Welfare Queen Asks For Too Much

by Bangalore 170 Replies latest jw friends

  • Berengaria

    You folks should be for GREATER oversight and protection of what the government disburses, not less.

    We are for greater oversight. If the right would stop using government employees as scapegoats/talking points maybe we would have it.

  • Berengaria
    You people laugh but these people get to vote just like those of us that pay for all of it. And they vote to reach in your wallet deeper.

    You have absolutely no idea what the financial situation of the people in those pictures is.

  • NewChapter

    So many teenaged girls are getting pregnant.

    Teen pregnacy has been declining since 1990.

    There is a reason why Haiti is Haiti

    And the reason Haiti is Haiti goes back to colonialism when the French insitituted their language as the official language, while the natives still only learned creole. They didn't bother to teach this language to the peasants. Mullatos (that is what they call them, a mix with European blood) got to learn though. This set up a class system, where the common people cannot people can't get an education, (university is taught in French) can't learn french (do you think they are educating the children), and are completely disempowered when it comes to politics, business and the judicial system. The majority--the rural peasantry--depend on subsistence farming, but massive deforestation has destroyed their means of feeding themselves. They have had nothing but politcial turmoil, where the focus was on individual prosperity with no regard to societal good. Their staple pig population was devastated by disease. American bred pigs were unable to survive in Haiti.

    Once rural people have been forced (by deforestation) into the cities where they live in unhealthy, dirty conditions unable to find work. One percent of their population controls half their wealth. The wealth gap is huge there.

    I know it feels good to blame the poor for being poor---but there are circumstances that the best cannot overcome. Now I am off to take my exam, thank you for letting me review Haiti and to point out your fallacy, it will be on my exam.


  • skeeter1

    The other reason people in Haiti are in poverty is because there are TOO MANY people and NOT ENOUGH resources to go around. I checked, and, thankfully, the birth rate is plummeting in the 2000's there. In the 60s, 70s, and 80s, the birth rate was out of control. Population overload gets compounded as the chidren, have children, who have children, who have children . . . to the point where if there is one chicken or one tree - it's cut down. Resources are not enough. I've been in the Carribean, and these islands can not support many, many, many people living on them. In neighboring island of the Bahamas, the Bahamians are now noting the super high Haitian birth rate.



    Now, even if you have no money whatsoever in the bank, you can still have a full belly and a decent place to sleep. . . . if you have the natural resources to partake. Ever feel the contenment of a full freezer of deer meat? That can only come if you are not overrunning the land. Got to keep populations under control. God said to fill the earth, not overfill it.

    You are right on the birth rates for teenaged mothers. We are back to 1950's levels. It just doesn't feel like it in my family.

    NOTES: Data for 2009 are preliminary. Access data table for Figure 1 .
    SOURCE: CDC/NCHS, National Vital Statistics System.

  • sammielee24

    One has to ask - who is worth less from a moral, compassionate and ethical standpoint?

    The person who posts pictures of women they decide are inferior, simply because of the way they look and who they imply are welfare 'queens' or the person in the picture who has to endure the full brunt of those 'superior' beings who put them down at every turn by making fun of them, assuming they are something they might not be and otherwise trashing them without any reason?

    I'd say the latter.

    For any person that has been disfigured in their life (myself) who has been impoverished, who was different - they understand the cruelties of a society where people exalt themselves to a level of superiority because they wish to avoid their own weaknesses by pretending they are 'better'.

    I have seen this behavior over and over again and it never fails to repulse me. sammies

    ...on the issue of welfare however, yes, there is abuse - but welfare exists on all levels and is seen every day in the justice meted out on the poor vs the rich. The wealthy can afford to delay justice or make the penalty soft - that's welfare accorded to them but in a society that encourages greed and equates success with wealth, it is far easier to point at the bottom who need welfare money to survive than it is to point the finger at the welfare abuse on the top where money is not needed to survive, but to continue to profit and live richly at the expense of every one else.


    A welfare queen is a pejorative phrase used in the United States to describe people who are accused of collecting excessive welfare payments through fraud or manipulation. Reporting on welfare fraud began during the early 1960s, appearing in general interest magazines such as Readers Digest. The term entered the American lexicon during Ronald Reagan's 1976 presidential campaign when he described a "welfare queen" from Chicago's South Side. [1]

    Since then, it has become a stigmatizing label placed on recidivist poor mothers, with studies showing that it often carries gendered and racial connotations. [2] [3] Although American women can no longer stay on welfare indefinitely due to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Act, the term continues to shape American dialogue on poverty. [3]

  • BizzyBee
    Why did this woman produce 15 kids when she does not have enough money to provide for their needs?

    Psychology 101. Locus of control:

    Locus of control is a theory in personality psychology referring to the extent to which individuals believe that they can control events that affect them.

    One's "locus" (Latin for "place" or "location") can either be internal (meaning the person believes that they control their life) or external (meaning they believe that their environment, some higher power, or other people control their decisions and their life).

    Individuals with a high internal locus of control believe that events result primarily from their own behavior and actions. For example, if a person with internal loci of control does not perform as well as they wanted to on a test, they would blame it on lack of preparedness on their part. Or if they performed well on a test, then they would think that it was because they studied enough. [ 1 ] Those with a high external locus of control believe that powerful others, fate, or chance primarily determine events. Using the test performance example again, if a person with external loci of control does poorly on a test, they would blame the test questions being too difficult. Whereas if they performed well on a test, they would think the teacher was being lenient, or that they were lucky. [ 2 ]

    Those with a high internal locus of control have better control of their behavior, tend to exhibit more political behaviors, and are more likely to attempt to influence other people than those with a high external (or low internal respectively) locus of control. Those with a high internal locus of control are more likely to assume that their efforts will be successful. They are more active in seeking information and knowledge concerning their situation.


    Deferred gratification and delayed gratification denote a person’s ability to wait in order to obtain something that he or she wants. This intellectual attribute is also called impulse control, will power, self control, and “low” time preference, in economics. Sociologically, good impulse control is considered a positive personality trait, which psychologist Daniel Goleman indicated as an important component trait of emotional intelligence. Moreover, people who lack the psychological trait of being able to delay gratification are said to require instant gratification and might suffer poor impulse control.

  • skeeter1

    So, we all say something positive about the women . .. I noticed a few of the women were breastfeeding their children. That's a good thing. But, it looked a little photoshopped to me. Plus, isn't it more "normal" to breastfeed by pulling one's shirt up, (i.e. not down)?

  • sammielee24

    I'd say the latter


    Edit too late. Sorry. Meant - the former are worth less - the latter have to face their critics and challenges every day - the former hide behind their own low self esteem and point the fingers, hoping to raise their stature from zero to ten by demeaning others. sammies

  • AGuest
    who is worth less from a moral, compassionate and ethical standpoint? The person who posts pictures of women they decide are inferior, simply because of the way they look and who they imply are welfare 'queens' or the person in the picture who has to endure the full brunt of those 'superior' beings who put them down at every turn by making fun of them, assuming they are something they might not be and otherwise trashing them without any reason? I'd say the latter.

    Now, see, I would say the former, dear Sammie (peace to you!). The person "who posts pictures of women they decide are inferior, simply because of the way they look and who they imply are welfare 'queens'. To me, those are the people of LESS worth... by means of their own judging of others in such a way. Especially any of those who claim to believe in God (which I doubt)... because the Most Holy One of Israel does not see what is on the outside (and perhaps we ALL should be thankful for THAT!)... but what's on the INSIDE (which some of us should probably be a bit more ashamed of).

    This whole topic saddens me. Many of us here were "judged" wrongly... because we were JWs. Some of are being judged wrongly, still... BY JWs. We KNOW what it's like to have others ASSUME as to what we "are," yet, who have NO idea whatsoever. I just don't get it. I don't get that, rather than being GRATEFUL that our lives are not as the lives of these appear to be... we actually have a problem with them. When there are people out there who have problems with OUR lives and how WE live them. C'mon... most of here are considered DUNG to JWs! Yet, we actually have the audacity to think we're "better" than someone else on this planet?

    THEN... we have a problem with the POOR... and deign to try and explain why they "shouldn't" be... with absolutely NO understanding of how class systems work... and why. Why are there poor in, say, India? Africa? China? Chile? Haiti? Missi-frickin'-ssippi? Because... there are rich. You can't HAVE rich... if you don't have POOR. Simple MATH. Someone's gotta be on the bottom... or you have no TOP. They don't get that there are all kinds of variables in place that "create" the poor.

    For the women in these images... and more than likely the woman at issue... LOW SELF-ESTEEM is probably at the top of the ladder. We live in a society where external beauty is SUCH an issue. What, though, are women who are NOT [physically] attractive to do? Lay down and die? (And trust me, given the comments made by some... and particularly the media... that IS often the suggestion!) Or lay down and believe, if even for one second, they are actually "desirable" to some man?

    The resultant pregnancy? That is only (1) "proof" that someone DID "love" them, if even for a moment, and (2) someone TO "love" them, later. Because, for women who don't know love otherwise, children often "fill" that void. Or are supposed to. Either parents (which, for these, was probably NOT the case)... or children. These are "supposed" to love us... no matter HOW unattractive we are. And, when they're very young, children DO! THEY don't care what "Mommy" looks like! In addition, their "need" for "us" is often translated by such women as love.

    You have to know these people... to understand them... and I am willing bet my right arm, most who've commented quite heinously... don't. Or do, indeed, even love such a woman, but wickedly and hypocritically want US to believe they don't.

    People... are people. I've had the privilege of rubbing elbows with all kinds... from the top to the bottom, from the bottom to the top. And... they're just people... eveyone one of them trying to just get through life... however "life" happens to be for THEM. Some are more motivated, some less. Some are healthier, some not so much. Some are financially well of, others aren't. So what?

    The worse thing for a parent who hates homosexuals? A homosexual child. The worse thing for a parent who despises "the world"? A "wordly" child. The worse thing for people who disdain such women? Children/grandchildren who turn out to be "just like" these women... or the men who father their children.

    I'm telling you, dear ones... some here better learn the TRUTH of the saying "There but for the grace of God... go I." Learn it... and carry it forward: "Go I... or MY child(ren)... or someone I love." Because a LOT of these are the CHILDREN... or were/are the parents... of ones who thought just like you.

    Again, peace to you... and stop judging, so that perhaps YOU are not so judged, as well.

    A slave of Christ,


  • NewChapter

    The other reason people in Haiti are in poverty is because there are TOO MANY people and NOT ENOUGH resources to go around. I checked, and, thankfully, the birth rate is plummeting in the 2000's there.

    No Skeeter, you are wrong. There are plenty of resources to go around, and also plenty to make some segments of the population quite rich. I know your answer to poverty is the poor simply quit breeding to the point of extinction, thereby freeing up the few resources they did control for the rich, but this has got to be the most insulting thing I have ever read. The reality in Haiti is the upper 1% keeps the population disenfranchised everyone else, has destroyed their farmland, and gives them no political, economic or judicial power and your answer is they should simply cease to exist. They should accept the imbalance in power and quit having children, quit structuring families, just throw it all in. They should cease living any kind of worthwhile life. It's their own fault they are poor, even though they have been made ariticially poor by a system that favored profit over social concerns.

    It is fully a conservative fairytale to take an incredibly complex problem, break it down to the most ridiculous point, and above all, blame the victims of a system that was designed to abuse people and concentrate wealth and power, and then to ask those victims to please go extinct now.

    Yeah Skeeter---dump some condems on Haiti. That should fix all their problems. No wonder conservatives hate education so much. It forces one to look at complexities and realities and blows holes in their fallacies.


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