it is rare when one of these debates make me feel as sick at heart as this one has.
Me, too... and it made me feel the same way! Which is why I have commented as I have. I totally understand that some... many... don't know. I get that, and I don't take issue with them. But when ones post as if they do... and say such things (i.e., that condoms are the solution!)... I just go, "Wow." ESPECIALLY when it's said of a place like Haiti. HAITI?? Given its political history? (vs. China, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Brazil, etc. I mean, what's THEIR excuse? Their populations (and poverty) are off the charts... IN SPITE of the first four's attempt to wipe out FEMALES. All of these (except maybe Bangladesh) have money. BIG money. Why do they have POOR? They also have fairly decent education systems; yet, why isn't everyone THERE practicing "safe sex"? Why don't "we" have a problem with THEIR poor populations and have similar "solutions" to offer?). No, no, Haiti is nothing more than a country of dark people who WANT to live the way they do. Funny, the Dominican Republic is right next door... yet, its people don't have the same problem(s)...
I know, girl, I know. Blows the mind. Paradigms are a funny thing, aren't they?
But... we get more accomplished educating folks as to these things, do we not? I mean, so long as they want to BE educated (which isn't always the case!), of course.
Hold it together, sistah... hold it together - LOLOLOL!
YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,