Certain countries are still giving them good growth. They are the countries that do NOT have high internet connectivity.
2011 Watchtower publisher statistics with analysis
by jwfacts 220 Replies latest watchtower bible
Could you imagine if they put that much work into something useful instead of knocking on empty doors? I would be curious to see how much time is actually spent talking to people and not driving to/from the coffee shop or walking to empty houses.
"Auxiliary pioneers up by 60% - is that right?
Looks like it at first glance, the way the WTS presents it. Actually, Avg. Aux. Pio. 'decreased' by 14.8%. At least, the '50-hr' Auxs. 'decreased' that much.
According to the 2012 Yearbook,(page 5 & 7), there were 2,657,377 worldwide 30-hr aux. last April.
(My calculation:
466,911 Avg Auxs x 12mos = 5,602,932(combined aux 30 & 50 hr auxs for year) minus 2,657,377 for 30 hr aux = 2,945,555 for 50-hr aux. The 2,945,555 divided by 12 = 245,463 Avg. 50 hr aux pio per monthfor 2011. In 2010, Av Aux was 287,960. Thus, 14.8% decrease for actual 50-hr aux.
The WTS also skewed the U.S. as increased to 3%. Hawaii now is included with the U.S. branch. So, at least according to their Service Report numbers, the increase was actualy 1.9%, but since the Service Report rounds up, then it should be 2%, but not 3%. 2010 Service Report showed U.S. AV pubs 1,115,786 and Hawaii was 8,531. This would total to 1,124,317. 2011 Service Report shows now 1,145,723Av. pubs. Thus, increase, in fact at 1.9%.
Just downloaded the book. . . Whenever I read these stats, anything considered less than 1% growth is really negative growth as it does not even compensate for the avg birth rate. Let's hear it for the 1%!!
Great point, 1% is really not growth as it means they are loosing numbers faster than they can reproduce.
Could you imagine if they put that much work into something useful instead of knocking on empty doors? I would be curious to see how much time is actually spent talking to people and not driving to/from the coffee shop or walking to empty houses.
Another good point. Imagine if they used the time to run charities and support the poor. By doing something meaningful they would probably find it resulted in as much growth through the positive image it would create.
USA- Thus, increase, in fact at 1.9%
That is very heartening to see. I was really disappointed when I saw 3% growth, and it is nice to know that is a fudged figure and the US is barely keeping its growth above population growth.
I haven't seen the report yet but I think that the Bahamas and the Turks Caicos have been assimilated into the us branch. Siam
Bahamas (1% increase) and Turks and Caicos (16% increase) are still individually listed on Service Report
don't be too discouraged by the baptism figure. It is a DECREASE compared to the 2010 report. 294,368 were baptized that year or 806 per day.
JW FACTS- Thanks for all the info.
yadda yadda 2
The large increase in the number of hours preaching to get one baptised person also strongly indicates that many more JW's are simply putting in a token, perfunctory effort preaching. More are just doing the bare minimum to get some time reported while less are actually trying to get people into bible studies.
The Scotsman
Thanks JWfacts - very informative.
Surely the Borg will need to change the whole "anointed" and "partakers" situation!
I am not sure when it was last at 11,824 but there must be at least some publishers scratching there head about this in wonderment!
The Scotsman
Room 215
" The 5.4% increase in Bible Studies is pretty big. I would be interested in a graph showing the increase in reported Bible Studies in recent years."
It would seem that at least part of this may be attributable to the startup of "Family Worship Night," for which parents can count the studies with their children.