Ahhh Santorum....that sweater vest has such an allure. I am not sure what I like better, his comparing gays to bestiality, or his stance on being against birth control. I do know that his inability to get reelected as a Senator in a swing state (PA) will make him a shoe in to beat Obama.
Who Do You Say Will Be The Republican Nominee For President & Will Obama Lose?
by minimus 128 Replies latest jw friends
It is still going to be Romney for the nomination.
It is still going to be a nasty, dirty-political, pre-election fight - and cannot be called better than 50/50 right now.
I am totally against gay bashing and think gays need equal protection under the law.
However, the economy and our national debt are more pressing problems then gay rights. Gays can, if they understand contracts, wills, probate, etc. be able to get around the roadblocks to their equality problem. I'm not saying this is ideal, but our National Debt & poor economy is going to hurt us ALL collectively. I don't think Obama is able to fix it. His handling of Solyndra, and now the pipeline, shutting down Gulf oil, to the SC plant not being able to be opened, just shows what a complete inept businessman Obama really is..... and now, he wants how many more trillion?
His handling of Solyndra, and now the pipeline, shutting down Gulf oil, to the SC plant not being able to be opened, just shows what a complete inept businessman Obama really is..... and now, he wants how many more trillion?
There was a spot on the TV business news this morning that says somebody in the admin is trying to restart Solyndra!
When Mitt's Off-shore money is revealed will that tip the voters against him.
When Mitt's Off-shore money is revealed will that tip the voters against him.
Why? It never hurt the Kennedys or John Kerry.
It would only hurt Mr. Romney, if it is revealed that he DID NOT pay his taxes on it.....UBS?
When Mitt's Off-shore money is revealed will that tip the voters against him.
Unless Romney did something illegal, I have no problem with it. You'd have to be stupid to not try to shelter your assets from FedGov raiding. Even Barry's bosom buddies Buffet and Immelt know and do that. Kerry keeps the yacht his ketchup queen bought him out of state to avoid the tax hit.
I think Santorum is the most unelectable of the bunch. Id pink Newt over him. But I do see Obama as getting 4 more years.
Romney, which will result in 4 more years of Obama.