Welfare Queen Asks For Too Much
by Bangalore 170 Replies latest jw friends
I always try and dress well when I go to Walmart. Dear gawd I'd hate to end up on that website. I know we laugh at it but I think it is cruel.
big old DITTO on what is said below.
NC, I think he is one of them. Self hate is a sad thing.
Why can't welfare benefits be contingent on using birthcontrol if there is no religious problem.
I think the Constitution's fundamental rights/right to privacy provisions regarding the right to marry (and, by default, NOT marry)... and use contraception (and, again, by default, NOT use it)... would play a part here, dear BOTR (peace to you!). When you start messin' with people's "fundamental" rights you get... what... laws prohibiting interracial and same sex marriage. These really are 'right to privacy' issues, are they not? Start messing with them and we might end up like China (where a little girl can be trampled in the subway, with no one stopping to help because... well, she's a girl and a BURDEN)... or like India (where little girls are routinely aborted because... well, they're girls and so a BURDEN... which is now leaving the little boys with no one to marry when they grow up - LOLOLOLOL!).
I mean, are we REALLY a country that wants to say, "Well, if you make THIS much you can have up to THESE many children, but if you don't... you can't have but one, maybe two... or none"? I mean, why not take care of the women and children - we have NO problem taking care of the men. Heck, we provide 3 meals, a bed, clothes... and at least one hour a day of exercise for THEM. And they don't pay a DIME (not even for their own children, sometimes).
I am a bit confused, though: first, who SAYS these women are all on welfare? How they LOOK? Are you SURE? 'Cause I'm not so sure. Looks like they COULD be, yes... but how the heck do I know? 'Cause they shop at Wal-Mart? Well, let me clue some 'o youse in: I shop at Wal-Mart. I LOVE Wal-Mart. First, because I save money there. Sorry... but it's true. Second, because my husband was the Legal Assistant to Wal-Mart's northern California land use attorney, who is a LOVELY lady (she also represents Loew's, Home Depot, and Wells Fargo).
And, second... where are all of the pix of the DEADBEAT dads... you now, who impregnate these women... then ride off into the sunset, some to other, more affluent lives? What, can't tell who THEY are... by how THEY look?
Third, why is "Eve" ALWAYS to blame? Heck, SHE was duped. What's "Adam's" excuse? Rape? "She MADE me bonk her!"?
C'mon... climb on back down off yer high horses. Women don't get pregnant all by their lonesomes. Someone had to "donate" that sperm and I don't think Medicare covers in vitro. Why aren't "we" going after HIM/THEM with pitchforks and torches, here?
Sheesh... I mean... well... sheesh.
A slave of Christ,
I am a bit confused, though: first, who SAYS these women are all on welfare? How they LOOK? Are you SURE? 'Cause I'm not so sure. Looks like they COULD be, yes... but how the heck do I know? 'Cause they shop at Wal-Mart? Well, let me clue some 'o youse in: I shop at Wal-Mart. I LOVE Wal-Mart.
Just what I wanted to say when looking at all those pics. I shop at wal-mart too... for the price and because its a convenient one-stop shop. (hate the line-ups, but I also hate going from one store to another to another when I can get it all in one place!)
No one on this thread is against fraud, Burns.
Well, I am.
Now what would BTS call this? Oh yeah---STRAW MAN. Not one person on this thread has argued in favor of fraud, and yet you act like that is the argument.
There is no straw man in my comment. I did not act like anything. As usual, you argue past what is written. You do this very often, and it makes it very difficult to have a discussion with you, which is a shame. You seem very intelligent otherwise.
No one on this thread is against fraud, Burns.
Well, I am.
Lol. I went back and corrected that, but I guess my edit didn't go through.
Makes sense.
I am a bit confused, though: first, who SAYS these women are all on welfare? How they LOOK? Are you SURE? 'Cause I'm not so sure.
Nobody says they are all on welfare Shelby. It's typical Dude. He just found a website with a bunch of pictures that someone did of walmart shoppers, and used to reinforce his prejudice against the poor---no need to be accurate and complete. He just seeks to inflame, he never really makes any point.