "spirit"... is holy, too. Thus, there is holy spirit... and there is The Holy Spirit.
Agreed here. There are many different ways to understand the vernacular "holy spirit"
As for the defintion of "spirit" there are so many interpretations.
Yes, there is...
For instance, I can tell someone, I can't be there in person, but I am "with you in spirit" - it's a saying, that I can't be there with you, but know that I wish to be.
Then there's spirits, life forms which inhabit the heavens.
The Bible talks about a lying spirit and the spirit that "now operates in the sons of disobedience."
So it's difficult to know exactly what Paul meant at times when he makes reference to "spirit"
It's actually not difficult at all, in light of the other verses I shared. It's even LESS difficult... if one stops relying on one's OWN understanding and interpretation... as well as that of others (who really don't know any more than one does)... and just go TO that Spirit! What is UP with people not wanting to DO that?? I truly do not know... other than they actually BELIEVE the liars... the ones who've misled them so far... so as to believe them when they say one cannot speak to Christ... or that HE speaks to ones. That is a lie. Which is what we should expect from them (liars), yes?
Dear TS... and to all you who are listening... ask yourselves: it is better to drink "water" DOWN river... once it's passed through the forest, over hill and dale, through creek and pond... into and out of villages and factories... then into the "city"... were it picks up huge amounts of sewage and/or is so "treated" that all beneficial "nutrients" are wiped out?
Or... it is better to drink at the SOURCE, where the water is clean, fresh, without taint or pollution... and hasn't been subject to "treatment"?
At the source
If you believe the latter is better, then why not "listen" to Christ's words when HE says:
"All you who are thirsting... COME TO ME... and DRINK!" John 7:37
Why not drink LIVING "water"... instead of the "dead" stuff? Why not drink "water" that has life IN it... that can give YOU life... rather than water that has absolutely NO value at all, indeed may even be POISONED?
Goodness, if someone had shared half of what I am permitted to share here with you with ME... I would have run like a shot out of a gun... to find this "water". Nothing... and no one... would have stopped me or gotten in my way.
What's in YOUR "way"? I can think of nothing... but yourselves.
Again, peace to you, truly... and may any who wish be given ears, so that you, too, hear... when the Spirit (Christ) and the Bride (New Jerusalem) say to YOU:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,