Clearly the partisans are speaking here, but no one is talking about the things that can help an Obama landslide.
1) Romney will not get the Christian right out to vote. They will turn out in less numbers then they did in 08 for McCain and the bimbo. While I doubt Obama will get out his voters as much as he did in 08, I predict he will get more of his people out to vote than the GOP will in '12.
2) A big point would be an economic recovery of sorts. If there is an upswing that continues, I doubt the center (sway) voter bloc will go to Romney.
3) Don't underestimate how poorly the GOP run house did in 2011, creating a political pinata that will give all through 2012 for the Democrats. Will Romney be able to draw support from the House, which is clearly hijacked by the far right of the GOP? I don't think that is a recipie for success. He may have to run against the Tea Party to move to the center, and that will line things up well for Obama.
4) It is way too early to see how Ohio and PA will do. Obama hasn't given up on any state. If anything, I infer that he has been playing chess, giving the fringe right enough rope to hang themselves, which they have done.
I will definitely consider Romney if he runs. I am undecided if he is in the race. Any of the other players in the GOP field will not get my vote and I will vote for Obama.
I'm not losing any sleep over this, that's for sure.