Without wanting to rehash all of the points of view previously mentioned, and just focus on the original question.. yes, I still believe in God. I tried another religion for a few months after leaving JWs, mostly for the social interactions I think... but it just wasn't for me. Still, I couldn't deny that there is something... God.. Divine influence... Karmic balance... that exists in life. I also believe, as a mere human being, the exact nature of it is out of the realm of my understanding, like color to a blind person.
I don't believe God is cruel or vengeful, I don't believe he's interested in punishing the people who don't believe in his methodology, nor do I believe he will punish those who don't find the One True Way man purports.
However, I do believe that the Bible is a sacred text, inspired by God, but I do not believe it is the only one. There is truth and spirituality to be found around the world in various cultures, and not JUST in the Western civilization's choice.
I also believe that spirituality should be the true pursuit of man, not religion. Religion is just a path in which humans try to help other humans find spirituality... but unfortunately, since religion is run by humans, its often bogged down with ceremony, ritual, dogma, and other distractions. Men find the power in leading religiously, and as the old quote said, "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." So for me, I'm just not interested in religion as a whole.... its fine for others, just not my thing.
What I did find comforting was studying Buddhist philosophy... it was like getting a second opinion on life or something.
To each their own, but I believe spirituality... the goodness of man, the reflection of God's image... is in every person if they seek it and pursue it in their lives.